The Marco Polo is a very fine ship,
Fastest on the sea.
On Australia’s strand we soon will land,
Bully Forbes he can look for me.
Gonna jump this ship in Melbourne town,
And go a digging gold.
There’s a fortune found underneath the ground,
Where the eucalyptus grows.
Marco Polo, fastest on the sea,
Marco Polo, fastest on the sea.
The Blackball owner, Mr. Baines,
Said to Bully Forbes one day.
“It’s up to you to keep your crew
When the gold calls them away.”
Said Bully Forbes to Mr. Baines,
“I have a plan so fine”.
Leave it to me and then you’ll agree
I’m the king of the Blackball Line”
Marco Polo, fastest on the sea,
Marco Polo, fastest on the sea.
When we reached Australia’s shore.
Bully Forbes he declared, “There’s scurvy”
There’s a quarantine law, and you can not go ashore,
“Until we reach the Mersey”
Now we lie in Salthouse dock,
I’ll go to sea no more, sir.
I’ve done me time on the Blackball Line,
And Captain Bully Forbes, sir.
Marco Polo, fastest on the sea,
Marco Polo, fastest on the sea.