Abbott, Edward 9 June 1895 65 years Carter 268 Beaufort Street 3859 76898 F Right 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Achmet, Male 8 May 1895 23 years - Royal Southern Hospital 3852 76757 8 370 352 CEM 9/1/16
Adams, Agnes 13 March 1895 74 years Wife 91 Upper Parliament Street 3839 76498 K 888 352 CEM 9/1/16
Adamson, Elizabeth 17 February 1895 50 years - 5 court Rankin Street 3828 76267 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Adamson, John 4 August 1895 40 years - 47 High Park Street 3874 77186 1 25 352 CEM 9/1/16
Adamson, Robert 21 March 1895 54 years - Workhouse 3842 76559 8 329 352 CEM 9/1/16
Aggott, Walter 16 May 1895 2 years Infant 17 Geraint Street 3854 76792 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Albiston, John 9 March 1895 16 months Infant 26 Thornton Place 3837 76453 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Allanach, William 10 September 1895 8 months Infant 23 Royden Street 3883 77367 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Allday, Frances Helena 3 November 1895 3 years Infant 7 Cullen Street Toxteth Park 3896 77622 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Allen, Esther 31 July 1895 44 years - Workhouse, Toxteth Park 3874 77183 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Allen, Richard Leigh 16 June 1895 20 months Infant 47 Lodge Lane 3861 76931 8 296 352 CEM 9/1/16
Allen, Robert 10 February 1895 35 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3826 76223 8 322 352 CEM 9/1/16
Allen, Sarah Elizabeth 27 October 1895 26 years - 20 Sedley Street Walton 3894 77584 A Right 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Allen, William 23 May 1895 54 years - 10 Toxteth Street 3856 76821 8 376 352 CEM 9/1/16
Allinson, Mary 21 August 1895 63 years Widow 126 Canning Street Mount Pleasant 3878 77274 T 663 352 CEM 9/1/16
Almond, Mary 28 January 1895 47 years - 16 Dix Street 3823 76163 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Alstead, Jessie 9 January 1895 65 years - Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3818 76075 7 488 352 CEM 9/1/16
Anderson, Charles 27 February 1895 69 years - 5 Gwendoline Street 3832 76358 8 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Anderson, Elizabeth M 28 July 1895 15 years Spinster 6 Princes View 3872 77161 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Anderson, Florence 8 October 1895 3 months Infant 28 Harlow Street 3889 77491 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Anderson, George Holland 7 July 1895 8 months Infant 6 Princes View 3867 77042 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Anderson, Lily 3 November 1895 3 months Infant 30 Woodruff Street 3895 77610 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Anderson, Louisa 7 July 1895 7 months Infant 21 Chapman Street 3867 77044 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Andrew, Dorothy 8 October 1895 10 weeks Infant 13 Pecksniff Street 3889 77490 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Angers, Elizabeth 4 September 1895 6 months Infant 3 court  Bessemar Street 3881 77338 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Archer, Emilie Gladys 26 June 1895 14 months Infant 36 Gilroy Road 3863 76978 C Left  454 352 CEM 9/1/16
Archer, Gladys May 27 May 1895 12 months Infant 8 Alt Street 3857 76846 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Archer, Herbert Joseph 20 October 1895 15 months Infant 23 Fair View Place 3892 77549 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Armatrading, Mary H 20 February 1895 56 years - Liverpool Convalescent Hospital   Much Woolton 3830 76302 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Armstrong, Fanny 7 November 1895 61 years - 94 South Street 3897 77643 6 230 352 CEM 9/1/16
Armstrong, Jane 6 July 1895 73 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3866 77037 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Armstrong, John Hy 27 May 1895 35 years - Royal Southern Hospital 3856 76840 8 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Armstrong, William 10 November 1895 2 years Infant Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3898 77669 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Arthur, Frederick William 5 February 1895 27 years Accountant 382 Edge Lane 3824 76196 D Left 291 352 CEM 9/1/16
Arton, Isabella Roan 14 February 1895 37 years Wife 64 Claypole Street 3827 76243 D Left 246 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ashcroft, Elizabeth 1 September 1895 3 months Infant 18 Mann Street 3881 77327 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ashley, Eliza 16 June 1895 2¼ years Infant 30 Prince William Street 3861 76936 8 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ashton, James 21 April 1895 2 years Infant 66 Handel Street 3849 76683 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Aspinall, Gladys Mary   (HS) 17 August 1895 15 months Infant 27 Linacre Road Litherland 3877 77256 A Left 290 352 CEM 9/1/16
Aspinall, Isaac 13 March 1895 64 years Labourer Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3839 76495 8 321 352 CEM 9/1/16
Asplet, Abraham   (HS) 9 January 1895 68 years Mariner 66 Carter Street 3818 76074 A Left 119 352 CEM 9/1/16
Assherton, William Jas 26 April 1895 10 months Infant 58 Windsor Street 3850 76705 A Right 110 352 CEM 9/1/16
Aston, Edith Emily 1 June 1895 2½ years Infant 25 Lothian Street 3859 76882 8 374 352 CEM 9/1/16
Aston, Samuel 24 November 1895 6 weeks Infant 38 Miles Street 3902 77748 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Atherton, Alice 27 October 1895 62 years - 125 Beaufort Street 3894 77586 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Atherton, Elizabeth 20 February 1895 62 years - 190 Upper Mann Street 3828 76280 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Atherton, Elizabeth A 10 March 1895 42 years - 9 Grampian Rd 3838 76464 F Left 505 352 CEM 9/1/16
Atherton, Mary 24 January 1895 77 years - 96 Warwick Street 3822 76155 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Atkin, Joseph J 18 January 1895 30 months Infant City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3820 76118 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Atkins, James 9 July 1895 2 years Infant 205 Mann Street 3867 77050 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Atkinson, George James 15 June 1895 56 years Town Clerk 69 Deane Road 3861 76929 K 1018a 352 CEM 9/1/16
Atrilla, (Un-named) 31 January 1895 35 years Sailor Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3823 76180 8 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Aylesbury, Amelia Patience 3 July 1895 66 years - 96 Upper Parliament Street 3865 77018 D Right 283 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ayre, James 15 May 1895 58 years - - 3854 76785 O 162 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ayre, Jessie 23 July 1895 4 months Infant 20 Cleveland Buildings 3872 77144 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Backhouse, Ann 20 July 1895 55 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3870 77119 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Backhouse, John Reginald 27 April 1895 2 years Infant 110 Falkner Street 3850 76711 8 98 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bailey, Arthur Herbert 17 January 1895 4 months Infant 69 Cockburn Street 3820 76103 7 81 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bailey, Mary 26 November 1895 50 years - 46 Menzie Street 3902 77752 1 87 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bailey, Sarah Ellen 19 August 1895 5 years Infant City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3878 77271 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Baker, Elizabeth 20 April 1895 68 years Widow Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3849 76684 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Baker, Reginald 18 August 1895 4 months Infant 69 Admiral Street Toxteth Park 3877 77259 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Baldwin, Caroline 13 March 1895 65 years Wife 52 Houghton Street 3840 76504 F Right 151 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ballantine, Elizabeth 11 August 1895 6 weeks Infant 18 Rockbrook Street 3875 77213 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ballard, Margaret 25 April 1895 7 months Infant 45 Haliburton Street 3850 76703 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Balme. Jane 6 November 1895 67 years Widow 25 Fernhill Street 3896 77632 O 6 352 CEM 9/1/16
Banester, Harriet 24 August 1895 9 months Infant 106 Tagus Street Toxteth Park 3879 77283 C Right 445 352 CEM 9/1/16
Banister, Rebecca Emma    (HS) 28 February 1895 77 years Widow 44 Rossett Road   Great Crosby 3833 76372 B Left 728 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barker, Richard James 16 February 1895 56 years - 86 Clevedon Street 3827 76256 7 545 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barker, Thomas 18 February 1895 52 years Tailor 10 Longville Street 3828 76271 8 324 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barley, Elvina 8 June 1895 21 years - 59 Handel Street 3860 76905 8 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barlow, Annie 27 October 1895 6 months Infant 70 Liffey Street 3894 77587 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barlow, Elizabeth 10 November 1895 16 months Infant 4 Frank Street 3898 77674 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barnes, Ellen 8 January 1895 12 days Infant 4 Gwendoline Street 3818 76071 8 291 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barnes, Frederick John H 2 February 1895 5 years Infant 44 Milroy Street 3824 76189 A Left 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barnes, George 22 June 1895 62 years - 32 Elaine Street 3862 76959 7 80 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barnes, John 12 February 1895 52 years - 9 Spring Street 3826 76231 8 322 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barnett, Elizabeth Jane 7 March 1895 2 years Infant Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3837 76447 8 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barrett, Fanny Rebecca 21 April 1895 17 months Infant 15 Collins Street 3849 76682 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barron, Mary Alice 18 July 1895 6 weeks Infant Childrens Infirmary Mount Pleasant 3870 77109 8 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barrow, William Henry 10 February 1895 45 years -   3826 76222 8 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bartholomew, Samuel 12 August 1895 1 year Infant 73 court Mann Street Toxteth Park 3875 77218 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barton, Lily 13 March 1895 2 Days Infant 54 Grafton Street 3840 76518 8 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barton, Richard 27 January 1895 64 years Coal Dealer 119 Alt Street 3822 76152 7 88 352 CEM 9/1/16
Barton, William J 4 February 1895 9 months Infant 72 Cullen Street 3824 76199 8 314 352 CEM 9/1/16
Basson, Harold 28 March 1895 6 years Infant 4 Woodruffe Street 3843 76580 8 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bate, Catharine 28 March 1895 56 years - 53 Essex Street 3844 76589 8 327 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bate, John 25 August 1895 3 years Infant 21 Park  Place 3879 77285 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bate, Winifred Elsie 4 December 1895 2 months Infant 64 Pickwick Street 3904 77787 H 589 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bates, Ann 24 February 1895 65 years - 10 Watson Street 3830 76320 8 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bates, Mary Ann 24 March 1895 3 years Infant 13 Combermere Street 3843 76564 6 635 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bates, Robert Hall 12 February 1895 35 years - 116 Mill Street 3826 76229 8 338 352 CEM 9/1/16
Batho, Mary Emily 2 August 1895 4 months Infant 261 Grafton Street 3873 77180 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Batty, Thomas 13 April 1895 79 years - Turner Memorial Home 3847 76646 5 698 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bayley, Jane 7 March 1895 62 years Widow 89 Solway Street 3836 76427 8 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Beadnall, Ann 5 March 1895 90 years Widow 95 Eversley Street 3836 76432 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Beardwood, Owen James 19 November 1895 11 months Infant 36 Moville Street Toxteth Park 3901 77722 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Beattie, James Jackson 8 August 1895 22 months Infant 63 Lightwood Street West Derby Municipal 3875 77207 D Left 860 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bebb, Isabella 13 March 1895 64 years - 111 Northbrook Street 3839 76493 B Right 476 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bebb, Joseph 15 February 1895 14 years - Grafton Street Industrial School 3827 76259 8 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bebbington, Herbert 28 March 1895 10 months Infant 90 Alwyn Street 3844 76581 8 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Beer, James 3 July 1895 16 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3866 77022 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Beggs, David 15 September 1895 8 months Infant 20 Vaughan Street 3833 77376 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Belk, Thomas 29 March 1895 56 years Joiner Royal Infirmary   Mount Pleasant 3844 76588 4 262 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bell, Albert 10 August 1895 8 weeks Infant 4 Corwen Place 3875 77214 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bell, Elizabeth 15 December 1895 6 months Infant No Address 3907 77850 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bell, Isaac 8 March 1895 84 years Seaman Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3838 76466 8 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bell, John Herbert 22 January 1895 5 months Infant 81 Wendell Street 3822 76142 8 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bell, Lucy 17 November 1895 17 days Infant 75 Greig Street 3900 77715 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bell, Margaret Ann 17 November 1895 2 years Infant 75 Greig Street 3900 77716 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bell, Mary 26 February 1895 76 years Widow 18 Wrayburn Street 3830 76315 6 250 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bell, Robert 13 March 1895 78 years - 79 court 5 house Upper Mann Street 3839 76494 8 323 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bennett, Isabella 28 March 1895 2 months Infant 44 Street Arnaud Street 3843 76576 E Right 282 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bennett, Jane 21 May 1895 77 years Widow 79 Eden Street 3855 76813 8 378 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bennison, Margaret Ann 6 July 1895 64 years Widow 2 Broughton Street Wavertree 3866 77039 J 733 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bentley, Henry 7 September 1895 36 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3882 77351 8 414 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bentley, Lucy 12 September 1895 29 years Wife 71 Menzies Street 3883 77371 1 50 352 CEM 9/1/16
Benton, Frank W 30 June 1895 14 months Infant 19 Gwendoline Street 3865 77002 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Benville, Samuel 12 December 1895 32 years - Royal Infirmary Mount Pleasant 3906 77831 1 93 352 CEM 9/1/16
Best, Frederick John 12 September 1895 17 years - 30 Pecksniff Street Toxteth park 3883 77364 6 638 352 CEM 9/1/16
Beszant, Margaret Rose 27 April 1895 61 years Wife 1 Temple Court    Victoria Street 3850 76709 H 139/140 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bethel, Maria 23 October 1895 54 years - 17 Lamport Street 3893 77572 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bibby, Agnes 13 October 1895 3 years Infant 6 Steble Grove 3890 77513 1 63 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bibby, William Arthur 8 October 1895 3 years Infant 63 Rosevery Street 3889 77486 1 65 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bimson, John 18 December1895 38 years - 20 Brighton Street 3907 77860 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Birch, Mabel 25 October 1895 15 months Infant 272 Falkner Street West Derby Municipal 3894 77582 1 84 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bird, Edith May 9 August 1895 2 years Infant 109 Beresford Road 3875 77212 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bird, Hannah Eliza 12 July 1895 20 years Spinster 34 Upper Harrington Street 3868 77066 G 269 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bird, Thomas 22 January 1895 40 years Electrical Engineer 21 Broughton Drive   Grassendale 3821 76138 F Right 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Black, Thomas 15 September 1895 24 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3883 77381 1 42 352 CEM 9/1/16
Blackburn, Martha Jane 12 November 1895 10 months Infant 22 Pecksniff Street 3899 77691 8 411 352 CEM 9/1/16
Blackham, Elizabeth Jane 14 July 1895 2 years Infant 19A Vere Street 3868 77074 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Blair, Hannah 17 May 1895 68 years - 32 Selwyn Street   Kirkdale 3855 76803 8 376 352 CEM 9/1/16
Blasberry, Margaret AC 16 April 1895 6½ years - 21 Grinshill Street 3847 76658 8 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Blochwitz, Ida 23 October 1895 17 years Spinster 35 Avondale Road 3893 77563 E Left 607 352 CEM 9/1/16
Blythe, Albert 16 August 1895 14 months Infant 60 Liffey Street 3877 77251 11 85 352 CEM 9/1/16
Boardman, John 23 May 1895 44 years - Southern Hospital 3855 76818 6 390 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bogart, Joseph Henry 21 March 1895 60 years - Church View   New Brighton   Wallasey 3843 76561 P 31 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bolshaw, John F 11 February 1895 46 years - 4 court 9 Prophet Street 3825 76220 8 322 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bolton, Henry 10 July 1895 79 years - 41 Molyneux Road West Derby Municipal 3867 77057 C Left 658 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bond, Elizabeth 19 September 1895 76 years Widow 15 Bishop Road West Derby Rural 3884 77394 E Left 12 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bond, Robert 20 October 1895 41 years - 13 Harold Street 3892 77550 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bonnalie, Frances 9 November 1895 66 years - 69 Hatherley Street Toxteth Park 3897 77657 1 82 352 CEM 9/1/16
Boote, Jane 28 August 1895 20 months Infant 11 Maynard Street 3879 77293     352 CEM 9/1/16
Borland, Kenneth James 9 December 1895 4 months Infant 11 King Street 3905 77818 S 79 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bossance, John 23 May 1895 51 years - Northern Hospital 3856 76828 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Boston, John 5 February 1895 77 years Gentleman 93 Upper Warwick Street 3824 76194 K 112 352 CEM 9/1/16
Boswell, Thomas 14 December 1895 2 years Infant 2 court Roper Street 3907 77842 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bouchier, Joseph Henry 25 February 1895 64 years - 79 Fernhill Street 3831 76323 12 311 352 CEM 9/1/16
Boumphrey, William   (HS) 12 November 1895 63 years Accountant 113 Huskinson Street Mount Pleasant 3898 77681 B Right 53 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bowen, John 31 March 1895 78 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3844 76597 8 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bower, William John 3 December 1895 42 years Tin & Copper Smith 63 Grafton Street 3904 77783 B Left 229 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bowes, Daniel 4 July 1895 63 years Gentleman 93 Beresford Road 3866 77023 1 5 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bowyer, Jane M 28 February 1895 56 years - 28 Powis Street 3832 76357 7 271 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bowyer, Jessie 8 September 1895 3 years Infant 5 Bran Street 3882 77359 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bowyer, Thomas 14 November 1895 36 years - Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3899 77694 1 86 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bowyer, William 25 December 1895 2 years Infant 169 Grafton Street 3910 77905 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Boyd, Thomas Edward Lewis 25 August 1895 7 months Infant 7  Priest Street 3879 77288 7 37 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bradshaw, Alice 29 June 1895 25 years - 2 Denton Street 3864 76999 H 801 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brake, Eliza 30 June 1895 3½ years Infant 294 Beaufort Street 3865 77004 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bramall, Sarah 17 December 1895 36 years - 4 Rose Brae Mossley Hill Wavertree 3907 77857 F Right 38 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bramwell, William 29 May 1895 21 Days Infant 76 Upper Warwick Street 3857 76852 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brand, Mary 21 September 1895 34 years Wife 135 Kirkdale Road Kirkdale 3885 77414 Q 739 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brandreth, Mary Elizabeth 10 January 1895 5 years Infant 24a Sussex Street 3818 76078 8 291 352 CEM 9/1/16
Branthwaite, Eva Mary 4 April 1895 19 years Spinster 17 Merlin Street 3845 76612 11 563 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bray, Alexander 5 December 1895 3 years Infant 199 Mill Street 3904 77796 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brearey, Ann Jane 21 March 1895 3 months Infant 28 Ritson Street 3842 76557 8 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bretherton, Ada 6 October 1895 8 months Infant 60 Tavistock Street Toxteth Park 3888 77480 8 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brett, Arthur George 17 September 1895 23 years - 466 Mill Street 3884 77390 1 67 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brewer, Olive Emily 14 November 1895 10 months Infant 196 Wellington Road 3899 77698 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brian, Clara 24 February 1895 54 years - 39 Fletcher Street 3831 76338 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bridson, Sarah 12 February 1895 7 years Scholar Southern Hospital 3826 76236 8 324 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brignell, John William 23 January 1895 12 months Infant 58 Northbrook Street 3822 76149 8 314 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brigstocke, Thomas Fraser 31 December 1895 56 years Clerk 1 Lessops Road 3910 77917 Q 642 352 CEM 9/1/16
Broadbent, Howarth 12 March 1895 20 years - 20 Shallot Street 3839 76486 6 537 352 CEM 9/1/16
Broadbent, John Richmond   (HS) 2 November 1895 73 years Gentleman 30 Bentley Road Toxteth Park 3895 77606 A Left 444 352 CEM 9/1/16
Broadbent, William Henry 30 October 1895 38 years - 23 Upper Warwick Street 3894 77599 1 60 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brockbank, James 9 January 1895 26 years - 76 Hill Street 3819 76081 8 314 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brooks, Richard 19 April 1895 74 years Master Plumber 312 Upper Parliament Street 3848 76665 H 691 352 CEM 9/1/16
Broster, Daniel 29 May 1895 44 years - 34 Virgil Street 3857 76849 E Left 73 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brotherton, Dorothy 23 October 1895 3 years Infant Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3893 77562 1 50 352 CEM 9/1/16
Broughton Lilian Rose 28 July 1895 5 months Infant Dale Street Liverpool 3873 77162 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, Alfred 5 October 1895 2 months Infant 27 Upper Warwick Street 3888 77475 8 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, Arthur 13 November 1895 57 years - 269 Scotland Road St Martins 3899 77685 1 81 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, David Henry 2 May 1895 11 months Infant 81 Pecksniff Street 3851 76731 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, Florence Nellie   (HS) 25 June 1895 4 years Infant 8 Beaconsfield Street 3863 76976 A Left 256 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, Henry George 21 November 1895 11 months Infant 38 Jolliffe Street 3901 77730 1 14 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, Henry James 4 September 1895 17 months Infant 189 Beaufort Street 3881 77335 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, James 18 January 1895 5 days Infant Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3821 76122 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, Joseph 18 December1895 18 months Infant 199 Mill Street 3908 77864 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, Martha 27 August 1895 55 years Spinster No Address Given 3879 77295 G 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, Mary 27 June 1895 52 years Widow 28 Hyslop Street 3864 76991 D Right 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brown, William 3 April 1895 16 months Infant 30 Rutter Street 3845 76611 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brownbill, Florence 5 June 1895 4 weeks Infant 7a Hughson Street 3859 76896 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Browne, Mary Ann 18 July 1895 53 years Spinster 9 Rosebury Street 3869 77100 G 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brownfield, Audrey 1 October 1895 46 years - 41 Janet Street West Derby Municipal 3887 77451 D Right 630 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bruce, John   (HS) 30 April 1895 - - 1 Norma Road  Crosby 3850 76717 B Left 823/824 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bruce, John 7 September 1895 58 years Labourer Workhouse Toxteth Park 3882 77353 8 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Brunshill, William C 11 December 1895 11 months Infant 25 Lawrence Road Wavertree 3906 77827 D Left 744 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bull. Martha Ellen 1 December 1895 26 years Spinster 47 High Park Street 3903 77768 1 78 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bullen, Sarah Alice 10 March 1895 13 months Infant 67 court Mann Street 3838 76472 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bullock, Joseph Simon 3 March 1895 66 years Publican 28 Picton Rd 3834 76389 R 901 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bullock, Mary 3 October 1895 58 years - 20 court Combermere Street 3888 77464 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Bulmer, fanny 22 December 1895 76 years Widow 68 Lamport Street 3909 77884 1 280 352 CEM 9/1/16
Burgess, Catherine 10 January 1895 64 years Wife 171 Park Road 3818 76070 N 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Burgess, Jane 4 November 1895 11 days Infant 268 Park Road 3896 77628 1 83 352 CEM 9/1/16
Burgess, Jane 7 November 1895 20 years Wife 268 Park Road 3897 77654 1 83 352 CEM 9/1/16
Burgess, Samuel 24 February 1895 56 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3830 76318 8 350 352 CEM 9/1/16
Burgess, William A 1 June 1895 7 Weeks Infant 25 Whalley Street 3858 76873 8 374 352 CEM 9/1/16
Burnett, Ada 26 February 1895 18 months Infant 1 Bran Street 3833 76364 8 338 352 CEM 9/1/16
Burnett, Emily 12 April 1895 3 years Infant 1 Bran Street 3847 76645 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Burns, Annie 13 June 1895 51 years Wife Workhouse 3861 76927 8 361 352 CEM 9/1/16
Burrows, Doris May 6 June 1895 11 months Infant 3 Sandown Terrace 3859 76887 D Right 605 352 CEM 9/1/16
Butchart, Jessie 6 February 1895 23 days Infant 37 Roseberry Street 3825 76207 8 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Buzwell, Sarah 27 February 1895 81 years - 20 Embledon Street 3832 76360 8 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Byran, George 9 July 1895 56 years - 12 Steble Street 3867 77048 1 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Byrne, Charlotte Elizabeth 6 September 1895 8 months Infant 16 Brekerton Street 3882 77352 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Caine, Charles Fargher 2 February 1895 18 years - 60 New Henderson Street 3824 76191 7 599 352 CEM 9/1/16
Callister, Margaret 18 December1895 41 years - 212 Park Road 3907 77845 C Right 344 352 CEM 9/1/16
Calvery, Charles 1 June 1895 28 years - 26 Lingdale Road   Tranmere 3858 76865 7 24 352 CEM 9/1/16
Campbell, Mary 28 February 1895 66 years - 9 David Street 3833 76365 K 103/4 352 CEM 9/1/16
Candy, Elizabeth 23 April 1895 32 years Spinster 6 Celtic Street 3849 76694 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Capstick, Charles Edward 4 July 1895 17 months Infant 36 Greta Street 3865 77014 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Carbert, Mary 22 December 1895 6 months Infant 55 Loxdale Street 3909 77885 G 281 352 CEM 9/1/16
Carline, Horace 5 September 1895 7 months Infant 5 Vickers Street Toxteth park 3882 77346 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Carpenter, Edwin 19 January 1895 47 years - 50 Freehold Street 3821 76126 A Left 387 352 CEM 9/1/16
Carruthers, Margaret A 1 February 1895 30 years Spinster 3 Alderson Road 3824 76183 6 103 352 CEM 9/1/16
Carruthers, William 19 August 1895 5 months Infant Brookfield Cottage Aigburth Vale Wavertree 3878 77265 Q 649 352 CEM 9/1/16
Carson, Robert 25 August 1895 18 years - 3 Hughson Street 3879 77286 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cartwright, Dorothy 21 March 1895 14 months Infant 17 Scholar Street 3842 76552 E Right 247 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cartwright, Emma 6 November 1895 73 years Widow 27 Knight Street Mount Pleasant 3896 77635 L 595 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cartwright, William Henry 19 May 1895 33 years Chemist 50 Lawrence Road 3855 76807 E Right 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Carvosso, Benjamin 26 January 1895 75 years - 53 Park Rd 3822 76158 6 230 352 CEM 9/1/16
Case, Adam 19 October 1895 75 years Wheelwright Walton Workhouse Walton 3892 77545 A Left 382 352 CEM 9/1/16
Case, Winifred 10 December 1895 2 months Infant 288 Falkner Street West Derby Municipal 3906 77824 A Left 382 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cassell, James 7 March 1895 93 years - 54 Arthur Street 3836 76431 D Right 100 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cassidy, Jane 4 September 1895 50 years - 1 court  Llanrwst Street 3882 77343 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cato, Charles 5 October 1895 9 months Infant 36 Lydiate Street Toxteth Park 3888 77469 8 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Catterall, Samuel 13 March 1895 60 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3840 76513 8 325 352 CEM 9/1/16
Caulfield, Elizabeth 12 July 1895 2 years Infant 11 Clevedon Street 3868 77065 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Caulfield, Emily 26 September 1895 32 years - 144 Wellington Road Toxteth Park 3886 77428 Q 650 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cave, Edith Agnes   (HS) 6 March 1895 3 months Infant 52 Holt Road 3835 76415 11 41 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cave, Thomas 8 March 1895 45 years French Polisher 3 Street John's Place 3837 76445 H 790 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cawkitt, James E 3 April 1895 30 years - Colwyn Bay    Creuddyn 3845 76604 D Left 54 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cawton, Jane  16 June 1895 36 years - 66 Mill Street 3861 76934 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chadwick, Annie 4 July 1895 46 years - 6 court 5 Llanwrst Street 3866 77031 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chadwick, Elizabeth 17 March 1895 79 years Widow 26 Exe Street 3840 76512 6 483 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chadwick, John 29 July 1895 48 years Gentleman Royal Infirmary Liverpool 3873 77164 B Left 643 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chadwick, Robert 28 March 1895 14 months Infant 6 court Llanrwst Street 3844 76590 8 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chambers, Ellen 18 February 1895 60 years Spinster 59 Vine Street 3828 76265 L 806 352 CEM 9/1/16
Charlton, Thomas 1 December 1895 35 years - No Address 3903 77770 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Charnock, Samuel 23 July 1895 13 years - City Hospital    Toxteth Park      3872 77142 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Checkley, George Henry 27 June 1895 3 years Infant 51 Hurry Street 3864 76984 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chegwin, Charles Chamberlain 13 November 1895 4 years Infant 49 Lydiate Street Toxteth Park 3899 77686 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chesters, Elizabeth 25 June 1895 17 days Infant 3/2 Maynard Street 3863 76980 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Childs, Emily 15 March 1895 64 years - 22 Southampton Street 3841 76529 335 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chisholm, Mary Jane 19 November 1895 35 years Wife 275 Park Road 3900 77721 E Right 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chorley, Edna May 2 September 1895 12 months Infant 38 Lime Grove 3881 77330 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chorlton, Mary Elizabeth 26 May 1895 1 month Infant 47 Nickleby Street 3856 76837 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Choun, Elizabeth Alice 2 February 1895 21 years - 211 Beaufort Street 3824 76190 A Right 636 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chown, Sarah Emily 5 February 1895 10 days Infant 211 Beaufort Street 3825 76201 A Right 636 352 CEM 9/1/16
Christian, Jane 19 January 1895 63 years - 7 Upper Streetanhope Street 3821 76121 7 86 352 CEM 9/1/16
Christie, Ellen Jane 8 December 1895 44 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3905 77817 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Christie, Gilbert 22 February 1895 5 Months Infant 12 Burdett Street 3830 76307 Q 785 352 CEM 9/1/16
Christopher, Mary 26 April 1895 62 years - Waterloo   Crosby 3850 76708 F Right 189 352 CEM 9/1/16
Chubb, Maria 16 August 1895 78 months Spinster 95 Wordsworth Street 3877 77243 M 786 352 CEM 9/1/16
Church, Thomas William 19 June 1895 46 years Master Shipscraper 31 Upper Parliament Street 3861 76939 C Left  503 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clare, Maria 18 February 1895 75 years Widow 75 Ponsonby Street 3828 76263 7 433 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clark, Elizabeth   25 April 1895 74 years Spinster 9 Hartington Road 3849 76697 8 99 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clark, Elizabeth Sarah 7 April 1895 53 years Wife 113 Asbridge Street 3845 76619 8 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clark, William Alexander 5 September 1895 2 months Infant 36 Moss Grove 3882 77347 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clarke, Jane Dorathea 6 May 1895 88 years Widow 115 Bedford Street 3851 76737 K 931/932 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clarke, Sarah 29 May 1895 82 years Widow 40 Sandown Lane   Wavertree 3857 76847 Q 251 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clarke, Thomas 13 August 1895 12 months Scholar 3 Dix Street 3876 77235 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clarke, William 26 October 1895 58 years Labourer Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3893 77579 1 56 352 CEM 9/1/16
Claxton, Henry William 21 May 1895 40 years - 64 Beaufort Street 3855 76811 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clay, Ralph Lowe   (HS) 16 March 1895 79 years Oil and Paint Merchant 12 Sandon Street 3841 76524 A Left 212 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clayton, Alice 9 November 1895 26 years - 9 court Llanwrst Street 3898 77672 8 411 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clayton, Clarence 11 March 1895 5 weeks Infant 22 Sefton Square 3839 76481 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clayton, William 16 March 1895 75 years Carter 15 Sefton Square 3840 76517 D Right 99 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cleary, Isabella 21 April 1895 53 years - 9 Collins Street 3849 76687 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clegg, Charles 8 May 1895 42 years - Workhouse 3852 76752 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clegg, Christian 12 November 1895 59 years - 12 Nichleby Street 3899 77683 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clendennin, Christopher W 9 May 1895 29 years Compositor 22 Dacre Street 3852 76756 H 509 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clotworthy, Mildred Lilian 31 July 1895 13 months Infant 57 Moss Grove 3873 77173 E Right 223 352 CEM 9/1/16
Clucas, Francis Peter 17 February 1895 3 months Infant 125 Grafton Street 3827 76250 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Coates, Lilian Beatrice 7 August 1895 8 months Infant 65 Greig Street 3874 77196 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cobain, Maggie 4 September 1895 22 months Infant 25 Wellington Road 3881 77334 11 635 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cobb, Arthur 13 June 1895 1 year Infant 69 Aubrey Street   Everton South 3861 76921 D Right 188 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cochrane, George 22 April 1895 50 years Inland Revenue Officer County Asylum 3849 76685 8 100 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cochrane, Sarah 18 October 1895 69 years Widow Gresford Avenue Toxteth Park 3891 77537 K 779 352 CEM 9/1/16
Coffee, Ben 8 April 1895 40 years Sailor Coburg Dock 3846 76634 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cole, George 21 April 1895 64 years -   3849 76688 8 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Coles, Gertrude 3 April 1895 16 years - 12 Cleopas Street 3845 76607 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Colley, Ethel Mildred   (HS) 13 January 1895 14 days Infant Prescot 3819 76092 6 510 352 CEM 9/1/16
Collings, Anthony 8 May 1895 11 hours Infant 29 Clive Street 3852 76754 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Collinson, James 17 July 1895 41 years - 11 court 10 Hyslop Street 3869 77098 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Collister, Mary Jane 17 December 1895 62 years Wife 52 Upper Warwick Street 3907 77851 H 312 352 CEM 9/1/16
Condell, Albert 15 August 1895 10 months Infant 33 Liffey Street 3877 77247 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Condliff, Stanley 27 June 1895 4 months Infant 30 Arundel Street 3864 76995 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Connell, Elizabeth 21 September 1895 16 years Spinster Mauna House Angleton 3885 77411 12 527 352 CEM 9/1/16
Connell, George 6 December 1895 4 months Infant 5 Letitia Street 3905 77807 6 276 352 CEM 9/1/16
Connor, Catherine Ann 17 September 1895 16 months Infant 7 court Brassey Street 3884 77391 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Conroy, Sarah 17 May 1895 4 years Infant 48 Parliament Street 3855 76801 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Conves, Arthur 19 December 1895 2 months Infant 15 Priest Street 3908 77866 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Conway, Edith Elizabeth Ethel 21 January 1895 14 months Infant 9 Sophia Street 3821 76131 H 868 352 CEM 9/1/16
Conway, Sarah 23 December 1895 80 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3909 77893 8 325 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cook, Daniel 2 March 1895 69 years - 15 Northumberland Street 3834 76381 8 350 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cook, Elizabeth 1 March 1895 79 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3834 76382 8 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cooke, Ann Jane 28 February 1895 31 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3834 76384 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Coole, James 19 April 1895 41 years Dock Labourer Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3848 76672 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cope, Maria E 21 December 1895 37 years Wife Hahneman Hospital Mount Pleasant 3908 77880 1 92 352 CEM 9/1/16
Copeland, Barbara 19 December 1895 3 years Infant 15 Rutter Street 3908 77873 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Copeman, Charles Richard 6 April 1895 59 years Solicitor 2 Bridson Street 3845 76617 C Left  59 352 CEM 9/1/16
Corbett, Herbert 29 August 1895 6 months Infant 3 court  Lorton Street Toxteth Park 3879 77301 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Corker, James R 4 August 1895 6 months Infant 40 Ouse Street 3874 77195 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Corkill, Dorothy 27 June 1895 72 years - 71 Merlin Street 3864 76985 6 256 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cormack, James 3 June 1895 70 years - 116 Wellington Road 3858 76874 E Right 48 352 CEM 9/1/16
Corness, Edward 4 December 1895 50 years Labourer Workhouse Toxteth Park 3904 77794 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Corris, Constance 8 October 1895 6 months Infant Workhouse Toxteth Park 3889 77493 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cottle, Margaret 27 February 1895 93 years - Scotts Villa   New Ferry Park 3833 76363 S 29 352 CEM 9/1/16
Couldbourne, Maria Gerald 10 February 1895 62 years Widow 10 Beaconsfield Street 3825 76216 B Left 147 352 CEM 9/1/16
Coullthard, Mary Jane 7 October 1895 2 years Infant 20 Fair View Place Toxteth Park 3889 77482 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Court, Richard M 2 November 1895 4 months Infant 213 Mann Street 3895 77620 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Couthard, Ada 17 July 1895 30 years - 38 Bembridge Street 3869 77101 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Couthard, Hannah 22 July 1895 10 years Scholar 16 Tynwald Street 3871 77133 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Coventry, William 17 May 1895 54 years - Royal Infirmary 3854 76794 8 374 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cowell, Enoch 11 January 1895 10 years Scholar Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3819 76087 8 312 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cowie, Maria 10 October 1895 59 years - 7 court Prophet Street 3889 77494 8 589 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cowper, John 1 May 1895 33 years - 31 Cockburn Street 3851 76724 12 849 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cowton, Lilian 7 April 1895 11 years - 66 Mill Street 3846 76624 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cox, Alfred Gordon 2 February 1895 8  months Infant 24 Fern Grove 3824 76187 F Right 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cox, Edith Leslie 18 July 1895 2 years Infant 116 South Chester Street 3870 77106 8 379 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cox, Edward George 2 May 1895 10 months Infant 15 Haliburton Street 3851 76730 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cox, Frederick 9 March 1895 44 years - 36 Nickleby Street 3837 76460 8 358 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cox, Josephine 9 May 1895 7 months Infant 7 court Llanrwst Street 3853 76766 8 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cox, Lilian Eliza 29 November 1895 2 years Infant 208 Mill Street 3903 77769 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Craig, George 17 February 1895 11 years - 18 Laxey Street 3827 76253 8 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Craine, Jane 6 November 1895 60 years Widow 3 Marshall Street 3896 77634 11 783 352 CEM 9/1/16
Craven, Mary 2 May 1895 68 years - Crosby Lighthouse 3851 76729 A Right 85 352 CEM 9/1/16
Crawford, Martha 26 November 1895 82 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3902 77755 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Crellin, Florence 4 September 1895 1 year Infant 42 Haliburton Street 3881 77341 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Crellin, Mary Jane 13 August 1895 15 months Infant 291 Beaufort Street 3876 77237 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Croffeo, Christina 10 March 1895 6 months Infant 48 Fair View Place 3838 76470 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Croft, Elizabeth 3 November 1895 19 months Infant 8 Maitland Street 3895 77611 1 59 352 CEM 9/1/16
Crosbie, Francis 15 November 1895 70 years - 109 Smithdown Road West Derby Municipal 3900 77702 1 76 352 CEM 9/1/16
Crosby, Mary Elizabeth 6 March 1895 54 years - 29 Rufford Road 3836 76423 A Right 626 352 CEM 9/1/16
Crosby, William 2 June 1895 51 years - 144 Mann Street 3858 76869 8 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cross, Bertha E 8 May 1895 5 years Infant 33 Shallot Street 3852 76760 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cross, Elizabeth 12 March 1895 74 years - 5 Royden Street 3839 76499 8 321 352 CEM 9/1/16
Crossley, Lilian 4 July 1895 4 months Infant 44 Dove Street 3865 77019 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Croston, Charles Read 23 October 1895 55 years Foreman Painter 87 Dombey Street Toxteth Park 3892 77560 Q 660 352 CEM 9/1/16
Croston, Harold 15 October 1895 16 months Infant 33 Amity Street 3891 77523 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Croudace, William Storey 24 July 1895 54 years Warehouseman 33 Ash Grove Wavertree 3871 77135 6 242 352 CEM 9/1/16
Crowder, Jane 30 October 1895 11 months Infant 17 Vere Street 3895 77603 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Crowther, Gladys Mary 26 April 1895 19 months Infant 75 Dorrit Street 3850 76706 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cummings, William Henry 13 January 1895 38 years` - 17 court Grafton Street 3819 76096 8 514 352 CEM 9/1/16
Cumpsty, Emma 5 October 1895 3 years Infant 34 Haylock Street 3888 77476 8 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Curry, Mary Ann 2 November 1895 54 years Wife Workhouse Toxteth Park 3895 77613 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Curtis, John 10 January 1895 13 Months Infant 65 Park road 3819 76083 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Curwen, John 17 March 1895 57 years Dock Labourer 18 Pleasant Hill Street 3841 76532 335 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dabbs, Walter 22 August 1895 51 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3878 77277 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dacre, Henry Thompson 23 June 1895 3 months Infant 31 Hurry Street 3863 76966 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dalby, James 1 May 1895 1 month Infant 2 Twiss Street 3851 76722 E Left 267 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dalby, Sugden William   (HS) 9 March 1895 69 years Solicitor 43 Russian Drive 3838 76462 F Left 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dale, Sarah Ellen 14 July 1895 13 months Infant 5 Doddridge Terrace 3868 77072 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dalrymple, Jane 19 April 1895 56 years Wife Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3848 76673 8 46 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dalston, William 23 November 1895 47 years - 17 Seiont Street 3901 77740 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dalzel, Andrew John 20 March 1895 69 years Gentleman 1 Grosvenor Terrace 3842 76541 Q 121 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dalziel, Andrew Mitchell 8 November 1895 5 months Infant 20 Upper Stanhope Street 3897 77659 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Daniel, William 4 June 1895 24 years Commercial   66 Cawdor Street 3858 76868 8 250 352 CEM 9/1/16
Daniels, Anne   (HS) 18 August 1895 56 years Wife 35 Langton Walton 3877 77254 M 4 352 CEM 9/1/16
Daniels, Richard William 16 September 1895 12 months Infant 209 Beaufort Street 3884 77386 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Daulby, John 1 September 1895 10 months Infant 21 Nickleby Street 3880 77312 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davey, William Henry 3 August 1895 64 years - 8 Steble Street 3874 77187 1 15 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davidson, Ann Povey Greaves 29 October 1895 3½ years Infant 26 Vandyke Street 3894 77591 6 258 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davidson, Edward 23 February 1895 8 days Infant 224 Beaufort Street 3832 76343 8 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davidson, William 16 January 1895 10 months Infant 141 Grafton Street 3820 76115 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Arthur 18 August 1895 3 months Infant 12 Dingle Mount 3878 77263 C Right 430 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Arthur Edward 14 October 1895 8 months Infant 152 Wellington Road 3890 77511 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Christopher 23 January 1895 56 years Labourer 206 Beaufort Street 3822 76145 8 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Daniel Richard 10 January 1895 13 months Infant 4 Underley Street 3818 76076 6 614 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Elizabeth 9 November 1895 84 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3898 77666 8 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Emma 14 June 1895 11 weeks Infant 50 Warwick Street 3861 76924 8 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Frances 1 September 1895 50 years - 206 Beaufort Street 3881 77324 8 406 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Frank Brooks 18 June 1895 5 months Infant 5 Balkan Street 3862 76947 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, George Alfred 3 July 1895 13 months Infant 10 South Grove 3865 77013 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Harold 16 January 1895 18 months Infant 12 Handel Street 3820 76105 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Mary 12 June 1895 50 years - 120 Warwick Street 3860 76917 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Robert 22 November 1895 28 years Shoemaker 55 Powis Street 3901 77733 F Left 272 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, Sarah   (HS) 25 February 1895 69 years Widow Whithington 3831 76334 Q 746 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies, William 8 August 1895 64 years Shoemaker 26 Palmerston Street West Derby Municipal 3875 77206 7 33 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davies,Alice Maude 20 October 1895 16 months Infant 12 Roache Street 3892 77548 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davis, Margaret 26 March 1895 54 years Wife Mexfield Rd 3843 76577 O 110 352 CEM 9/1/16
Davison, Elizabeth 13 March 1895 4 years Infant 141 Grafton Street 3839 76497 8 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dawson, Henry Braithwaite 19 December 1895 58 years - West Derby Road Liverpool 3908 77871 A Right 562 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dawson, Mary 4 March 1895 87 years - Welbeck    Waterloo Park 3834 76397 I Right 582 352 CEM 9/1/16
De Munnik, John 1 January 1895 7 months Infant Liverpool 3817 76052 8 289 352 CEM 9/1/16
De Silva, Margaret 10 January 1895 34 years - City Hospital 3819 76084 8 312 352 CEM 9/1/16
Deakin, Joseph 7 March 1895 76 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3837 76441 8 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dean, James Nash 7 November 1895 1 mth Infant 16 Slaney Street 3897 77651 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dean, John 14 April 1895 37 years - Southern Hospital 3847 76648 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dean, Thomas 25 October 1895 62 years - Northern Hospital Islington 3893 77576 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Denton, John 10 December 1895 66 years Master Mariner 66 Cavendish Road Walton 3906 77822 1 68 352 CEM 9/1/16
Denton, Mary Theresa 7 March 1895 63 years Wife 66 Cavendish Road 3837 76446 7 68 352 CEM 9/1/16
Derbyshire, Ann 11 March 1895 75 years - 66 Ponsonby Street 3838 76480 A Right 164 352 CEM 9/1/16
Devaney, Thomas 6 November 1895 59 years - 2 Avison Street Toxteth Park 3896 77636 8 411 352 CEM 9/1/16
Devaynes, Arthur 31 August 1895 41 years - 5 Dove Street Toxteth Park 3880 77303 O 214 352 CEM 9/1/16
Devine, Mary 15 August 1895 52 months - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3877 77250 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Devine, Richard 24 July 1895 12 months Infant Wellington Terrace 3871 77140 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Devitt, William 29 October 1895 74 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3894 77594 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dickinson, Eva Gwendoline 11 December 1895 16 years Spinster 2 Melrose Terrace Wallasey 3906 77829 T 497 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dickinson, Richard Elihu 15 May 1895 46 years Engineer The Elms   Manningham   Bradford 3854 76786 I 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dickson, James 19 January 1895 27 years Policeman 15 Troughton Street 3821 76125 C Left 511 352 CEM 9/1/16
Digott, Margaret Sefton 26 July 1895 9 months Infant 16 River Avon Street 3872 77149 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ditchfield, Elizabeth Mary 9 October 1895 7 years Scholar City Hospital Toxteth Park 3889 77495 1 64 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dixon, Ann 8 March 1895 83 years - 50 Arthur Street 3837 76444 11 53 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dixon, Jonathan 24 December 1895 63 years Gentleman 126 Selbourne Street 3909 77895 H 518 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dodd, Betsy 16 February 1895 72 years - 12 Tynwald Street 3827 76254 8 322 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dodd, Elizabeth 28 June 1895 77 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3864 76998 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dodgson, Ann Trail 3 October 1895 56 years - 13 Alfred Street Mount Pleasant 3887 77460 B Left 56 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dodgson, Ellen 28 September 1895 2 years Infant Parkhill Hospital Toxteth Park 3886 77440 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dodson, William 23 April 1895 2 years 11 months Infant Grafton Street Hospital 3849 76692 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Donaghy, William Henry 9 December 1895 7 months Infant 4 Jordan Place 3905 77813 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Donaldson, Anna Maria 6 June 1895 78 years Widow 1 Fernhill Street 3859 76890 H 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Donaldson, Margaret 18 July 1895 77 years Widow 48 Deane Road West Derby Municipal 3870 77107 H 533 352 CEM 9/1/16
Doney, Harry 16 October 1895 1 mth Infant 41 Rutter Street 3891 77526 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Donnelly, Frank 28 November 1895 16 months Infant 7 Harper Street West Derby Municipal 3903 77763 B Left 184 352 CEM 9/1/16
Doodson, Robert 22 January 1895 87 years Watchmaker 55 Ferndale Road 3821 76139 D Left 347 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dopson, Edward 20 December 1895 31 years - 26 Church Road West Derby Municipal 3908 77876 L 802 352 CEM 9/1/16
Doran, Hugh 20 October 1895 52 years - No Address 3892 77555 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Doran, William James 8 August 1895 29 years - City Hospital    Toxteth PArk      3875 77208 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dowbiggin, Arthur Edward 1 December 1895 1 3/4 months Infant 3 Drysdale Street 3903 77781 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dower, John Garde 11 August 1895 36 years - 21 Amity Street Toxteth Park 3875 77220 1 17 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dowler, Amy 7 July 1895 3 months Infant 16 Exeter Street 3866 77036 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dowler, Caroline 20 July 1895 7 months Infant 70 Cullen Street 3871 77126 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Downey, Daniel N 14 January 1895 3 years Infant 33 Kinmel Street 3819 76098 7 378 352 CEM 9/1/16
Downey, Winifred 25 February 1895 17 months Infant 33 Kinmel Street 3831 76329 7 378 352 CEM 9/1/16
Downie, Robina 20 July 1895 59 years - 102 Parkhill Road 3871 77125 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Doyle, Ann 20 June 1895 72 years Widow 116 Beresford Road 3862 76956 8 296 352 CEM 9/1/16
Draper, Thomas 17 August 1895 54 months - 8 Fletcher Street 3877 77246 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Drew, John Saunders 7 November 1895 74 years - Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3896 77641 8 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
Driskell, Ethel Maria 28 January 1895 16 years Spinster 151 Upper Canning Street 3823 76165 K 111 352 CEM 9/1/16
Duckett, Alice 9 April 1895 68 years - 55 Kinmel Street 3846 76630 4 467 352 CEM 9/1/16
Duckitt, Winifred Holme 27 March 1895 10 months Infant 1 Walton Breck Road 3844 76583 B Right 130 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dudson, Caroline 19 September 1895 63 years Widow 62 Albion Street Everton North 3884 77396 B Left 770 352 CEM 9/1/16
Duffield, Richard 23 July 1895 66 years - 61 Hurry Street 3871 77128 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Duggan, Jane 23 February 1895 76 years - 96 Upper Parliament Street 3830 76317 8 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
Duggin, Joseph 8 January 1895 44 years - Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3818 76073 8 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dumbill, Florence W 14 March 1895 6 Months Infant 45 Royden Street 3840 76510 7 21 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dunbar, Charles 9 March 1895 60 years - Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3838 76468 8 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dunbar, Ralph 30 October 1895 3 months Infant 70 Oliver Street West Derby Municipal 3894 77597 6 626 352 CEM 9/1/16
Duncan, Janet 2 September 1895 42 years - 87 Fairview Place 3881 77323 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dunderdale, John 15 February 1895 58 years Railway Porter 3 Liffey Street 3827 76244 8 324 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dunn, Arthur Edward 15 September 1895 4 months Infant 12 Windsor View 3884 77385 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dunn, Henry 10 March 1895 76 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3838 76477 8 323 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dunn, Joseph 22 October 1895 70 years - 22 Tupman Street 3893 77567 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dunning, William 18 June 1895 65 years - 22 Tagus Street 3862 76941 11 12 352 CEM 9/1/16
Durband, Jane 26 June 1895 9 months Infant 49 Tavistock Street 3864 76982 8 339 352 CEM 9/1/16
Duthie, Elizabeth 2 October 1895 59 years Wife 2 Teck Street West Derby Municipal 3887 77454 L 137 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dutton, Joseph Edward 18 July 1895 3 years Infant Otterspool House Toxteth Park 3870 77102 8 317 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dutton, Peter 20 November 1895 68 years - 28 Charke Street Toxteth Park 3901 77729 8 403 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dyas, John 6 March 1895 55 years - 70 Canning Street 3836 76421 Q 75 352 CEM 9/1/16
Dykes, Louisa 20 August 1895 15 months Infant 23 court 1 House Grafton Street 3878 77272 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eales, Anne 17 February 1895 2 months Infant 19 Park Hill Rd 3828 76273 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eales, Elizabeth 20 April 1895 77 years - 26 Gt George Square 3848 76674 H 128 352 CEM 9/1/16
Easton, Alfred Ingleton 26 October 1895 51 years Clerk 23 Carrington Street Toxteth Park 3894 77583 Q 784 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eastwood, Herbert Goulding 30 March 1895 1 month Infant 2 Clarence Road 3844 76593 I 378 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eaton, Jane 28 December 1895 82 years - 55 Coltart Road Toxteth Park 3910 77910 5 757 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eaves, William 30 January 1895 37 years - Royal Infirmary  3823 76176 8 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eaves, William 11 March 1895 39 years - Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3839 76492 8 325 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eccles, Theodora Rosser 14 June 1895 4 months Infant 8 Edge Lane 3861 76926 7 11 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ede, Margaret 5 December 1895 85 years - 24 Molyneaux Street Mount Pleasant 3904 77792 E Left 530 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eden, Betsey 13 March 1895 78 years Widow Highfield Talbot Road   Upton   Tranmere 3840 76508 I 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edgar, Thomas   (HS) 3 May 1895 79 years Gentleman 104 Harrowby Street 3851 76734 F Left 195 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edgar, Walter 28 December 1895 12 months Infant Workhouse Toxteth Park 3910 77914 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edgar, William 8 May 1895 3 years Infant Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3853 76761 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edge, Richard Edward 26 October 1895 23 months Infant 62 Bowring Street Toxteth Park 3894 77585 6 204 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edmondson, William 5 May 1895 49 years - 10 Guest Street 3852 76742 8 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edwards, Alfred 9 January 1895 29 years - City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3818 76080 8 312 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edwards, Amelia Jane 28 July 1895 7 months Infant 7 court Mann Street 3872 77157 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edwards, Elizabeth 27 February 1895 46 years - 32 Hyslop Street 3832 76359 8 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edwards, Florence 7 July 1895 10 months Infant 12 Northumberland Buildings 3866 77034 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edwards, Jemima 29 September 1895 67 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3887 77447 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Edwards, Lavinia 25 July 1895 78 years Widow 14 Dingle Lane 3872 77143 B Left 626 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ellicott, Catherine Florence 4 January 1895 8 years - 1 Maitland Street 3818 76062 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Elliott, Elizabeth 19 October 1895 43 years Nurse Workhouse Toxteth Park 3892 77552 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Elliott, Frances 2 April 1895 54 years Spinster 39 Jacob Street 3845 76602 P 28 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ellis, John 25 November 1895 65 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3902 77749 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ellis, Mary Letitia 29 November 1895 3 months Infant 2a Forge Place 3903 77772 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ellis, Prudence 1 August 1895 5 months Infant 20 Gelling Street 3873 77181 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ellis, William   28 April 1895 55years - 54 Windsor Street 3850 76716 8 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ellis, William Herbert 2 March 1895 15 years - 39 Wordsworth Street 3833 76371 6 232 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ellison, Isaac 12 January 1895 69 years Boot Maker 218 Windsor Street 3819 76090 6 613 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ellison, William Southworth 28 July 1895 3 weeks Infant 60 Cleopas Street 3872 77160 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ely, Lilian May 1 September 1895 8 months Infant 84 Copperfield Street   Toxteth Park 3880 77320 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Emer, Gustave Adolf 21 July 1895 23 months Infant 25 Northbrook Street 3871 77127 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Entwistle, Robert B 29 July 1895 3 years Infant 72 Solway Street Toxteth Park 3873 77165 1 27 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, Annie 21 March 1895 4 months Infant - 3842 76560 8 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, Arthur 1 August 1895 1 week Infant 154 Smithdown Road Toxteth Park 3873 77175 11 707 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, David Charles 18 October 1895 46 years Publican 105 Myrtle Street Mount Pleasant 3891 77535 6 523 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, Davie 1 March 1895 2 years Infant City Hospital 3833 76378 6 218 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, Elizabeth 27 August 1895 56 years Widow 5 Lucerne Street 3879 77290 1 19 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, Ellen 13 February 1895 79 years - 5 Seacome Street 3826 76239 O 138 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, Francis Percy 12 February 1895 43 years Hair Dresser 75 Selborne Street 3826 76238 8 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, Getrude 1 August 1895 6 months Infant 32 Hurry Street 3873 77168 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, Griffith John 12 April 1895 7 months Infant 13 Vronhill Street 3847 76643 M 766 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, John 26 June 1895 37 years - 49 Voelas Street 3864 76981 1 3 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, Sarah Alice 28 November 1895 32 years - 91 Admiral Street 3902 77759 6 209 352 CEM 9/1/16
Evans, William 13 March 1895 46 years Cow Keeper 20 Kingsley Rd 3839 76490 F Right 376 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eves, Ellen Maud 18 April 1895 5 years Infant 29 Mornington Street 3848 76668 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eves, John H 3 March 1895 3 years Infant 21 Shaftesbury Street 3835 76404 8 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Eves, Walter 5 March 1895 6 months Infant 107 Upper Essex Street 3835 76414 8 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Exon, Lily 2 March 1895 2 years Infant 2 Southwell Street 3835 76401 8 350 352 CEM 9/1/16
Faint, Barbara 26 February 1895 57 years Widow 33 Gaerwin Street 3832 76341 M 751 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fair, Janet Dutton 29 December 1895 60 years Wife Royal Infirmary Mount Pleasant 3910 77912 Q 679 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fairclough, James 21 September 1895 37 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3885 77409 8 406 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fairclough, Mary Warner 18 September 1895 19 months Infant 252 Beaufort Street 3884 77389 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fairhurst,  Harriet J 20 October 1895 1 mth Infant 94 Wellington Road 3892 77544 6 104 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fairley, Alexander 31 December 1895 34 years Policeman Southern Hospital 3911 77922 1 123 353 CEM 9/1/15
Falconer, Catharine Ann 28 June 1895 45 years - 48 Avenueison Street 3864 76996 8 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Falconer, Catherine 27 July 1895 4 years Infant 15 Ruby Street 3872 77158 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Falconer, Duncan 2 June 1895 19 years - 44 Addison Street 3858 76880 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fallows, James 6 January 1895 52 years - Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3818 76066 8 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Farmer, Mary 22 January 1895 80 years Widow 56 Waterloo Road   Waterloo   Litherland 3821 76136 ELeft 75 352 CEM 9/1/16
Farnsworth, Henry 22 February 1895 62 years - Southern Hospital 3830 76309 8 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fazackerley, Sarah Jane 18 December1895 13 months Infant 4 Gaskell Street 3908 77868 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fearon, Martha 6 January 1895 53 years - 51 Star Street 3818 76067 8 308 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fenemore, William A J 4 June 1895 50 years - 23 Maple Grove 3859 76884 6 544 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fernie, Fanny 3 October 1895 64 years Wife Proctor Terrace 3887 77453 C Left 122 352 CEM 9/1/16
Findlay, Mary Ellen 5 July 1895 12 weeks Infant 19 Gaskill Street 3866 77028 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Finlay, Dorothy Vera 9 May 1895 18 months Infant 145 Heyworth Street 3853 76763 F Right 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Finlinson, Sarah 11 November 1895 83 years - 63 Beaconsfield Street 3898 77680 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Finn, Frank 8 March 1895 14 months Infant 63 Elstow Street 3838 76461 11 165 352 CEM 9/1/16
Firman, Emily Jane 6 July 1895 5 months Infant 4 Doddridge Street 3866 77038 6 628 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fish, Anthony 8 November 1895 76 years Gentleman 52 Bagot Street Wavertree 3896 77638 F Right 619 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fisher, Catharine 26 March 1895 11 weeks Infant 39 Frank Street 3843 76578 8 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fisher, George Ravenscroft 4 October 1895 38 years - 27 Buckingham Road West Derby Rural 3888 77470 12 827 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fisher, John Henry 18 February 1895 3 Weeks Infant 25 Gibson Street 3828 76277 8 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fisher, Jonathan 3 September 1895 13 months Infant 4 Tupman Street 3881 77326 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fisher, Mary 13 May 1895 42 years Wife 6 Carona Road   Waterloo 3853 76776 G 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fisher, Ralph 9 August 1895 3 days Infant 28 Gaskill Street 3875 77210 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fisher, William   (HS) 13 February 1895 85 years Gentleman 52 Little Woolton Street 3826 76228 B Left 224 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fitton, Alice Ann 1 December 1895 6 months Infant 28 Frank Street 3904 77784 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fitzpatrick, Margaret 5 October 1895 61 years Widow 68 Durning Road West Derby Municipal 3888 77467 B Right 224 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fitzpatrick, Richard 13 July 1895 8 hours Infant 68 Durning Road West Derby Municial 3868 77077 B Right 224 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fitzpatrick, Terence 15 January 1895 21 Months Infant 68 Durning Road 3819 76100 B Right 224 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fitzsimmons, Ernest 16 April 1895 11 days Infant 21 Streetopford Street 3847 76656 C Right 438 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fletcher, Ada Harriet 29 November 1895 42 years Wife 53 Madelaine Street Toxteth Park 3903 77764 H 858 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fletcher, Ellen 16 November 1895 22 years - 5 court Roper Street Toxteth park 3900 77711 8 403 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fletcher, Ellen 16 November 1895 3 minutes Infant 5 court Roper Street Toxteth park 3900 77712 8 403 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fletcher, Louisa 18 June 1895 35 years Wife 59 Thornycroft Road   Wavertree 3861 76937 6 311 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fletcher, Sarah 16 February 1895 85 years Widow 3 ChicheStreeter Place 3827 76252 Q 10 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fogg, John 5 March 1895 5 months Infant 5 Beloe Street 3835 76413 8 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Forbutt, Ellen 31 December 1895 25 years - 71 Wellington Avenue Wavertree 3910 77921 6 120 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ford, William 22 September 1895 6 months Infant 57 court Mann Street 3885 77418 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Forrest, Dorothy B 9 June 1895 8 months Infant 38 Avondale Road 3860 76909 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Forshaw, Thomas Andrew 8 September 1895 11 years Scholar 92 Bamber Street West Derby Municipal 3882 77356 D Left 859 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fortey, Eliza Mary 18 January 1895 66 years Widow 15 Rossett Avenue 3820 76106 D 78 352 CEM 9/1/16
Foster, Gertrude Emily   (HS) 3 May 1895 9 months Infant 180 Smithdown Road 3851 76727 C Left  220 352 CEM 9/1/16
Foster, Richard 4 August 1895 8 months Infant 22 Longfellow Street 3874 77189 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Foster, Samuel 6 November 1895 67 years - 8 Northumberland Street 3896 77640 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Foster, Thomas 13 June 1895 53 years - Southern Hospital 3861 76925 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Foulkes, Ellen 24 May 1895 30 years - Workhouse 3856 76832 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Foulkes, Mary A 18 November 1895 58 years Spinster 5 Edge Grove West Derby Municipal 3900 77718 C Right 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fowler, Elizabeth 12 June 1895 12 days  Infant Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3860 76916 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fowler, Janet   (HS) 19 February 1895 47 years - 7 Pine Street 3828 76270 A Left 293 352 CEM 9/1/16
Fox, Charles 18 September 1895 46 years - 52 Madryn Street 3884 77392 C Right 135 352 CEM 9/1/16
France, Sarah Jane 2 February 1895 38 years - 124 Earle Road 3824 76186 Q 738 352 CEM 9/1/16
Francis, Isaac 13 October 1895 9 years Scholar 1 Penrith Street 3890 77504 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Francis, Margaret Ellen 21 May 1895 13 years - 27 Emerson Street 3855 76812 8 376 352 CEM 9/1/16
Franklin, Ann 9 March 1895 60 years - 7 Isis Street 3837 76454 8 323 352 CEM 9/1/16
Franklin, Hugh 8 October 1895 2 years Infant 19 Threllfall Street 3889 77485 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Franklin, Percy 13 October 1895 1 mth Infant 9 Threlfall Street 3890 77518 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Frazer, Gordon 20 April 1895 10 Weeks  Infant 73 Merlin Street 3848 76679 E Right 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Freeland, Basil Peter 27 December 1895 73 years Gentleman 70 Durning Road West Derby Municipal 3909 77900 Q 284 352 CEM 9/1/16
Frost, Margaret Maud 5 February 1895 13 months Infant 410 Mill Street 3825 76205 8 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Furby, Richard Henry 31 March 1895 5 months Infant 2 Haliburton Street 3844 76598 8 329 352 CEM 9/1/16
Furnival, Robert 24 December 1895 73 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3909 77897 1 280 352 CEM 9/1/16
Galbraith, Mary 12 November 1895 72 years - 132 Windsor Street Toxteth Park 3899 77682 D Right 153 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gale, Maria 2 June 1895 43 years Wife 50 Hill Street 3858 76870 E Right 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gallagher, William 17 February 1895 14 months Infant 12 Clive Street 3828 76262 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Galley.John 25 November 1895 58 years Cashier Eastwood Great Crosby 3902 77742 H 904 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gambles, Elsie 4 February 1895 13 months Infant 38 Mill Street 3824 76198 7 379 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gammon, Florence Annie 24 February 1895 6 years Infant City Hospital, Grafton Street 3831 76325 8 338 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gardiner, Edith 5 February 1895 2 years Infant 36 Langdale Road 3824 76200 O 133 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gardiner, Mary 13 February 1895 5 years Infant 36 Langdale Road 3827 76242 O 133 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gardner, Elizabeth 12 April 1895 42 years Wife 52 Underley Street 3846 76640 Q 688 352 CEM 9/1/16
Garnett, Rose Hannah 10 November 1895 4 months Infant 77 North Hill Street 3898 77678 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Garrett, Helen Walker 18 March 1895 39 years Wife Street Paul's Vicarage   3 Ullet Rd 3841 76527 780 K 352 CEM 9/1/16
Garvey, John 20 February 1895 44 years - 21 Fairview Place 3829 76292 8 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gates, Annie 10 October 1895 12 weeks Infant 207 Grafton Street 3889 77497 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gates, Joseph 13 October 1895 3 months Infant 207 Grafton Street 3890 77516 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gaunt, John Owen 12 July 1895 5 years Infant 59 Pecksniff Street 3868 77071 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gaunt, Joseph 18 September 1895 6 months Infant 87 Pecksniff Street Toxteth Park 3884 77397 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Geddes, Margaret 22 February 1895 41 years - Rainhill Asylum Eccleston 3830 76311 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Geddes, Thomas 21 February 1895 40 hours Infant 36 Hurry Street 3830 76304 8 322 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gee, William 27 March 1895 22 years - 47 Bessemer Street 3844 76585 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gelling, William James 7 November 1895 38 years - 47 b Parkhill Road 3897 77653 8 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gerrard, Emma 23 May 1895 56 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3856 76827 8 378 352 CEM 9/1/16
Getty, Winifred 25 February 1895 17 months Infant 18 Croxteth Grove 3830 76316 P 67 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gibbons, Lucy 24 March 1895 22 months Infant 196 Mann Street 3843 76571 8 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gibbs, Emma 7 February 1895 55 years - Home For Female Incurables 3825 76210 8 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gibbs, Harry Timmins 21 February 1895 26 years - Royal Infirmary   Mount Pleasant 3829 76300 E Right 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gibson, Dorothy 20 February 1895 21 months Infant 48 Manchester Street 3829 76296 B Left 227 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gilbert, Ethel 6 June 1895 69 years - 8 Rankin Street 3859 76897 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gilbert, Sophia 4 April 1895 16 months Infant 286 Beaufort Street 3845 76616 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gilbertson, David 24 November 1895 9 months Infant 21 Embledon Street 3902 77745 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Giles, Charles Wilfred 26 November 1895 11 months Infant 110 North Hill Street 3902 77751 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gilhooly, James 11 August 1895 84 months Inspector 4 Poplar Grove 3876 77226 4 595 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gill, George Edward 19 February 1895 8 months Infant 17 Copperfield Street 3829 76282 7 325 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gill, William 18 July 1895 53 years - No Address Given 3870 77103 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gilling, Kate Elizabeth 29 July 1895 15 days Infant 43 Marple Grove 3873 77169 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gillott, Gertrude Annie 23 September 1895 4 months Infant 48 Menzie Street 3886 77425 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gilmour, Annie Elizabeth 12 February 1895 48 years Spinster 19 Jermyn Street 3826 76226 I 30 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gilroy, Marion E 19 June 1895 19 months Infant 44 Wendel Street 3862 76954 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
Glaister, Isabel 9 April 1895 28 years - 143 Mann Street 3846 76627 5 344 352 CEM 9/1/16
Glass, James 19 January 1895 4 months Infant 104 Parkhill Road 3821 76123 8 308 352 CEM 9/1/16
Glass, John 15 June 1895 9 months Infant 104 Parkhill Road 3861 76928 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gleave, Margaret Helen 14 November 1895 68 years - West Kirby Woodchurch 3899 77687 D Left 185 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gleave, Thomas James 27 August 1895 8 months Infant 50 Harlow Street 3879 77289 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gleaves, Emily 12 November 1895 7 weeks Infant Workhouse Toxteth Park 3899 77689 8 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
Glendinning, John 18 July 1895 74 years Gentleman 149 Lodge Lane 3869 77092 D Left 295 352 CEM 9/1/16
Glover, Robert Arthur 27 January 1895 2 years Infant 12 Cullen Street 3822 76156 8 314 352 CEM 9/1/16
Glynn, Mary 15 November 1895 71 years - 38 Verulam Street 3900 77706 6 329 352 CEM 9/1/16
Glynn, William 16 July 1895 69 years - 15 Coburg Street 3869 77090 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Godden, Celia 24 December 1895 45 years Wife 1 Rivington Street Everton North 3909 77892 1 120 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gordon, Mary 20 August 1895 48 years - 113 Warwick Street 3878 77270 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Goss, Robert B 10 July 1895 1 month Infant 1 Langton Road Wavertree 3868 77067 O 223 352 CEM 9/1/16
Goss, William 3 July 1895 59 years Cow Keeper 7 Warwick Street 3865 77012 O 261 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gough, Theodosia Mary   (HS) 6 March 1895 70 years - 61 Coltart Rd 3836 76424 7 380 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gould, Thomas Howells 30 December 1895 3 months Infant 65 Holmes Street 3910 77918 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gouldin, Christopher 14 March 1895 32 years - 27 Eden Street 3840 76507 8 323 352 CEM 9/1/16
Goulding, Edmund T. 5 December 1895 3 days Infant 23 Eden Street 3904 77801 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Goulding, George Christopher 19 August 1895 20 months Infant 23 Eden Street 3877 77261 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gouthwaite, Francis Foster 7 October 1895 64 years Gentleman 5 Bridson Street Mount Pleasant 3888 77478 C Left 652 352 CEM 9/1/16
Grace, Robert Samson 19 August 1895 5 days Infant 39 Beresford Road 3878 77264 N 103 352 CEM 9/1/16
Grafton, Elizabeth 15 August 1895 38 months - 13 Sandys Street Toxteth Park 3877 77242 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Graham, Eva May 20 August 1895 3 months Infant 120 New Henderson Street Toxteth Park 3878 77266 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Graham, James Coupland 8 July 1895 41 years Fruit Merchant Dovie House Crystal Villas Blackpool 3867 77045 G 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Graham, Jane 8 December 1895 77 years Widow 457 Mill Street Toxteth Park 3905 77815 B Left 44 352 CEM 9/1/16
Graham, Mary Helierine 12 March 1895 47 years Wife 16 Sefton Drive 3838 76478 Q 219 352 CEM 9/1/16
Grannell, Frederick M 11 June 1895 3 years Infant 46 Mozart Street 3860 76912 11 58 352 CEM 9/1/16
Grant, Albert Arnold 17 March 1895 7 years - 387 Smithdown Road 3840 76520 E Right 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gray, John Scott 19 January 1895 2 years Infant 10 Nickleby Street 3821 76128 8 308 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gray, William 25 February 1895 76 years - 42 Vronhill Street 3831 76332 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Greaves, Mabel Mary 25 August 1895 3 months Infant 60 Hampton Street 3879 77287 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Green, Arthur Edward 29 May 1895 8 years Scholar 48 Farnworth Street 3857 76855 C Right 268 352 CEM 9/1/16
Green, Mary 7 March 1895 76 years Widow 37 Siddeley Street 3836 76429 6 142 352 CEM 9/1/16
Green, Paulina Jane 10 July 1895 2 years Infant 26 Frank Street 3867 77053 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Green, Thomas 9 September 1895 75 years Gentleman 1 Yew Tree Road Walton 3882 77357 J 642 352 CEM 9/1/16
Green, William Lewis 10 July 1895 14 months Infant 34 Wilson Street Toxteth Park 3867 77055 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Greep, John Harvey 18 August 1895 52 months - 1 court Park Road 3877 77248 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gregg, John Kay 13 December 1895 59 years Clerk 48 Fern Grove 3906 77837 D Left 1029 352 CEM 9/1/16
Grice, Anne 30 January 1895 56 years Wife Southern Hospital 3823 76172 11 695 352 CEM 9/1/16
Grice, George 3 September 1895 60 years - 80 Northumberland Street 3881 77328 11 695 352 CEM 9/1/16
Grierson, Nicholas 24 September 1895 69 years - 29 Cobden Street Everton South 3886 77423 E Left 643 352 CEM 9/1/16
Griffith, Margaret   (HS) 3 February 1895 66 years - 291 Beaufort Street 3824 76195 7 489 352 CEM 9/1/16
Griffiths, Ann 8 May 1895 67 years Widow Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3852 76759 8 374 352 CEM 9/1/16
Griffiths, Ann 27 July 1895 85 years Widow 6 Rose Brae Mossley Hill 3872 77154 C Right 349 352 CEM 9/1/16
Griffiths, Caroline 12 January 1895 72 years - - 3819 76088 8 312 352 CEM 9/1/16
Griffiths, Clara Emma 19 September 1895 38 years Spinster 68 Cotswold Street West Derby Municipal 3884 77401 12 385 352 CEM 9/1/16
Griffiths, George 1 December 1895 29 years - 1 Emerson Street 3903 77773 8 415 352 CEM 9/1/16
Griffiths, Harry 27 August 1895 5 months Infant 61 Ritson Street 3879 77292 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Griffiths, William 14 October 1895 65 years - 19 Rockbrook Street 3890 77521 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Griffiths, William H 30 March 1895 29 years - 5 Aigburth View 3844 76595 8 327 352 CEM 9/1/16
Grinsditch, Ann 25 September 1895 43 years Wife 11 Kremlin Grove West Derby Rural 3886 77427 C Left 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Grisdale, Margaret 11 May 1895 12 years Scholar City Hospital 3853 76779 8 376 352 CEM 9/1/16
Grundy, Maria Walton 7 December 1895 76 years Widow 25 Church Road West Derby Rural 3905 77809 C Left 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gudgeon, Ellen Mary Wain 15 March 1895 6 years Infant 125 Great Howard Street 3840 76514 F Right 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Guest, Sarah Ann 21 April 1895 31 years Wife 4 Tillotson Square 3849 76686 8 339 352 CEM 9/1/16
Gunson, James 3 July 1895 69 years - 65 Windsor Street 3865 77015 F Left 151 352 CEM 9/1/16
Guy, Henry 25 January 1895 2 years Infant 76 St Arnaud Street 3822 76148 7 269 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hackle, Leonard John 15 March 1895 10 weeks  Infant 26 Prince William Street 3841 76521 358 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Haddock, Jane 17 May 1895 66 years Widow Ellerslie   Aigburth 3854 76795 K 1052 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hagan, Emma 18 August 1895 72 months - 41 Lidward street 3877 77260 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Haigh, Catharine Hamilton 2 June 1895 9 months Infant 16 Frank Street 3858 76875 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Haigh, John 1 April 1895 2 months Infant 1 Bennison Drive   Grassendale 3844 76599 H 241 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hales, William Norman 15 April 1895 2 years Infant 18 Elsmere Avenue 3847 76657 8 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Halksworth, Betty 1 September 1895 67 years Wife 2 Embledon Street 3880 77311 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hall, Catherine 12 September 1895 25 years - Liverpool 3883 77378 8 414 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hall, Mary 29 May 1895 48 years - 2 Bishop Rd 3857 76848 O 201 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hall, Thomas 26 June 1895 46 years Breaksman 39 Cambridge Street 3863 76979 6 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Halpin, George 5 May 1895 5 years Infant 15 Netley Street 3851 76738 C Left  677 352 CEM 9/1/16
Halpin, Susannah 5 May 1895 3 years Infant 13 Gaskill Street 3852 76741 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hambley, John Knox 6 October 1895 39 years - 100 Pembroke Place Mount Pleasant 3888 77472 F Right 382 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hamer Margaret 7 August 1895 68 years - 39 Bisherton Street 3874 77201 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hamer, Charles Edward 28 December 1895 15 months Infant 10 Elwy Street 3910 77915 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hamer, Emma 24 June 1895 74 years - 84 Parliament Street 3863 76969 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hamer, Jane Isabella 16 August 1895 5 months Infant City Hospital 3877 77255 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hamer, Thomas 16 May 1895 7 weeks Infant 60 Mozart Street 3854 76791 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hamilton, Betsy 27 January 1895 42 years - 12 Slaney Street 3823 76166 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hamilton, Sarah Jane 27 July 1895 19 months Infant 10 Northumberland Buildings 3872 77150 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hampton, Eleanor Maud 18 February 1895 3 years Infant 4 Grierson Street 3828 76266 7 708 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hands, Alfred 25 November 1895 6 weeks Infant 71 Isaac Street 3902 77750 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hannay, Elizabeth 14 March 1895 60 years - 43 Lucerne Street 3840 76503 12 161 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hanson, Annie 5 April 1895 50 years - 35 Claribel Street 3845 76615 5 414 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hanson, Marjorie Edith 14 March 1895 20 Months Infant 4 Aigburth Rd Grassendale   Wavertree 3840 76511 6 538 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hardcastle, Elizabeth 21 March 1895 69 years Spinster Cheshire Asylum   Chester Cathedral 3842 76550 B Right 105 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hardingham, John Thomas 12 July 1895 34 years - No Address Given Liverpool 3867 77054 8 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hardman, Robert 24 October 1895 57 years Wine Merchant Bedford Road Birkenhead 3893 77565 K 103849 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harper, James 13 October 1895 8 months Infant 21 court Grafton Street 3890 77517 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harper, Lilian Lee Brent 12 September 1895 14 years Scholar 31 Roache Street 3883 77365 11 940 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harraden, Harry 24 June 1895 28 years - 48 Aspen Grove 3863 76968 1 2 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harris, George William 20 April 1895 63 years - 54 Edge Lane 3848 76676 H 897 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harrison, James 12 February 1895 1 month Infant 42 Clive Street 3826 76234 8 322 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harrison, James 20 February 1895 76 years Master Baker 19 Kent Street 3829 76294 6 148 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harrison, Richard 19 May 1895 46 years - Royal Southern Hospital 3855 76808 8 374 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harrison, William 22 January 1895 74 years Joiner 25 Miller Street 3821 76134 4 86 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hart, Alice Seymour 31 July 1895 2 months Infant 76 Longfellow Street Toxteth Park 3873 77172 12 862 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hart, Charles 1 March 1895 64 years Gentleman 17 Marine Crescent   Waterloo 3833 76369 Q 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hart, Margaret 30 May 1895 32 years - 27 Clevedon Street 3857 76859 12 862 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harvey, Charles 2 February 1895 1 Month Infant 73 Micawber Street 3824 76192 8 314 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harvey, Cyril Howard 14 February 1895 10 months Infant 200 Windsor Street 3827 76255 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Harvey, Richard 20 November 1895 45 years Mariner 6 Noel Street 3901 77725 F Right 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Haspey, Edward 7 March 1895 15 years - 7 court Upper Streetanhope Street 3837 76448 8 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hastie, Elizabeth Ellen 30 October 1895 6 months Infant 4 court Mill Street 3894 77601 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hasting, Annie Helena 22 September 1895 2 years Infant 9 Rockbrook Street Toxteth Park 3885 77415 P 462 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hastings, Westray 22 March 1895 75 years Gentleman Great Crosby   Crosby 3842 76558 L 694 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hatton, Clementina 12 June 1895 63 years Widow 123 Everton Road 3860 76913 H 536 352 CEM 9/1/16
Haw, Dorothy 5 July 1895 2 years Infant 46 Fern Grove 3866 77030 K 965 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hawkins, John Henry 22 January 1895 16 years - Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3822 76141 8 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hawkins, Julia 12 November 1895 72 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3899 77688 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Haworth, Isabella Susan 11 July 1895 28 years Wife 25 Bright Street Blackpool 3868 77068 A Left 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hayes, Alice Maud 28 February 1895 34 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3833 76379 8 350 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hayter, Charles Edwin 21 July 1895 10 months Infant 75 Lark Lane 3870 77117 8 379 352 CEM 9/1/16
Head, Catharine 20 March 1895 66 years - 11 Milton Road 3842 76545 C Left  213 352 CEM 9/1/16
Head, Thomas Sharman 10 September 1895 14 months Infant 19 Woodruffe Street 3882 77360 C Left 588 352 CEM 9/1/16
Heath, Frank 26 December 1895 6 years Infant 48 Dovey Street 3910 77902 1 94 352 CEM 9/1/16
Heatley, Thomas 16 December 1895 63 years Bricklayer 28 Hawdon Street West Derby Municipal 3906 77840 6 629 352 CEM 9/1/16
Heaton, Amelia 11 January 1895 52 years Wife Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3819 76091 8 314 352 CEM 9/1/16
Heayberd, John Pearce 21 June 1895 78 years - 337 Old Chester Road   Tranmere 3863 76963 6 249 352 CEM 9/1/16
Helliwell, Robert Blake 20 March 1895 7 months Infant 91 Huskisson Street 3842 76544 M 824 352 CEM 9/1/16
Henderson, William Tapley 23 January 1895 6 months Infant 41 Athol Street 3822 76144 6 625 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hendry, Elizabeth 31 August 1895 14 months Infant 14 Beaufort Street 3880 77309 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Heney, Thomas 10 February 1895 56 years - 7 Scotland Place 3825 76217 L 753 352 CEM 9/1/16
Herring, Violet Mary 12 August 1895 4½ years Infant 1 Wellesley Terrace 3875 77221 C Left 521 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hersey, John Alfred 22 December 1895 18 months Infant 52 Star Street 3909 77889 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hesketh, Jane 7 December 1895 67 years Wife 149 High Park Street 3904 77795 S 158 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hetherington, Frances Jane 4 March 1895 49 years - 22 Peel Street 3834 76393 C Left  260 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hewitt, Jane 26 February 1895 55 years - 74 North Hill Street 3831 76333 12 534 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hibbert, Edwin Harold 3 December 1895 30 years - Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3904 77789 1 89 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hibbs, Thomas 15 October 1895 3 months Infant 2 court 3 Brassey Street 3891 77525 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hibbs, Thomas Robert 12 May 1895 31 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3853 76777 8 370 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hicks, James Lanyon 25 February 1895 64 years Commercial Traveller 27 Prospect Vale 3831 76336 H 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hicks, Wallis 15 January 1895 23 Months Infant 23 Beamish Street 3819 76097 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Higgins, Albert 11 August 1895 3 months Infant 10 Tagus Street 3876 77223 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Higgins, Charles 11 August 1895 3 months Infant 10 Tagus Street 3876 77224 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Higginson, Elizabeth 3 March 1895 13 days Infant 55 Kendell Street 3834 76390 8 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Higson, James Meadowcroft 5 July 1895 56 years - 13 St Michaels Road 3866 77029 E Right 420 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hill, Dorothea 27 February 1895 28 years - 8 Letitia Street 3832 76348 6 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hill, Elizabeth 29 January 1895 39 years - 22 Luke Street 3823 76164 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hill, Frances 21 July 1895 10 months Infant 22 Frank Street Toxteth  Park 3870 77110 8 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hill, Henry Lawrence 24 February 1895 12 months Infant 4 Maitland Street 3831 76324 8 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hill, Margaret Ellen 19 June 1895 2 years Infant 1 Gorton Street 3862 76949 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hill, William Esplen 25 January 1895 41 years Stationer 141 St James Street 3822 76147 L 663 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hill, William John 17 January 1895 19 days Infant 8 Letitia Street 3820 76107 6 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hillman, Hester 28 September 1895 7 years Scholar Parkhill Hospital Toxteth Park 3886 77438 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hilton, Bridget 3 March 1895 66 years Wife 95 Gladstone Rd 3834 76386 R 804 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hitchmough, Ellen 18 March 1895 78 years Widow Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3841 76534 331 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hitchmough, John 2 January 1895 48 years Rope Maker 91 Beaumont Street 3817 76058 8 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hitchmough, Sarah Rigby 30 May 1895 56 years - 1 Cadogan Street 3857 76854 8 203 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hodgin, William 17 January 1895 50 years - City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3820 76117 8 314 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hodgson, Ann 20 June 1895 11 months Infant 6 Denton Street 3863 76961 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hodgson, Mary 16 January 1895 53 years - Workhouse 3820 76109 8 312 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hodkinson, Thomas 14 March 1895 32 Years - 6 Manor Bank   Liscard   Wallasey 3839 76500 6 481 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hodson, John 31 July 1895 53 years Shipwright 56 Webb Street West Derby Municipal 3873 77174 H 314 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hodson, Thomas 20 March 1895 16 years - 47 Essex Street 3842 76548 8 325 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hogg, James Harker 17 March 1895 50 years Sailor 47 Aberdeen Street 3841 76528 536 12 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hogg, Teasdale 2 February 1895 45 years Accountant Ecclestone   Prescot 3824 76181 F Right 378 352 CEM 9/1/16
Holden, Stephen 8 September 1895 7 months Infant 32 Rankin Street 3882 77355 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Holder, Charles 15 July 1895 50 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3869 77093 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Holder, George Daniel 22 July 1895 60 years Sailmaker No Address Given  3871 77132 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Holgreaves, Frances 17 February 1895 63 years - 74 Hawthorne Road 3827 76246 D Right 186 352 CEM 9/1/16
Holland, Nina 17 July 1895 66 years - 17 Beaufort Street 3869 77087 8 379 352 CEM 9/1/16
Holmes, John 30 April 1895 79 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3851 76721 8 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Holmes, Lily 27 January 1895 12 years - 58 Byles Street 3823 76169 8 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Holt, Robert Joseph 5 December 1895 5 years Infant 6 Gaskell Street 3904 77797 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hoople, Reginald Robert John 24 November 1895 11 months Infant 1 Richardson Street West Derby Municipal 3901 77737 12 602 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hooton, Alfred 13 January 1895 44 years Clerk Royal Southern Hospital 3819 76094 8 312 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hopkinson, Catherine 20 July 1895 15 months Infant 19 Sussex Street 3870 77116 8 379 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hopley, Frederick Hugh 6 November 1895 23 years - City Hospital Toxteth Park 3897 77648 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hopwood, Elizabeth 8 June 1895 61 years Wife 49 Lethbridge Street   North Meols 3860 76902 B Left 153 352 CEM 9/1/16
Horsfall, Margaret 14 February 1895 54 years - 7/12 Fisher Street 3827 76257 8 324 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hosker, John   (HS) 27 June 1895 72 years Gentleman 231 Brownlow Hill 3863 76977 A Left 297 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hosking, Elizabeth 26 February 1895 77 years - 38 Darnley Street 3832 76354 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Houghton, Jane 7 November 1895 59 years - 97 Mulgrave Street 3897 77642 H 853 352 CEM 9/1/16
Houghton, Samuel 13 August 1895 1 1/2 months Infant 138 New Henderson Street 3876 77233 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hounsill, William 12 August 1895 66 years - Rainhill Asylem St Helens 3875 77219 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Houston, Jane 16 October 1895 55 years - 5 Churchill Street Toxteth Park 3891 77522 Q 668 352 CEM 9/1/16
Howard, Edward 24 October 1895 7 months Infant 27 Aberdeen Street Toxteth Park 3893 77577 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Howard, Eleanor 23 February 1895 48 years - 9 Teilo Street 3830 76312 D Left 955 352 CEM 9/1/16
Howard, Susannah 8 May 1895 15 months Infant 19 Beamish Street 3852 76755 8 370 352 CEM 9/1/16
Howard, William Broster 15 May 1895 58 years - 9 Elwy Street 3854 76783 7 49 352 CEM 9/1/16
Howarth, Ralph Geo 6 March 1895 3 years Infant 2 Newstead Rd 3835 76406 E Right 297 352 CEM 9/1/16
Howe, David Jacob Wendell 26 July 1895 8 months Infant 24 River Avon Street 3872 77153 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Howell, Charles Mends 18 March 1895 7 months Infant 20 Belgrave Road 3841 76536 358 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Howell, Edward 4 May 1895 75 years Publisher and Bookseller 4 Carlton Terrace    Milton Road 3851 76739 D Left 342 352 CEM 9/1/16
Howells, Mary A 1 February 1895 64 years Widow Grassendale 3824 76182 A Left 278 352 CEM 9/1/16
Howse, William Edward 11 February 1895 7 Months Infant 29 Lockhart Street 3826 76232 8 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hoyland, Eliza Louisa 14 March 1895 69 years Widow 15 Berkley Street 3839 76491 A Left 315 352 CEM 9/1/16
Huddert, Ethel 5 September 1895 6 days Infant 3 Vickers Street 3882 77348 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hudson, Mary Ann   (HS) 14 January 1895 19 years Spinster 31 Smithdown Road 3819 76095 A Left 203 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughan, Margaret 31 January 1895 76 years - 231 Brownlow Hill 3823 76175 G 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes Thomas 1 September 1895 74 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3881 77322 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Annie 22 July 1895 41 years Wife 70 Eversley Street 3870 77113 E Right 361 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Charles 12 June 1895 4 months Infant 29 Ruby Street 3860 76920 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Edward 22 March 1895 1 Month Infant Workhouse 3843 76568 8 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Emily Maud 12 November 1895 24 years Wife 8 Harvey Street West Derby Municipal 3898 77664 G 267 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Ethel Frances 27 February 1895 7 months Infant 46 Wynnstay Street 3833 76370 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Florence 13 November 1895 22 months Infant 37 Gelling Street 3899 77697 8 411 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Henry 6 October 1895 54 years - No Address 3888 77481 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Henry 5 November 1895 75 years Shoemaker Workhouse Toxteth Park 3896 77639 8 411 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Herbert 8 November 1895 12 months Infant 23 Mozart Street 3897 77660 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Hugh 10 September 1895 40 years - Liverpool Workhouse Mount Pleasant 3883 77363 J 21 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, James   (HS) 24 November 1895 3 months Infant 19 Toxteth Grove 3901 77741 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, John 20 February 1895 72 years - 57 Mozart Street 3829 76299 8 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, John 22 September 1895 38 years Cabinet Maker 69 Greenleaf Street 3885 77407 1 43 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, John  28 June 1895 65 years Solicitor Sefton Park 3864 76990 I 464 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, John Drummond 10 March 1895 11 months Infant 118 Handel Street 3838 76476 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Maria 23 November 1895 52 years - 17 Bessemer Street Toxteth Park 3902 77744 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Mary Ann 3 April 1895 70 years Widow 152 County Road   Walton 3844 76594 D Left 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Nicholas 7 November 1895 72 years - 194 Beaufort Street 3895 77619 8 411 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Robert 19 February 1895 52 years - 86 Gladstone Rd 3828 76278 7 218 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Thomas 2 October 1895 72 years - 89 Wellington Road 3887 77456 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, Thomas Frederick 5 July 1895 35 years - Royal Southern Hospital    Toxteth Park 3866 77032 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hughes, William Adolphus 30 January 1895 13 months Infant 111 Ash Grove 3823 76177 6 554 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hulbert, Elizabeth 3 September 1895 61 years Wife 32 Barlay Street Toxteth Park 3881 77332 1 40 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hulbert, Frederick Gordon 19 March 1895 8 months Infant 12 Poplar Grove 3841 76539 ? 6 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hulme, Jane 18 September 1895 56 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3884 77400 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hulton, Jane Eliza 11 July 1895 72 years Wife 6 Montpelier Terrance Mount Pleasant 3867 77056 J 585 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hume, Nellie Mary 3 October 1895 5 months Infant 44 Wellington Road 3888 77463 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Humphreys, Charles Standford 7 March 1895 26 years - 122 Picton Rd 3836 76425 G 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hunt, Henrietta 21 October 1895 74 years - 76 Jacob Street 3892 77551 1 51 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hunter, Thomas 21 November 1895 55 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3901 77726 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hunter, William Usher 1 September 1895 6 months Infant 21 Whitefield Road Everton South 3880 77306 H 39 352 CEM 9/1/16
Huntley, Elizabeth 11 July 1895 23 years - 9 Cockburn Street 3867 77060 8 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hutchinson, Elizabeth 21 June 1895 19 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3863 76964 8 361 352 CEM 9/1/16
Hutchinson, Gertrude B. 30 October 1895 3 months Infant 34 Carter Street 3894 77592 H 867 352 CEM 9/1/16
Huxley, Arthur 26 February 1895 43 years - 11 Gainsborough Road 3832 76342 C Left  301 352 CEM 9/1/16
Huxley, George 23 March 1895 65 years - Workhouse 3843 76569 8 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Huxley, James 30 August 1895 73 years Tin Smith 64 Paddington West Derby Municipal 3879 77300 D Right 298 352 CEM 9/1/16
Huxley, Mary 16 May 1895 11 months Infant 61 Belgrave Road 3854 76799 L 558 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ikin, Frank Samuel 29 April 1895 6 years Infant 29 Windsor Street 3850 76715 8 455 352 CEM 9/1/16
Innes, William 11 May 1895 35 years - Rainhill Asylum Saint Helens 3853 76771 8 370 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ireland, Ellen 9 March 1895 37 years Wife 51 Handel Street 3836 76433 G 266 352 CEM 9/1/16
Irvine, Charles 30 June 1895 7 years Scholar 11 Ct 2 Hyslop Street 3865 77007 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Irving, Elizabeth 5 September 1895 11 months Infant 3 Letitia Street 3881 77340 O 164 352 CEM 9/1/16
Irving, Jane   (HS) 4 March 1895 73 years - 52 Windsor Street 3834 76399 A Left 294 352 CEM 9/1/16
Irving, Joseph 17 January 1895 74 years - 84 Tagus Street 3820 76112 8 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Irwin, Emily 28 March 1895 1 Year  Infant 54 Tagus Street 3844 76586 7 598 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jackson, Elizabeth 20 February 1895 59 years Wife 34 Pimhill Street 3829 76293 A Right 795 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jackson, Elizabeth 25 May 1895 76 years - 140 Admiral Street 3856 76830 11 755 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jackson, Joseph 12 November 1895 62 years Milkman City Hospital Toxteth Park 3898 77673 1 75 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jackson, William 17 April 1895 66 years - 56 Streetar Street 3848 76666 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jacobi, Anton Rudolph A   (HS) 26 February 1895 55 years Manager 87 Northbrook Street 3832 76344 C Left  542 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jakeman, James 24 March 1895 42 years Flour Dealer 19 Tiber Street 3843 76566 M 760 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jakes, William 22 May 1895 22 years Carter City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3855 76817 8 376 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jamieson, Hilda 11 November 1895 2 years Infant 261 Crown Street 3898 77662 E right 536 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jardine, Janet 31 December 1895 86 years - 47 Wesley Street 3911 77927 E Left ? 353 CEM 9/1/15
Jeffery, Herbert Lewis 15 February 1895 29 years - 134 Brighton Street 3827 76251 N 24 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jellard, Eleanor 24 July 1895 85 years - 16 Dulcie Street Toxteth Park 3871 77136 B Right 565 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jelly, Elizabeth   (HS) 21 January 1895 79 years - 76 Bedford Road Street 3821 76133 Q 610 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jenkins, Elizabeth 21 June 1895 70 years - 29 Denton Street 3862 76960 E Right 256 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jenkins, Mary Jane 11 March 1895 64 years Widow 42 Lamport Street 3839 76484 8 323 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jennings, Elizabeth 2 March 1895 76 years - 140 Bland Street 3834 76387 8 350 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jerrome, Henry 11 August 1895 3 weeks Infant 12 Lucerne Street 3876 77225 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johns, Ethel   (HS) 6 June 1895 4 months Infant 6 Kenmare Road 3859 76893 8 249 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, Annie Edith 21 October 1895 5 years Infant City Hospital Toxteth Park 3892 77561 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, Charles 6 December 1895 46 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3904 77798 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, Elizabeth 14 October 1895 57 years - 58 Ritson Street 3890 77512 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, Jane 6 March 1895 74 years - 20 Madryn Street 3835 76412 6 241 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, Jane 29 August 1895 61 years - 12 Dix Street 3879 77299 4 5 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, John 12 February 1895 68 years - 105 Beresford Road 3826 76230 8 338 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, John Edward 23 November 1895 56 years - 10 Woodruff Street Toxteth Park 3901 77738 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, Margaret 30 October 1895 8 years Scholar City Hospital Toxteth Park 3894 77598 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, Richard Lucas 24 July 1895 2 years Infant 28 Toxteth Street 3871 77130 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, Sarah 4 September 1895 26 years Wife 19 Lodge Lane 3881 77333 6 97 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnson, William 16 January 1895 7 months Infant 109 Mozart Street 3820 76114 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnston, Alexander 27 June 1895 55 years - 88 Moscow Drive 3864 76989 A Right 4 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnston, Decima 11 July 1895 46 years - 99 Ritson Street 3867 77061 8 379 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnston, Frederick 14 March 1895 77 years - 85 Park Road 3840 76506 6 241 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnston, Jane 5 June 1895 16 years Spinster 51 Lissant Street 3859 76891 8 202 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnston, Rebecca Ann 9 April 1895 36 years Wife 76 Melville Place 3846 76633 E Right 149 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnston, Thomas   (HS) 25 February 1895 64 years - 6 Paulton Street 3831 76328 7 709 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnston, Thomas 7 August 1895 19 months Infant 78 Darcy Street Everton Park 3874 77199 N 47 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnston, Thomas James 29 November 1895 46 years Painter 21 Greta Street 3902 77753 E right 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Johnstone, Robert Boyd 25 January 1895 35 years - 56 Collins Street 3822 76150 D Left 325 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Ada 18 January 1895 10 years Scholar 24 Upper Park Street 3820 76116 6 618 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Alfred 5 December 1895 23 months Infant 330 Beaufort Street 3905 77804 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Arthur 8 March 1895 69 years - St Michael's Hamlet 3837 76459 8 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Catharine 17 March 1895 53 years Widow 85 Northumberland Street 3841 76525 107 6 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Edward 15 August 1895 62 months Gentleman Thomas Lane West Derby Rural 3876 77241 A Right 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Edward 7 November 1895 8 months Infant 60 Beaufort Street 3897 77649 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Edward Henry   (HS) 20 April 1895 79 years Gentleman 25 Kimberley Street 3848 76677 I 381 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Eliza 3 November 1895 15 months Infant 21 Thames Street 3895 77617 6 78 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Elizabeth 25 February 1895 69 years Charwoman Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3831 76335 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Elizabeth 29 November 1895 57 years Widow 11 Arthur Street 3903 77774 8 415 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Ellen 24 April 1895 49 years - 3 Carter Street 3850 76701 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Eva Evangeline 23 November 1895 38 years Spinster 18 Dacre Street West Derby Municipal 3901 77728 G 478 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Frances 15 December 1895 10 months Infant 19 Rectory Street 3907 77843 11 847 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Frederick M 30 November 1895 71 years - Turner Memorial Home Toxteth Park 3903 77776 8 415 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, George 26 January 1895 14 hours Infant 151 Falkener Street 3822 76159 ELeft 158 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Gertrude Annie Eliza 18 October 1895 4 months Infant 21 Pickwick Street 3891 77540 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Helen 28 January 1895 74 years - 54 South Hill Road 3823 76168 E Right 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Henry 18 November 1895 64 years - 5 Marshall Street 3900 77717 8 403 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Hugh 29 June 1895 59 years - 25 Twiss Street 3865 77001 8 379 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Hugh 23 October 1895 68 years - Walton Workhouse Walton 3893 77574 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Isaac 15 September 1895 8 months Infant 124 Beresford road 3884 77387 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, James 3 June 1895 63 years - 17 Jordan Place 3859 76881 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Jane 9 February 1895 24 years - 22 Admiral Street 3825 76213 O 170 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Jane 6 April 1895 53 years Wife Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3845 76618 C Left  581 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, John  9 March 1895 69 years - Workhouse 3837 76455 8 321 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, John Edward 13 February 1895 75 years Labourer Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3827 76247 8 338 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Lily 25 December 1895 6 months Infant 31 Bembridge Street Toxteth Park 3910 77904 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Mabel 12 September 1895 8 months Infant 26 Kinmel Street 3883 77373 1 45 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Margaret   (HS) 26 February 1895 79 years - 42 Devonshire Road 3831 76337 I 358 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Margaret 1 March 1895 64 years Widow 15 Head Street 3833 76377 12 800 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Margaret 3 March 1895 60 years Widow 20 Grey Street 3834 76388 6 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Margaret Ann 30 April 1895 17 Months Infant 12 Dawson Street 3850 76720 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Margaret Mary 10 March 1895 22 months Infant 58 Tagus Street 3838 76473 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Mary 14 July 1895 2 years Infant 13 court 3 Hyslop Street Toxteth Park 3868 77078 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Mary Dobson 16 August 1895 53 months Wife 10 Crocus Street Kirkdale 3877 77252 1 23 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, May 12 March 1895 82 years - 20 Streeteble Grove 3839 76483 7 654 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Richard Brooke  (HS) 17 April 1895 23 years - Royal Infirmary 3848 76662 8 47 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Robert 17 June 1895 73 years Collector Workhouse 3861 76938 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Robert Edward 20 August 1895 2 years Infant 18 Hemans Street 3878 77267 C Left 211 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Robert Mark 25 August 1895 2 months Infant 16 New Henderson Street 3878 77280 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Sarah Ward 8 March 1895 15 months Infant Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3838 76465 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Thomas 21 February 1895 81 years Joiner Cheshire Asylum   Chester Cathedral 3830 76303 12 309 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Thomas 3 June 1895 74 years - 5 Graham Street 3858 76877 8 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Thomas 10 October 1895 57 years Labourer Workhouse Toxteth Park 3890 77503 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Thomas 16 October 1895 3 years Infant 9 Oak Place 3891 77524 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Thomas 10 November 1895 48 years - Beresford Road 3898 77677 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, William 19 February 1895 30 years - Southern Hospital 3829 76289 8 338 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, William 4 April 1895 37 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3845 76609 8 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, William  18 July 1895 49 years - 1 court Beresford Road 3870 77105 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, William Oliver 20 March 1895 48 years Freight Manager 162 Upper Warwick Street 3841 76535 854 H 352 CEM 9/1/16
Jones, Wlliam James 10 February 1895 18 years - 343 Grafton Street 3825 76218 F Right 374 352 CEM 9/1/16
Joseph, John 20 April 1895 67 years - 32 Saxony Rd 3848 76678 F Right 169 352 CEM 9/1/16
Joy, William Charles 14 November 1895 60 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3899 77699 8 405 352 CEM 9/1/16
Joyce, Johnston 6 March 1895 35 years - 47 Toxteth Street 3836 76436 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kane, Robert 17 August 1895 54 months - 26 Noel Street Toxteth Park 3877 77257 11 74 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kay, Elizabeth 18 February 1895 2 years Infant 36 Longville Street 3829 76287 8 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kay, Laura Louisa 1 May 1895 64 years - 56 Arnold Street 3850 76719 N 102 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kay, Thomas 3 November 1895 23 years - Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3895 77609 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kay, Walter 27 April 1895 35 years - 4 Pickwick Street 3849 76699 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kearney, Ellen 18 February 1895 64 years Wife 76 Dorrit Street 3828 76264 7 76 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kearney, William 27 February 1895 22 months Infant 35 Beamish Street 3833 76362 8 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kearons, Robert 27 February 1895 6 months Infant 50 Wilson Street 3832 76356 8 338 352 CEM 9/1/16
Keating, Mary 17 March 1895 59 years Wife 20 Enid Street 3841 76533 333 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Keegan, Esther 26 February 1895 38 years` Wife 152 New Henderson Street 3832 76347 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Keeley, Louisa 17 April 1895 33 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3848 76661 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Keeton, Frances Ellen 10 September 1895 13 months Infant 48 Prince William Street 3883 77366 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kelbrick, Esther Jane 19 November 1895 35 years - 28 Head Street 3901 77727 8 405 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kelly, John James 27 October 1895 8 months Infant 2 Vaughan Street 3894 77589 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kelly, Louisa Margaret D 28 April 1895 9 months Infant 14 Oak Cottages Nelson ? 3850 76713 H 443 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kelly, Robert Samuel 27 March 1895 38 years - 36 Beloe Street 3843 76579 8 327 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kelly, Thomas Fletcher 10 May 1895 56 years - 33 Laxey Street 3853 76769 8 370 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kelly, William 24 May 1895 71 years Shipwright 220 Park Road 3856 76824 Q 718 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kelsall, Joseph 28 December 1895 56 years Wholesale Fish Dealer 36 Great Georges Road Litherland 3910 77911 P 470 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kennah, Annie 28 September 1895 9 months Infant 19 Longville Street 3886 77439 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kennedy, John 25 December 1895 48 years - 118 Northumberland Street 3910 77908 1 280 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kennedy, Maria Ellen 29 August 1895 2 years Infant 27 Hawkstone Street 3879 77294 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kennerley, John Henry 13 May 1895 6 weeks Infant Jericho Cottage 3853 76778 8 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kenwright, Elizabeth Fazackerley 20 July 1895 22 years - 39 Grinnfield Street West Derby Municipal 3870 77111 S 651 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kenyon, John 6 January 1895 3 years Infant City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3818 76065 8 291 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ker, Mary 4 January 1895 81 years Scholar 5 Coldart Street 3817 76060 B Left 144 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kermode, Edgar 27 June 1895 5 months Infant 3 Eden Street 3864 76987 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kermode, Percy 3 July 1895 5 months Infant 3 Eden Street 3865 77016 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kerr, Daniel   (HS) 6 August 1895 59 years - 130 Upper Warwick Street 3874 77198 B Left 211 352 CEM 9/1/16
King, Elizabeth 17 February 1895 71 years - 41 Windsor Street 3828 76274 8 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
King, Elizabeth 2 November 1895 82 years Widow 76 Lime Grove 3895 77612 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
King, William Pratt 18 December1895 2 years Infant 22 Prince William Street 3908 77870 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kinrade, Mary Ann 13 March 1895 37 years Wife 36 Dexter Street 3839 76488 8 321 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kirkham, Mary Eliza 6 November 1895 2 years Infant 2 court Johns Place 3896 77630 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kirkus, Ronald McAll 16 December 1895 7 weeks Infant 8 Sefton Drive Toxteth Park 3906 77841 D Right 632 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kitchen, Elizabeth Cawson 24 December 1895 2 years Infant 11 Madryn Street 3909 77894 11 633 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kitchen, Margaret 1 December 1895 39 years Wife 53 Beresford Road 3903 77771 1 88 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kitching, James Campbell 28 December 1895 86 years - 19 Yates Street Toxteth Park 3910 77913 H 570 352 CEM 9/1/16
Knock, Charlotte 31 July 1895 84 years - 11 Milroy Street West Derby Municipal 3873 77171 B Left 531 352 CEM 9/1/16
Knott, Charles 11 December 1895 43 years - Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3906 77826 1 96 352 CEM 9/1/16
Knowles, John 11 February 1895 2 years Infant 133 North Hill Street 3826 76233 8 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Knowles, Mary 12 December 1895 89 years Widow 39 Hawarden Avenue 3906 77835 H 803 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kuhl, Richard 25 April 1895 21 months Infant 9 Nickleby Street 3850 76704 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Kurney, Ellen 30 May 1895 4 hours Infant 33 Hurry Street 3858 76863 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lace, Elizabeth Margaret 30 August 1895 20 months Infant 87 Toxteth Street 3880 77304 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lacey, Eleanor 1 July 1895 64 years - 18 Ryleys Gardens   Dale Street 3865 77003 6 522 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ladmore, Isabella Gertrude 24 August 1895 14 years Scholar City Hospital 3879 77282 1 21 352 CEM 9/1/16
Laithwaite, Walter 15 March 1895 2 months Infant Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3840 76515 8 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lambie, William J 17 December 1895 19 months Infant 9 Rockbrook Street 3908 77867 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Landers, James 11 May 1895 62 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3853 76773 8 370 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lane, Anne 6 February 1895 42 years Wife - 3825 76203 K 80 352 CEM 9/1/16
Langford, Arthur Ernest 18 April 1895 16 months Infant 25 Mornington Street 3848 76669 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Langley, Ellen 9 November 1895 78 years - 71 Gwendoline Street 3898 77676 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Langworthy, Ruth 16 August 1895 33 months - The Nook Aigburth Road 3877 77245 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lannigan, Thomas 6 August 1895 17 years - City Hospital    Toxteth PArk      3875 77204 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lashley, Charles 11 November 1895 3 years Infant 1 court 5 Maynard Street 3898 77670 8 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lashley, Robert 13 November 1895 8 months Infant 2 Maynard Street Toxteth Park 3900 77703 8 411 352 CEM 9/1/16
Latia, Annie 17 November 1895 19 months Infant 57 Park Street 3900 77714 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Laurie, William 11 October 1895 59 years Gentleman Turner Memorial Home Toxteth Park 3890 77502 Q 659 352 CEM 9/1/16
Law, George Gardner 1 September 1895 2 years Infant 24 Pengwern Street 3880 77314 1 39 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lawrence, Elizabeth 13 March 1895 64 years Wife Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3840 76501 F Right 155 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lawrence, Joseph 10 December 1895 64 years - 80 St Arnaud ???? Road West Derby Municipal 3906 77823 1 99 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lawrence, Thomas 24 November 1895 4 years Infant 7court Park Road 3901 77739 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lawrenson, Harriet Matilda 1 August 1895 54 years - 8 court Shelly Street Toxteth Park 3874 77184 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lawrenson, William 21 December 1895 72 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3909 77888 1 280 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lawson, Elizabeth 11 August 1895 26 years - City Hospital    Toxteth PArk      3875 77217 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Laycock, Emma 18 December1895 31 years Spinster 26 Balmoral Road West Derby Rural 3907 77853 B Left 177 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leah, Mary Ann 15 May 1895 38 years - Southern Hospital 3854 76789 8 378 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leather, Emily 1 December 1895 11 months Infant 93 Mann Street 3903 77778 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leavey, Elizabeth 3 March 1895 68 years - 21 Street James Place 3835 76405 8 260 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ledger, John 8 August 1895 67 years Gardener 24 Bridge Road Wavertree 3875 77203 6 446 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ledson, Thomas 21 September 1895 2 years Infant 22 Longrille Street 3885 77405 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lee, Adelaide 3 August 1895 7 years Scholar Birkenhead Infectious Diseases Hospital 3874 77190 6 218 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lee, Anne Elizabeth 28 June 1895 55 years Widow 35 Rossett Avenue 3864 76994 B Right 653 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lee, Florence 11 August 1895 7 months Infant 51 Brereton Street 3875 77215 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lee, Florence Elizabeth   (HS) 16 May 1895 30 years Spinster 156 Upper Warwick Street 3854 76787 Q 657 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lee, William Albert 8 September 1895 3 years Infant City Hospital 3882 77354 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leech, Harold W 1 May 1895 5 years Infant 77 Wavertree Road 3850 76718 P 227 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leech, Henry 1 March 1895 38 years - 5 Melville Street 3834 76383 7 36 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lees, Harold 21 October 1895 3 months Infant 10 Windsor Street 3892 77558 6 579 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leggett, Adelaide Mary 23 February 1895 14 months Infant 84 Tavistock Street 3830 76313 8 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leid, Agnes 3 December 1895 4 years Infant Parkhill Hospital Toxteth Park 3904 77800 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leighton, Helena Mary 7 August 1895 10 years Scholar 52 Grierson Street 3874 77197 1 16 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leitch, William James 24 September 1895 19 months Infant City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3886 77426 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lennon, Jane 3 November 1895 60 years - 14 Devonshire Street 3896 77625 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leonard, Mary 22 February 1895 60 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3830 76314 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Leslie, Margaret 9 December 1895 61 years - 13 Rockbrook Street Toxteth Park 3906 77825 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lestie, Catherine 28 September 1895 70 years Widow Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3887 77446 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Letcher, Mark Jamieson   (HS) 15 May 1895 76 years Gentleman 78 Upper Stanhope Street 3854 76798 C Left  416 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lethbridge, Thomas Sidney 1 September 1895 2 days Infant 25 Rossett Avenue 3880 77318 1 36 352 CEM 9/1/16
Letman, Ada Alice 28 September 1895 12 months Infant 11 Lockhart Street 3887 77442 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Levett, Isabella 29 March 1895 25 years - Home for Incurables 3844 76592 8 327 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lewis, Edward 6 March 1895 76 years - 31 Byles Street 3836 76439 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lewis, Harold 31 January 1895 6 years Infant 2 Sussex Street 3823 76179 7 653 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lewis, John C 14 May 1895 14 months Infant 150 Beresford Road 3854 76788 8 370 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lewis, Lilian 15 January 1895 6 days Infant Workhouse 3820 76104 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lewis, Mary 2 February 1895 73 years Widow 49 Park Road 3824 76188 11 258 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lewis, Mary 6 July 1895 64 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3866 77040 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lewis, William James EH 14 March 1895 8 months Infant 9 Longfellow Street 3839 76489 12 464 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lightfoot, Fanny 17 September 1895 62 years - 32 Moses Street 3884 77388 6 428 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lightfoot, Jack 23 August 1895 3 days Infant 79 Beresford Road 3878 77279 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lightfoot, Joseph 27 May 1895 54 years - 119 Street James Street 3856 76838 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lightfoot, Mary 17 April 1895 82 years - 1 Alms Houses 3847 76660 G 25 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lightfoot, Mary 2 December 1895 52 years - 4 Sedan Street Toxteth park 3904 77786 8 415 352 CEM 9/1/16
Linaker, Mary Jane 15 October 1895 21 years - 17 Guest Street 3891 77527 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lindley, Emmeline 31 August 1895 36 years Wife 41 Dovey Street 3880 77305 Q 752 352 CEM 9/1/16
Linnach, Joseph E 9 May 1895 2 years 10 months Infant 32 Ledward Street 3853 76762 8 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Linney, John 28 May 1895 8 months Infant 1 Beaumont Street 3857 76841 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Litchfield, Doris 24 December 1895 7 months Infant 19 George Street St Helens 3909 77898 C Right 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Litchfield, Robert 6 December 1895 4 months Infant 4 High Park Street 3904 77799 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Litler, Delta   (HS) 19 October 1895 38 years Spinster 31 Crosbie Road Litherland 3892 77542 B Left 885 352 CEM 9/1/16
Little, Thomas H 31 January 1895 22 years - 1 Picton Roadd 3823 76171 D Left 289 352 CEM 9/1/16
Littler, Maria 28 January 1895 36 years - 24 High Park Street 3822 76160 A Right 208 352 CEM 9/1/16
Littler, Thomas M 18 February 1895 1 month Infant 30 Scowfield Street 3828 76268 A Right 208 352 CEM 9/1/16
Livingstone, Sarah 23 December 1895 42 years Servant Workhouse Toxteth Park 3909 77891 1 280 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lloyd, Annie 6 July 1895 2 weeks Infant 92 Park Road 3866 77035 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lloyd, Edward 18 February 1895 9 months Infant 22 Tupman Street 3828 76279 8 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lloyd, Henry Nash 15 April 1895 52 years Coach Wheeler 92 South Chester Street 3847 76649 8 48 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lloyd, May Ellen 20 January 1895 16 years Spinster Southern Hospital 3821 76132 8 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lloyd, Richard 16 February 1895 79 years Gentleman 30 Albert Road 3827 76260 A Left 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lloyd, Robert 7 June 1895 4 days Infant Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3859 76900 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lobbet,  Mary Bur 19 November 1895 75 years Widow 9 Nicholson Street West Derby Municipal 3901 77723 M 849 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lock, Charles 20 November 1895 25 years Grocer 56 Ullet Road Toxteth Park 3901 77724 1 77 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lockett, Ernest Louis 26 February 1895 9 months Infant 25 Holmes Street 3832 76352 8 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lockett, Frances Maria 22 May 1895 48 years Wife Grassendale 3855 76814 H 982/3 352 CEM 9/1/16
Logan, William 15 May 1895 26 years - Royal Southern Hospital 3854 76797 8 378 352 CEM 9/1/16
Longmire, James 20 January 1895 49 years - 22 Treborth Street 3821 76129 7 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
Longworthy, Elizabeth 1 March 1895 72 years - 33 Langdale RdF344 3833 76380 8 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lott, James 23 March 1895 70 years Gentleman 19 Erskine Street 3842 76556 C Left  291 352 CEM 9/1/16
Loudon, Ethel 13 April 1895 10 years Scholar 3 Hemans Street 3847 76650 O 39 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lough, Esther 23 August 1895 2 months Infant 8 court  Clive Street 3878 77278 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lovering, William 27 July 1895 61 years - 6 Brighton Street 3872 77151 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lowe, Elizabeth Florence 18 June 1895 5 days Infant 14 Clevedon Street 3862 76946 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lowe, George 15 December 1895 25 years - 1 court 2 Llanwrst Street 3907 77852 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lowe, George Edward 23 April 1895 12 months Infant 53 Northbrook Street 3849 76691 H 435 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lowe, Joseph 19 September 1895 37 years Clerk 148 Tunnel Road West Derby Municipal 3884 77395 6 189 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lowes, Sarah Ann 9 October 1895 29 years - 69 Park Street 3889 77492 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lowndes, Hannah 8 May 1895 78 years Wife 58 Myrtle Street 3852 76753 A Right 630 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lowthian, Isaac 6 November 1895 61 years - 16 Northumberland Street 3896 77633 12 522 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lundberg, Gertrude Hilda 18 September 1895 3 days Infant 78 Arundel Street 3884 77399 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lunt, Alice 14 May 1895 55 years - Southern Hospital 3854 76784 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lunt, Edgar 11 July 1895 5 months Infant 236 Beaufort Street Toxteth Park 3868 77069 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lutas, Samuel Hoult 13 March 1895 6 Months Infant 13 BryanStreeton Road 3840 76502 B Left 688 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lynd, John 3 December 1895 9 months Infant Workhouse Toxteth Park 3904 77793 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lynd, May Emma 14 November 1895 37 years - 1 Tay Street 3900 77704 8 403 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lynd, Norah 11 December 1895 2 years Infant Workhouse Toxteth Park 3906 77832 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lyon, Ann 30 October 1895 67 years Widow 155 High Park Street 3894 77596 F Left 276 352 CEM 9/1/16
Lyons, Lily May 26 September 1895 4 months Infant 2 court 2 Maynard Street 3886 77431 8 406 352 CEM 9/1/16
Macdonald, Elizabeth Sarah Guion 21 February 1895 51 years Wife Royal Infirmary   Mount Pleasant 3829 76281 Q 252 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mackay, Georgina 10 June 1895 17 months Infant 78 Pickwick Street 3860 76911 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maconochie Agnes 27 July 1895 16 years Spinster 9 Violet Street 3872 77152 1 12 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maddison, Samuel 7 October 1895 53 years Engine Fitter 108 Parkhill Road 3888 77477 1 57 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maddocks, George E 6 March 1895 22 months Infant 55 Greig Street 3836 76437 8 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maddox, Sarah Betterton 3 September 1895 67 years Widow 86 Needham Road West Derby Municipal 3881 77331 B Right 423 352 CEM 9/1/16
Makin, Lily 1 June 1895 17 years Spinster 79 Jacob Street 3858 76871 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Malam, Sarah 6 February 1895 50 years - 3 Webb Street 3825 76204 6 583 352 CEM 9/1/16
Malcolm, Jane 6 March 1895 75 years - Balbedie   Twickenham Park   Twickenham 3836 76430 Q 406/7 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mallard, Elizabeth 19 March 1895 40 years - City Hospital 3842 76546 8 325 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mallard, Martha 6 March 1895 14 years - City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3836 76434 8 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maloney, George 15 May 1895 28 years Labourer Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3854 76796 8 378 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maltby, Edward Wallace 12 October 1895 3 years Infant City Hospital Toxteth Park 3890 77506 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Marr, Jane 12 February 1895 72 years - Elm Lea   Cressington Park 3826 76227 D Right 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Marriott, Hannah 27 May 1895 46 years - 23 Beresford Street 3856 76839 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Marsden, Eliza Eleanor 18 December1895 63 years - 13 Madelaine Street Toxteth Park 3908 77862 C Left 711 352 CEM 9/1/16
Marsden, Joseph 1 May 1895 4 months Infant 6 Rowland Street 3851 76725 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Marsden, Joseph Henry 9 December 1895 21 years - 73 Windsor Street 3905 77805 1 90 352 CEM 9/1/16
Marsh, Henry 18 May 1895 49 years Labourer Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3855 76806 8 376 352 CEM 9/1/16
Marshall, Henry Howard 23 April 1895 2 years Infant The Grange   Denbigh 3849 76693 Q 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Marshall, Jack Ronald 13 March 1895 15 months Infant 2 Lancaster Avenue 3839 76487 Q 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Marshall, Mallory 26 September 1895 1 month Infant 33 Menzie Street 3886 77433 G 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Martin, Agnes 29 December 1895 18 months Infant 3 Robertson Street 3910 77916 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Martin, Benjamin 7 June 1895 66 years - Southern Hospital 3860 76903 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
Marwood, Mary 2 December 1895 48 years Wife 31 Arundel Avenue 3903 77780 Q 643 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mason, Edward 26 January 1895 4 months Infant 75 Elwy Street 3822 76157 7 217 352 CEM 9/1/16
Massey, Hilda 30 October 1895 3 months Infant 57 Byles Street 3894 77600 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Massey, Sarah 15 August 1895 41 months Wife 177 Northbrook Street 3876 77234 1 18 352 CEM 9/1/16
Matchett, Robert Rowlands 25 July 1895 12 months Infant 143 Beaufort Street 3872 77145 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mates, John 1 September 1895 60 years - 61 Northumberland Street 3880 77310 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Matthews, Sarah 5 March 1895 70 years Widow 20 Danube Street 3835 76408 6 421 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maughan, Una 9 May 1895 3 months Infant 36 Durning Road 3853 76764 H 281 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mawdesley, John James 10 March 1895 42 years - 36 Field Street 3838 76467 H 30 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mawdsley, Alfred A 26 April 1895 17 months Infant 5 Noel Street 3850 76707 A Left 254 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mawdsley, Edith Alice 28 May 1895 8 years - 7 Darrell Street 3857 76844 C Left  678 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mawdsley, Jessie 9 December 1895 68 years Widow 58 North Hill Street Toxteth Park 3905 77820 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mawer, Sarah Elizabeth 4 April 1895 20 days Infant 3 Dalton Street 3845 76613 A Right 189 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maxwell, Ann 22 December 1895 37 years Spinster Rainhill Asylum St Helens 3908 77879 7 169 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maxwell, Isaveria G 20 February 1895 20 years - 37 Cockburn Street 3829 76297 8 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maxwell, Maria 26 February 1895 56 years Widow 111 Essex Street 3832 76355 7 169 352 CEM 9/1/16
May, James 8 May 1895 86 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3852 76758 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
May, Levinia Ann 29 July 1895 2 years Infant 5 Ct Brassey Street 3873 77170 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mayers, Catherine 5 December 1895 12 months Infant Workhouse Toxteth Park 3905 77806 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Maynard, John 19 June 1895 12 years Scholar 66 Kingslake Street 3862 76944 G 222 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mc Keown, Jane 17 November 1895 2 years Infant 7 court 2 Laxey Street 3899 77700 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
McCarthy, Mabel 12 September 1895 6 months Infant 62 Woodruff Street 3883 77377 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
McComb, Alice 23 April 1895 71 years Widow 4 Hygeia Street 3849 76689 S 132 352 CEM 9/1/16
McComb, Charles 10 November 1895 8 months Infant 4 court 6 Clive Street 3898 77679 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
McConnell, Elizabeth Helena 28 May 1895 46 years - 35 Thames Street 3857 76843 8 251 352 CEM 9/1/16
McCormack, James 9 August 1895 8 months Infant 78 Upper Essex Street 3875 77211 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
McCormick, John Thomas 3 October 1895 53 years - 71 Cedar Grove Toxteth Park 3887 77461 1 48 352 CEM 9/1/16
McDevitt, Isabella 16 October 1895 57 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3891 77530 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
McDonald, Betsy 22 September 1895 10 months Infant 88 Stanhope Street 3885 77417 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
McDonald, Daisy 19 June 1895 2 months Infant 51 Carrington Street 3862 76955 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
McDonald, Elizabeth 22 May 1895 58 years - 13 Copperfield Street 3855 76819 6 550 352 CEM 9/1/16
McDonald, Ellen 20 May 1895 35 years - Workhouse 3855 76815 8 374 352 CEM 9/1/16
McDonald, Sarah 22 February 1895 58 years - 141 Grafton Street 3830 76308 8 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
McDougal, James 3 December 1895 39 years Joiner Rainhill Asylum St Helens 3904 77785 1 79 352 CEM 9/1/16
McEwen, Alexander 11 November 1895 7 years Scholar 7court 2 Laxey Street 3898 77668 8 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
McGeachin, Sarah 20 February 1895 40 years Wife 5 Milton Road 3829 76285 F Right 415 352 CEM 9/1/16
McGeorge, Margaret Jane 11 December 1895 7 months Infant 31 Malta Street 3906 77833 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
McGuinness, William Bernard 6 June 1895 21 months Infant 30 Clive Street 3859 76895 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
McIntyre, Sarah 25 July 1895 80 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3872 77146 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
McKay Charles 28 July 1895 5 days Infant 37 Gwyndir Street 3872 77159 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
McKay, Henry Cross 18 January 1895 50 years - 105 Upper Streetanhope Street 3820 76119 6 612 352 CEM 9/1/16
McKenna, James 26 February 1895 22 months Infant 56 Foxhill Street 3832 76353 8 338 352 CEM 9/1/16
McKenzie, William 2 July 1895 15 months Infant 57 Court Mann Street 3865 77020 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
McKinna, David 20 February 1895 45 years - 115 Park Road 3829 76290 11 162 352 CEM 9/1/16
McKittrick, Guy 19 February 1895 75 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3829 76291 8 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
McLachlan, Margaret 4 August 1895 3 years Infant 89 Cockburn Street 3874 77193 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
McLeary, Eliza 7 December 1895 69 years - 31 Dove Street 3905 77811 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
McLeod, Christina 14 February 1895 49 years - 13 Liffey Street 3827 76248 5 403 352 CEM 9/1/16
McMahon, George 31 October 1895 11 months Infant 40 Longfellow Street 3895 77604 6 278 352 CEM 9/1/16
McManamy, James 7 May 1895 7 months Infant 33 Threlfall Street 3852 76751 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
McNeill, Elizabeth A 13 June 1895 47 years - 73 Solway Street 3861 76923 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
McPhail, William 29 May 1895 63 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3857 76851 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
McQuhae, Marion Ethel 2 September 1895 4 months Infant 80 Moses Street 3881 77329 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
McRae, Jessie 15 February 1895 61 years - 24 Upper Hill Street 3828 76261 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Meadows,   Robert 15 November 1895 76 years - 5 Luke Street 3899 77701 D 607 352 CEM 9/1/16
Meadows, Margaret 28 November 1895 10 months Infant 5 Luke Street 3902 77758 S 607 352 CEM 9/1/16
Medcalf, John 14 August 1895 68 years Carpet Planner 84 Northbrook Street 3876 77240 B Left 832 352 CEM 9/1/16
Meggers, John Frederick 25 June 1895 9 years Scholar 61 Toxteth Street 3864 76983 8 361 352 CEM 9/1/16
Melling, Edward 21 October 1895 15 months Infant 6 court Stanhope Street 3892 77556 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Melling, William 26 September 1895 3 years Infant 3 House 6 court Stanhope Street 3886 77430 8 406 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mercer, Emily 20 September 1895 42 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3885 77406 8 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mercer, Martha 10 February 1895 20 months Infant 9 TaviStreetock Street 3825 76219 8 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mercer, Mary Ellen 20 January 1895 1 month Infant 9 Tavistock Street 3821 76127 8 308 352 CEM 9/1/16
Metcalf, Isabella 4 July 1895 3 months Infant 2 court Gore Street 3866 77033 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Metz, Elsie Caroline 28 April 1895 2 months Infant 53 Handel Street 3850 76710 H 90 352 CEM 9/1/16
Meyer, William 25 February 1895 66 years Merchant Dudlow Cottage   Heathfield Road 3831 76326 P 490 352 CEM 9/1/16
Midgley, Alfred 14 October 1895 9 months Infant 69 Livingstone street 3890 77514 5 655 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mignault, Ada 15 September 1895 18 months Infant 19 Luke Street 3884 77383 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Millar, Mary Alice 11 September 1895 21 years Spinster 253 Parr Street 3882 77361 1 41 352 CEM 9/1/16
Miller, Ann   (HS) 1 June 1895 87 years Widow 68 Grove Street 3858 76866 A Left 236 352 CEM 9/1/16
Miller, Charles Frederick W 10 October 1895 21 months Infant 205 Grafton Street 3889 77498 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Miller, James 12 August 1895 66 months Labourer Workhouse Toxteth Park 3876 77232 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Millett, Dorothy 1 September 1895 2 years Infant 7 William Street 3880 77313 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Millett, Joseph 8 October 1895 63 years - 35 Whalley Street Toxteth Park 3889 77484 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mills, Eliza 15 September 1895 9 months Infant 1 court Goring Street 3884 77382 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mills, Elizabeth Jessie 7 November 1895 8 months Infant 7 court Park Road 3897 77652 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mills, Margaret 12 January 1895 59 years - 114 Beaufort Street 3819 76089 7 432 352 CEM 9/1/16
Milner, Percy 27 May 1895 3 months Infant 9 Pecksniff Street 3857 76845 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Milner, Sarah Ann 5 December 1895 60 years Wife 27 Slater Street St George 3904 77791 D Left 205 352 CEM 9/1/16
Minshall, Doris E 17 February 1895 7 months Infant 401 Smithdown Road 3827 76258 7 270 352 CEM 9/1/16
Miranda, Edith 20 August 1895 6 months Infant 173 Park Road 3878 77268 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mitchell, Emma 29 June 1895 28 years - 71 Whittier Street 3864 77000 1 6 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mitchell, John 13 October 1895 11 months Infant 65 Bran Street 3890 77510 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mitchell, William Chas 29 September 1895 22 months Infant 30 Isaac Street 3887 77449 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mitchell, William Edward 25 August 1895 10 months Infant 7 court  Hill Street 3879 77284 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Moffatt, Annie 22 May 1895 43 years - 125 Park Road 3856 76822 C Right 344 352 CEM 9/1/16
Molyneaux, John 9 October 1895 17 months Infant 29 Tamworth Street 3889 77488 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Molyneux, Arthur 6 April 1895 58 years - 35 Pimhill Street 3845 76614 F Right 93 352 CEM 9/1/16
Molyneux, William 25 September 1895 62 years - Liverpool Workhouse Mount Pleasant 3886 77432 1 44 352 CEM 9/1/16
Montgomery, Ethel Mary 27 March 1895 14 years Scholar 25 Highfield South Rock Ferry   Bebington 3843 76574 C Left  58 352 CEM 9/1/16
Moody. Ernest 18 October 1895 1 mth Infant 44 Woodruff Street 3892 77547 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Moore, Jane Eleanor 14 November 1895 10 months Infant 33 Fletcher Street 3899 77690 C Right 131 352 CEM 9/1/16
Moore, Martha 16 October 1895 8 months Infant 43 Luke Street 3891 77532 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Moore, Theresa Jane 30 June 1895 10 months Infant 56 Clive Street 3865 77005 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Moore, Thomas 1 August 1895 14 years Scholar 16 Durden Street West Derby Municipal 3874 77182 1 26 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morello, Paul A 5 September 1895 1 mth Infant 81 Wellington Avenue Wavertree 3882 77345 H 829 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morgan, Charlotte 25 March 1895 85 years Widow 63 Cecil Street 3843 76567 B Left 683 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morgan, Elizabeth 27 February 1895 20 years - 25 Upper Stanhope Street 3833 76366 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morgan, Enoch 16 November 1895 43 years - Borough Hospital Walton  3900 77710 11 145 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morgan, Frances 22 April 1895 71 years Widow 20 Belvedere Road 3849 76681 A Right 166 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morgan, John 3 April 1895 54 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3845 76608 8 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morgan, Joseph Charles 4 August 1895 11 months Infant 2 court Chesterfield Street Toxteth Park 3874 77191 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morrey, May 20 October 1895 1 mth Infant No Address 3892 77557 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morrey, William 4 February 1895 58 years - 152 Windsor Street 3824 76197 F Right 211 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morris, Henry 23 January 1895 55 years - 288 Park Road 3821 76140 F Left 153 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morris, James William 21 November 1895 45 years Police Sergeant Workhouse Hospital Toxteth Park 3901 77732 11 124 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morrison, John 6 March 1895 27 years - Royal Infirmary   Mount Pleasant 3836 76440 8 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morrison, John 31 July 1895 5 days Infant 40 Corn Street 3873 77179 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morton, Ellen 21 August 1895 52 years - 20 Margaret Street everton North 3878 77273 C Left 244 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morton, Elsie Bell 30 October 1895 7 years Scholar 51 Kingsley Road Toxteth Park 3895 77602 E Left 613 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morton, George 19 November 1895 56 years Gentleman 17 Marmion Terrace Toxteth Park 3900 77719 Q 340 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morton, Jessie   (HS) 27 December 1895 38 years - 52 Windsor Street Toxteth Park 3909 77901 A Left 294 352 CEM 9/1/16
Morton, William 27 December 1895 80 years Gentleman 5 Canon Road West Derby Rural 3910 77903 K 778 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mostyn, Thomas 29 November 1895 61 years - Liverpool Workhouse Mount Pleasant 3903 77766 8 415 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mothershaw, Frederick H 17 November 1895 3 months Infant 30 Potter Street Everton North 3900 77708 H 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mottram Florence 28 July 1895 11 months Infant 30 Guest Street Toxteth Park 3872 77155 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mottram, Frances A 25 April 1895 57 years - 6 Arthur Street 3849 76700 8 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mottram, Mary Jane 28 June 1895 9 months Infant 3 Lothian Street 3864 76997 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mouet, John 20 March 1895 51 years Labourer Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3842 76554 8 329 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mudge, Bertha 9 April 1895 4 years Infant 3 Loxdale Street 3846 76631 4 812 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mudge, Ernest 23 April 1895 12 months Infant 3 Loxdale Street 3849 76695 4 812 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mulligan, Ann Hill 16 December 1895 6 years Infant Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3907 77858 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mullin, Ralph 1 October 1895 60 years - Rainhill Asylem St Helens 3887 77443 1 47 352 CEM 9/1/16
Mummey, Harold Pears 19 December 1895 21 months Infant 10 Back Parkfield Road Toxteth Park 3908 77872 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Munnings, Harold Erswell 26 February 1895 14 weeks Infant 25 Exe Street 3832 76350 L 759 352 CEM 9/1/16
Munnings, John 20 February 1895 51 years - 35 Maitland Street 3830 76301 8 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
Murray, Hugh 25 February 1895 6 months Infant 18 Westmoreland Rd New Brighton   Wallasey 3831 76330 D Left 1014 352 CEM 9/1/16
Musgrave, Sarah Ann 23 March 1895 70 years Widow 3 Roseberry Street 3843 76562 N 244 352 CEM 9/1/16
Myddleton, John Thomas 8 November 1895 40 years - 8 Emerald Street 3897 77658 8 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nair, Willie 14 November 1895 1 hour Infant 37 Parkhill Road 3900 77705 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nash, Alice Hall 14 June 1895 29 years - 66 Wendell Street 3861 76922 D Right 390 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nash, Henry 12 January 1895 65 years - 2 Tower Bldgs   Water Street 3819 76086 D 457 352 CEM 9/1/16
Naylor, Alice 17 October 1895 17 months Infant 20 Marmion Terrace 3891 77539 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Neild, Thomas 1 September 1895 58 years Coal Dealer Aspen Grove Toxteth Park 3880 77307 1 20 352 CEM 9/1/16
Neilson, Neils 9 June 1895 5 years Infant 168 North Hill Street 3860 76906 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nelson, Clarence A 14 May 1895 5 months Infant City Hospital 3854 76781 8 370 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nelson, Cornelius 18 June 1895 21 months Infant 168 North Hill Street 3862 76948 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nelson, Elizabeth 10 March 1895 74 years - 10 Vandyke Street 3837 76456 H 414 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nelson, Hannah Eliza 5 June 1895 50 years Widow 63 Merlin Street 3859 76886 B Right 218 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nesbitt, Jane Sophia 31 May 1895 2 months Infant 12 Tynwald Street 3857 76860 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Newcombe, Charlotte Boult 17 January 1895 43 years Wife 30 Pelham Grove 3820 76113 Q 113 352 CEM 9/1/16
Newham, George 8 March 1895 50 years - 57 Beresford Road 3837 76450 8 350 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nicholls, John 29 April 1895 47 years Printer 6 Albert Road 3850 76712 C Right 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nicholls, William Frederick 16 March 1895 22 years - 6 Albert Road 3840 76516 C Right 267 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nicholson, William A 16 July 1895 21 days Infant 317 Mill Street   Toxteth Park 3869 77096 1 11 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nickson, James Robert 27 July 1895 1 mth Infant 19 Wolfe Street 3872 77156 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nicol, Margaret 29 April 1895 40 years Wife 4 Adderley Street 3850 76714 6 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nixon, Agnes 2 September 1895 60 years - 33 High Park Street 3880 77315 1 68 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nixon, Elizabeth 12 July 1895 28 years - 4 Lansdowne Street 3868 77070 8 379 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nolan, Richard 13 October 1895 15 months Infant City Hospital Toxteth Park 3890 77515 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Norman, Fanny Agnes 9 September 1895 30 years Spinster Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3882 77358 8 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Norris, William James 22 October 1895 14 months Infant 64 Clevedon Street Toxteth Park 3893 77566 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
North, Agnes 15 December 1895 3 years Infant 190 Beaufort Street 3907 77849 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
North, John Henry 21 September 1895 11 months Infant 190 Beaufort Street 3885 77404 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Nother, Fanny 24 December 1895 20 years Spinster Ellesmere Port Eastham 3909 77896 D Left 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Oakes, Thomas Marsden 8 June 1895 18 days Infant 10 Dombey Street 3860 76904 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
O'Brien, James 12 March 1895 30 years - City Hospital Grafton Street 3840 76509 8 323 352 CEM 9/1/16
O'Connor, Walter James 8 January 1895 39 years - 22 Parkwood Street 3818 76068 7 544 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ogden, Elizabeth Doris 25 July 1895 15 days Infant 52 Kinmel Street Toxteth Park 3872 77148 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Oldfield, Charles 20 November 1895 31 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3901 77734 8 405 352 CEM 9/1/16
Olsen, Charles Henry 15 December 1895 3 years Infant 7 Gaskell Street 3907 77846 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Olsen, Mary 10 March 1895 64 years Housewife 55 Wolfe Street 3838 76474 8 321 352 CEM 9/1/16
Onion, Elizabeth 24 July 1895 75 years - 25 Jubilee Drive 3871 77134 H 902 352 CEM 9/1/16
Orford, Samuel 17 July 1895 74 years Cashier 202 Upper Parliament Street 3869 77094 6 207 352 CEM 9/1/16
Osler, Edward William 9 November 1895 32 years - 86 Geraint Street 3897 77661 1 85 352 CEM 9/1/16
Owen, John Alfred 27 July 1895 10 months Infant 8 Cardwell Street West Derby Municipal 3872 77147 5 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Owen, Samuel 28 February 1895 28 years - - 3833 76374 O 108 352 CEM 9/1/16
Owens, Eleanor 7 November 1895 32 years Wife 38 Isaac Street 3897 77645 6 639 352 CEM 9/1/16
Owens, Joseph 11 September 1895 51 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3883 77374 8 414 352 CEM 9/1/16
Owens, Mary Louise   (HS) 31 May 1895 23 years Wife 109 Hill Street 3858 76862 5 3 352 CEM 9/1/16
Owens, William 7 March 1895 53 years - 1 Beaufort Street 3836 76438 8 358 352 CEM 9/1/16
Owens. Charles 10 December 1895 2 years Infant 276 Mann Street 3906 77834 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Oxford, James 6 October 1895 7 months Infant 23 Drysdale Road Toxteth Park 3888 77474 S 701 352 CEM 9/1/16
Page, Edward 25 February 1895 63 years - Southern Hospital 3831 76327 8 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pain, George G 26 January 1895 59 years - 9 Salisbury Terrace 3822 76151 B Left 664 352 CEM 9/1/16
Parker, John  25 September 1895 6 weeks Infant Workhouse Toxteth Park 3886 77434 8 406 352 CEM 9/1/16
Parkes, Joseph Henry 17 April 1895 5 years Infant Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3848 76663 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Parkinson, Thomas 30 April 1895 5 years Infant 5 Harold Street 3851 76723 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Parr, Ann E 6 March 1895 8 months Infant 229 Beaufort Street 3836 76435 8 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
Parr, Elizabeth 24 October 1895 60 years - 3 Lodge Lane Toxteth Park 3893 77571 1 58 352 CEM 9/1/16
Parr, Ellis 23 May 1895 17 months Infant 17 Wainwright Street 3856 76823 11 9 352 CEM 9/1/16
Parry, Hannah 4 March 1895 63 years - 15 Cullen Street 3835 76407 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Parry, Margaret 11 March 1895 30 years Spinster 9 Washington Street 3838 76475 7 219 352 CEM 9/1/16
Parsons, Margaret Ethel 9 October 1895 10 months Infant 9 Belvidere Road 3889 77487 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Parton, Martha 17 July 1895 43 years - 48 Myrtle Street 3869 77091 1 29 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pask, John George 1 August 1895 26 years - 38 Jolliffe Street 3873 77177 1 14 352 CEM 9/1/16
Paterson, Andrew Alexanderson 6 December 1895 12 months Infant 33 Windsor Street Toxteth Park 3905 77810 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Payne, Caroline Elizabeth 19 September 1895 75 years - 24 Moscow Drive  3884 77393 5 764 352 CEM 9/1/16
Payne, Hannah 11 April 1895 52 years Widow 2 Victoria Place (late of Wellington Rd)   Douglas 3846 76636 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pearson, Edward 11 September 1895 11 months Infant 192 Upper Warwick Street Toxteth Park 3883 77362 N 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pearson, Edwin 30 January 1895 74 years Night Watchman 8 Aspinall Street 3823 76173 F Right 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pedley, Hannah 23 June 1895 58 years - 80 New Henderson Street 3863 76970 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Peeling, Mary 8 December 1895 83 years Widow 21 Toxteth Street 3905 77808 12 865 352 CEM 9/1/16
Peers, Margaret Ann 15 October 1895 2 months Infant 3 Exeter Street 3890 77520 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Peet, Ann 2 February 1895 64 years - 5Ct Llanwrst Street 3824 76185 8 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Penketh, Percy 1 November 1895 17 months Infant 3 Mozart Street 3895 77607 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pennington, Annie Evelyn 21 August 1895 7 weeks Infant 46 Hampton Street 3878 77276 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pennington, Thomas 27 January 1895 56 years Engine Driver 67 Cecil Street 3823 76161 C Left 757 352 CEM 9/1/16
Penquitt, John Frederick 18 February 1895 67 years Publican 11 Lorton Street 3828 76269 8 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
Perkins, Ann 20 March 1895 70 years Wife 27 Embledon Street 3841 76540 325 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Perkins, William Fletcher 30 January 1895 10 months Infant 45 Ridgway Street 3823 76174 6 101 352 CEM 9/1/16
Perry, Florence Eveline 28 July 1895 3 years Infant Grafton Street Hospital Toxteth Park 3873 77163 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Perry, George 22 September 1895 4 months Infant 20 Dorrit Street 3886 77422 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Perry, Thomas 2 June 1895 39 years Sailmaker Royal Southern Hospital 3858 76872 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Peters,Mary 1 September 1895 57 years - 115 Wolfe Street 3880 77321 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Phease, Hugh Rennie 19 August 1895 4 months Infant 60 Madelaine Street Toxteth park 3878 77275 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Phillips, Charles 7 June 1895 56 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3860 76901 8 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Phythian, Henry 22 December 1895 2 years Infant 35 Spring Grove Bootle 3908 77877 11 11 352 CEM 9/1/16
Phythian, Sarah 2 January 1895 3 months Infant 68 Claypole Street 3817 76056 11 11 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pickering, Anne 20 February 1895 75 years - 4 WoRoadsworth Street 3829 76295 H 384 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pickford, Joseph 10 November 1895 67 years - 24 Clarke Street 3898 77667 8 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pickston, Gladys 11 December 1895 6 months Infant 131 Park Hill Road Toxteth Park 3906 77830 1 91 352 CEM 9/1/16
Picton, Isaac 13 May 1895 76 years Commercial Traveller 41 Durning Road 3853 76775 B Left 243 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pierce, Peter 27 February 1895 73 years Cigar Importer 135 Smithdown Lane 3832 76351 Q 281 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pilkington, Richard 4 September 1895 62 years - 67 court  Mann Street 3881 77339 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pimblett, Florence G 4 August 1895 1 mth Infant 32 Gwydir Street 3874 77194 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pinnington, Ann 22 July 1895 59 years - 35 Moville Street 3871 77123 1 10 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pitchforth, John 8 March 1895 12 months Infant 27 Nickleby Street 3837 76451 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Platell, Kate Ada 25 March 1895 21 years - Park Hill Hospital 3843 76573 8 329 352 CEM 9/1/16
Platt, Elizabeth 21 November 1895 62 years - Workhouse Toxteth park 3901 77735 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pledge, Ethel 9 May 1895 6 months Infant 27 Mozart Street 3853 76770 8 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Plenderleath, Mary 10 June 1895 79 years Widow 19 Great Oxford Street 3860 76910 R 846 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pollard, John William 5 November 1895 83 years Slaten Plasterer 8 Bamber Street West Derby Municipal 3895 77621 C Left 637 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pollard, Mary Alice 27 June 1895 4 years Infant 13 Pecksniff Street 3864 76988 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Poole, Gertrude Elizabeth   (HS) 3 September 1895 23 years Spinster Aberystwyth   Cardigan 3880 77319 B Left 216 352 CEM 9/1/16
Porrie, Mary 18 August 1895 76 months Widow 72 Boyton Street West Derby Municipal 3877 77258 Q 755 352 CEM 9/1/16
Porter, Doris 2 November 1895 4 months Infant 3 Upper Hill Street 3895 77608 Q 664 352 CEM 9/1/16
Porter, John 30 November 1895 2½ years Infant 5 Leighton Terrace 3903 77775 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Postlethwaite, Sarah 1 March 1895 81 years Widow 54 Lonsdale Street 3833 76375 E Right 558 352 CEM 9/1/16
Potter, Richard William 7 March 1895 67 years - 17 Upper Harlow Street 3837 76442 8 358 352 CEM 9/1/16
Povey, Bertha 31 May 1895 9 months Infant 2 Miller Street 3858 76864 12 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Powell, Ann 19 October 1895 38 years Wife 52 High Park Street Toxteth Park 3892 77546 Q 651 352 CEM 9/1/16
Powell, Ellen 12 October 1895 3 years Infant City Hospital Toxteth Park 3890 77508 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Powell, Isabella 16 August 1895 17 months Infant 6 Robertson Street Toxteth park 3877 77253 8 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Preece, James 1 March 1895 21 Days Infant 13 Lorton Street 3834 76394 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Preece, Thomas 13 April 1895 56 years - 68 Tavistock Street 3847 76652 7 92 352 CEM 9/1/16
Prendergast, Robert Look 12 September 1895 61 years - 74 Harlow Street Toxteth Park 3883 77379 8 414 352 CEM 9/1/16
Presslie, George 23 September 1895 8 days Infant 44 Boswell Street Toxteth Park 3886 77424 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Preston , Mary 12 February 1895 52 years - 5 Ct Clive Street 3826 76221 8 322 352 CEM 9/1/16
Preston, Agnes 18 September 1895 60 years - 22 Mather Street Toxteth Park 3885 77402 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Preston, Caroline 29 November 1895 85 years - 38 Claribel Street 3903 77765 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Price, Ann 17 July 1895 60 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3870 77108 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Price, Charles Edward 11 July 1895 19 Days Infant 42 Menzies Street 3867 77059 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Price, Dorothy 17 July 1895 2 years Infant 46 Cheers Street    Wavertree 3869 77095 B Left 663 352 CEM 9/1/16
Price, Fanny Jane Catherine 30 October 1895 23 years Spinster 5 Mount Street Mount Pleasant 3894 77593 D Left 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Price, Frederick James 9 April 1895 4 months Infant 80 Alma Street 3846 76635 S 601 352 CEM 9/1/16
Price, Jane 19 June 1895 52 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3862 76953 8 361 352 CEM 9/1/16
Price, Joseph 12 June 1895 58 years Labourer Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3860 76915 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Price, Lloyd 1 March 1895 37 years - 2 Fletcher Street 3834 76398 8 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Price, Margaret 18 November 1895 54 years - 96 Avison Street 3900 77720 8 405 352 CEM 9/1/16
Price, Martha 2 July 1895 2 years Infant City Hospital 3866 77024 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Prichard, Hugh Lechmere 17 October 1895 41 years Gentleman 16 Nelson Street St Thomas 3891 77536 P 295 352 CEM 9/1/16
Priest, William 12 February 1895 64 years Railway Inspector 28 Upper Hill Street 3826 76225 B Right 41 352 CEM 9/1/16
Prince, Ellen 21 January 1895 68 years Widow 48 Myrtle Street 3821 76130 H 807 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pritchard, John Walker 22 March 1895 5 months Infant 3 Orange Grove 3843 76565 8 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pritchard, Sarah Ellen 3 October 1895 7 months Infant City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3887 77458 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Proctor, Alfred Ernest 14 July 1895 4 months Infant 22 Tamworth Street 3868 77079 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pugh, Edith 23 July 1895 3 months Infant 13 Rhyl Street 3871 77137 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pugh, Rhoda 10 May 1895 28 years Wife 46 Claremont Road 3853 76768 6 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pugh, Rhoda Gladys  20 July 1895 5 years Infant 6 Kenmare Road Toxteth Park 3870 77115 6 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Pute, Emma 2 April 1895 41 years - 19 Northbrook Street 3845 76603 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Qualtrough, Thomas Henry 10 March 1895 42 years Baker 55 Foxhill Street 3838 76463 7 546 352 CEM 9/1/16
Quayle, Agnes 16 July 1895 6 months Infant 11 Postance Place 3869 77097 8 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Quayle, Eliza Jane 23 September 1895 70 years Wife 63 Wellington Road Toxteth Park 3885 77420 1 46 352 CEM 9/1/16
Quayle, Richard Bulman 15 January 1895 9 months Infant 13 court Hyslop Street 3820 76102 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Queen, Joseph 14 February 1895 55 years Estate Agent Haydock   Newton In Makerfield 3826 76240 B Left 236 352 CEM 9/1/16
Quine, William Joseph 14 March 1895 24 years - 38 Essex Street 3840 76505 8 321 352 CEM 9/1/16
Quinn, Edward James 17 July 1895 21 years Clerk No Address Given  Chester 3869 77088 C Left 255 352 CEM 9/1/16
Quinn, Florence 24 September 1895 1 year Infant 1 court Beresford Road 3886 77429 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Quirk, Mary 11 November 1895 79 years - 4 E??? Street West Derby Municipal 3898 77665 11 564 352 CEM 9/1/16
Quirk, Mary Ellen 31 December 1895 18 years - Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3910 77919 1 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Radcliffe, Sarah   (HS) 14 July 1895 59 years - 50 Wynnstay Street 3868 77075 A Left 34 352 CEM 9/1/16
Radford, Abel 2 November 1895 62 years Coachman Workhouse Toxteth Park 3895 77614 8 403 352 CEM 9/1/16
Radford, Sarah Ellen 21 July 1895 11 years Scholar Childrens Infirmary Mount Pleasant 3870 77118 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Raisbeck, Isabella 11 April 1895 42 years Wife Sunny Side  Gordon Drive  Cressington 3846 76637 K 138 352 CEM 9/1/16
Randles, Margaret Alice 2 June 1895 2 years Infant 64 Wolfe Street 3858 76879 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rath, Harold 18 June 1895 5 months Infant 15 Yates Street 3861 76940 C Right 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rathbone, Thomas 22 November 1895 34 years Coal Dealer 56 Vronhill Street 3901 77731 6 176 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ravenscroft, Frances Shaw   (HS) 17 October 1895 83 years Widow 6 Isaac Street 3891 77528 6 509 352 CEM 9/1/16
Raymond, William   (HS) 4 August 1895 65 years Gentleman 27 Madelaine Street 3874 77188 A Left 298 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rayner, Charles Mervyn 2 March 1895 8 months Infant 40 Sydenham Avenue 3835 76403 K 670/1 352 CEM 9/1/16
Read, Grace 1 February 1895 50 years - 1 Morton Street 3824 76184 8 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Reay, Joseph 14 May 1895 79 years Clerk Northern Hospital       3854 76782 4 674 352 CEM 9/1/16
Redfern, Anne 23 December 1895 66 years Wife 6 Gordon Terrace Wavertree 3909 77886 1 91 352 CEM 9/1/16
Redman, Joseph 17 August 1895 53 years - 91 Alwyn Street 3878 77262 Q 667 352 CEM 9/1/16
Redman, Mary 29 March 1895 29 years - 51 Miles Street 3844 76591 8 327 352 CEM 9/1/16
Regan, Ellen 4 July 1895 12 months Infant 80 Pecksniff Street 3866 77027 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Regan, George 27 November 1895 57 years - No Address 3902 77761 N 186 352 CEM 9/1/16
Renshaw, Martha Ellen 13 August 1895 60 months - 35 Beamish Street 3876 77236 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Reynolds, William 26 April 1895 45 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3849 76698 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rice, Isabella 30 July 1895 66 years - 15 Admiral Street 3873 77166 1 13 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rich, Anne Musgrave 31 December 1895 73 years Wife 53 Canning Street 3911 77926 P 36? 353 CEM 9/1/15
Richards, Elizabeth 19 June 1895 55 years Wife Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3862 76957 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Richards, Emma 18 March 1895 57 years - 57 Geraint Street 3841 76538 329 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Richards, William 5 January 1895 56 years Butcher 121 Kilshaw Street 3818 76064 A Right 302 352 CEM 9/1/16
Richardson, Ann 6 December 1895 83 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3905 77803 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Richardson, Jane 10 May 1895 43 years - 41 Prospect Vale 3853 76767 C Left  634 352 CEM 9/1/16
Richardson, William 24 March 1895 4 months Infant 113 Park Street 3843 76563 8 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Richardson, William James 18 December1895 3 years Infant 60 Greig Street 3908 77865 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Riddick, Charles 11 March 1895 3 years Infant 14 Grey Street 3838 76479 5 763 352 CEM 9/1/16
Riding, Mary Cotgrave 10 June 1895 28 years - 35 Denton Street 3860 76907 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
Riding, Thomas Acton 21 June 1895 17 days Infant 35 Denton Street 3863 76962 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ridler, Louisa 21 December 1895 59 years Wife 19 Croxteth Road 3909 77882 E Left 511 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rigby, Thomas 13 April 1895 19 years - Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3847 76644 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rigg, Robert 6 March 1895 17 months Infant 10 court Shelley Street 3835 76417 8 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rimmer, Bertha 11 August 1895 4 months Infant 52 Cullen Street 3876 77228 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rimmer, Lewis 19 April 1895 3 months Infant 12 Haylock Street 3848 76670 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rimmer, William 14 July 1895 70 years Traveller 37 Orphan Street Mount Pleasant 3868 77076 H 394 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ringwell, Bertha 15 May 1895 2 months Infant 76 South Chester Street 3854 76790 8 370 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ritson, Thomas 12 June 1895 77 years Ship Smith Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3860 76914 8 361 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robbins, William 19 February 1895 51 years Printer 316 Upper Parliament Street 3829 76284 11 156 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Ada Annie B  28 August 1895 9 years Scholar 6 Fairview Place Toxteth Park 3879 77296 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Ann Tower 12 July 1895 5 years Infant 68 Rankin Street 3868 77064 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Betsy 3 April 1895 55years Widow 16 Webb Street 3845 76606 6 583 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Charles 12 December 1895 29 years - 18 Moville Street Toxteth Park 3906 77828 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, David Albert 23 July 1895 6 weeks Infant 74 Ritson Street 3871 77139 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Edward 27 February 1895 54 years - 17 court Grafton Street 3833 76361 8 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Elizabeth 23 July 1895 66 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3871 77141 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Gerrard David 2 April 1895 21 months Infant 22 Dovey Street 3845 76601 M 762 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Gertrude 9 May 1895 12 years Scholar City Hospital 3853 76765 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Herbert  11 July 1895 2 months Infant 62 Lime Grove Toxteth Park 3868 77062 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, James 14 August 1895 67 months - 8 Ct Harlow Street 3876 77238 F Left 219 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, James 31 August 1895 43 years - 61 Woodruff Street 3880 77317 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, James William 9 January 1895 30 years - - 3818 76069 E Right 205 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, John 1 March 1895 45 years - 23 Lucerne Street 3833 76376 E Right 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, John 8 May 1895 14 years Telegraph Boy Found drowned 3852 76747 7 52 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, John 17 June 1895 68 years Joiner and Builder Ormskirk 3861 76930 D Right 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Joseph 5 February 1895 41 years Billiard Marker - 3825 76202 L 725 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Laura Catharine 2 March 1895 11 months Infant 55 Bran Street 3834 76396 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Maria 15 September 1895 72 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3883 77380 8 414 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Marion 13 October 1895 2 years Infant 14 Morton Street 3890 77509 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Martha Jane 13 October 1895 2 years Infant 4 court Stanhope Street 3890 77507 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Mary Ellen 1 December 1895 5 years Infant 128 Ritson Street 3904 77782 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Richard David 16 January 1895 31 years Boiler Maker Birkenhead 3820 76101 7 75 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Robert William 30 August 1895 28 years Pawnbroker 287 Crown Street 3880 77302 P 188 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Samuel 25 January 1895 56 years Publican 104 Ritson Street 3822 76153 7 652 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Sarah 5 May 1895 75 years - 37 Conway Street 3851 76735 E Right 231 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Sarah 27 November 1895 70 years - 8 Cooper Street Toxteth Park 3903 77762 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, Thomas 10 August 1895 12 months Scholar Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3876 77222 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roberts, William 17 October 1895 61 years - 2 Northbrook Street 3891 77533 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robertson, Sarah Eleanor 11 November 1895 3 months Infant 7 Maitland Street 3898 77663 1 106 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Clara Elizabeth 11 September 1895 11 months Infant 1 Barbara Street 3883 77370 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Edward Dacre 20 April 1895 9 years Scholar 35 Menzies Street 3848 76675 S 704 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Elizabeth 18 December1895 6 weeks Infant 46 Devonport Street Toxteth Park 3907 77855 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Frederick 7 November 1895 23 years - 15 Belvidere Road 3896 77631 Q 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Henry 5 June 1895 49 years Painter 3 Lorton Place 3859 76889 B Right 390 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Jane 8 May 1895 62 years Widow 17 Jacob Street 3852 76750 5 208 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Mary 25 February 1895 64 years - 20 Pengwern Street 3831 76321 8 350 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Ralph Pool 26 November 1895 73 years - 10 Leonora Street 3902 77746 N 288 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Richard 3 March 1895 60 years - Workhouse 3835 76411 8 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Stoddart 13 April 1895 45 years Stationer's Manager County of Cheshire 3847 76647 H 95 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Thomas William 4 May 1895 35 years - 21 Duke Street 3851 76736 S 703 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robinson, Walter Edwin 26 December 1895 17 years Apprentice Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3909 77899 B Left 640 352 CEM 9/1/16
Robson, Robert 26 November 1895 17 months Infant 10 Sandys Street 3902 77754 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rock, John Francis 7 March 1895 30 years Manager 3 Pelham Grove 3836 76428 7 600 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rodenhurst, Mary 13 February 1895 63 years Widow 397 Price Street  Birkenhead 3827 76245 M 753 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rogers, Albert 31 July 1895 3 months Infant 19 Collins Street 3873 77178 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rogers, Alice 9 March 1895 51 years - 15 Streetopford Street 3837 76458 6 571 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rogers, John William 24 March 1895 16 months Infant 102 Mann Street 3843 76572 8 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rogers, Maria 25 November 1895 69 years Widow 3 Thomas Street Farnworth 3902 77743 K 798 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rogers, Mary 25 February 1895 68 years - 4 court John's Place 3831 76339 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rogers, Mary 23 May 1895 62 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3856 76826 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rogers, Robert 20 July 1895 4 years Infant Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3870 77104 8 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rogers, Robert Henry 11 September 1895 21 months Infant 4 Tillotson Street 3883 77372 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rooke, Raymond Fritz 24 April 1895 6 months Infant 25 Grove Park 3849 76690 P 226 352 CEM 9/1/16
Roper, Elizabeth 20 February 1895 70 years - 76 Park Street 3829 76298 8 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rose, John 14 March 1895 75 years Watchmaker 140 Vine Street 3839 76496 B Left 51 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rosser, Elsie V 4 November 1895 20 months Infant 19 Macawber Street 3896 77626 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rostron, Rupert Nowell 8 October 1895 15 years Pupil Teacher 98 Shaw Street 3888 77479 Q 78 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rothwell, Sarah 25 June 1895 71 years - 7 Rockbrook Street 3863 76972 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rous, Florence May 10 October 1895 5 months Infant 16 Stanhope Street 3889 77499 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rous, Thomas 2 July 1895 74 years - 15 Carrington Street 3865 77011 6 615 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rowland, Mary 26 February 1895 60 years - 7 Aspen Grove 3830 76319 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rowlands, John 3 June 1895 50 years - 22 Greig Street 3859 76883 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Royls, Albert Edward 12 August 1895 16 years - Princes Dock Dead House Liverpool 3876 77229 1 24 352 CEM 9/1/16
Runacus, Sarah Maria   (HS) 5 March 1895 64 years Wife 32 Sussex Street 3835 76409 7 710 352 CEM 9/1/16
Russell, Edward Thomas 14 August 1895 4 months Infant Parkhill Hospital Toxteth Park 3876 77239 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Russell, Margaret 13 December 1895 50 years - 20 Pecksniff Street 3906 77839 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Russell, Maud 2 January 1895 71 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3817 76055 8 308 352 CEM 9/1/16
Russell, Thomas 12 September 1895 60 years - 5 Shallot Street 3883 77369 8 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Rutherford, John 15 April 1895 31 years - 34 Toxteth Street 3847 76655 6 580 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ryder, Bertha 10 October 1895 6 months Infant 11 Barbara Street 3889 77489 7 61 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ryno, Jane 10 April 1895 11 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3847 76641 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sampson, William 14 February 1895 51 years - 6 Lowther Street 3826 76237 N 281 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sanderson, Jane 11 April 1895 11 months Infant 21 Bessemer Street 3847 76642 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sandman, George Denni 30 May 1895 64 years - Rutter Street 3857 76857 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Saphier, Samuel 27 October 1895 3 months Infant 11 Bryan Street 3894 77588 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Saphier, Thomas R 16 January 1895 4 months Infant 7 Chesterfield Street 3820 76110 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Saunders, Annie 5 March 1895 1month Infant 86 Dorrit Street 3835 76419 11 565 352 CEM 9/1/16
Savage, Elizabeth Emily Maria 5 December 1895 11 months Infant 18 Enid Street Toxteth Park 3905 77802 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sayer, Ada 17 November 1895 2 months Infant 60 Aspen Grove Toxteth Park 3900 77709 1 80 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sayer, Julia Hannah 19 December 1895 76 years - 28 Liffey Street 3907 77861 4 789 352 CEM 9/1/16
Scattergood, Benjamin 23 July 1895 3 years Infant 5 Beresford Road 3871 77138 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Schenk, Johannes G 4 December 1895 70 years Merchant 9 Arundel Avenue 3904 77788 C Left 383 352 CEM 9/1/16
Schieman,Elizabeth 26 May 1895 31 years - 46 Fletcher Street 3856 76834 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Schiff, Elizabeth 23 September 1895 68 years - Liverpool Workhouse Mount Pleasant 3885 77419 8 406 352 CEM 9/1/16
Schofield, Lilian 7 July 1895 10 months Infant 310 Mill Street 3867 77047 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Scholefield, Mary Isabel 21 March 1895 5 years Infant Greenwood   Victoria Park 3842 76553 I 621 352 CEM 9/1/16
Schreiber, William Robert 8 March 1895 4 years Infant Ivy House   Greenhill Road Allerton 3837 76457 K 816 352 CEM 9/1/16
Schroeder, Andrew William 10 December 1895 10 years Scholar Royal Infirmary Mount Pleasant 3905 77821 11 16 352 CEM 9/1/16
Scott, Charles James   (HS) 25 June 1895 50 years Stevedore 2 Jenner Street 3863 76974 M 813 352 CEM 9/1/16
Scott, James 5 April 1895 10 months Infant 94 Parliament Street 3845 76620 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Scott, John Edward H 29 October 1895 3 months Infant 60 Elwy Street 3894 77590 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sculley, John 8 December 1895 46 years - 9 Guest Street 3905 77812 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Scurrah, Elizabeth 12 September 1895 73 years Widow 37 Boswell Street 3883 77375 C Left 27 352 CEM 9/1/16
Seed, Alexander 10 April 1895 2 years Infant 16 Lothian Street 3846 76639 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sello, Mary 21 September 1895 64 years - 48 Moville Street 3885 77410 O 200 352 CEM 9/1/16
Senar, Alice May 10 November 1895 8 months Infant 18 Roscommon Street Everton South 3897 77656 D Left 207 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sergeant, Gladys M 8 April 1895 10 months Infant 111 Ash Grove 3846 76623 6 554 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sergeson, Michael E 17 February 1895 62 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3828 76275 8 324 352 CEM 9/1/16
Seville, James 4 September 1895 45 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3881 77337 8 406 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sexton, William 23 June 1895 5 months Infant 8 Emerson Street 3863 76971 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shakeshaft, Ethel 11 March 1895 17 months Infant 30 Gwydir Street 3839 76482 8 354 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shannon, James Garner 22 September 1895 3 months Infant 83 Asbridge Street 3885 77413 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sharman, Margaret Anna 20 February 1895 85 years Widow 30 River Avon Street 3829 76288 C Left  753 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sharp, Emily Jane 2 September 1895 4 years Infant City Hospital    Toxteth Park      3881 77325 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sharples, Mary Ann 2 January 1895 42 years - 7 Homer Street 3817 76057 7 85 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shaw, Ada Mary 10 July 1895 29 years Wife 17 Ritson Street 3867 77049 1 31 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shaw, Agnes 1 May 1895 75 years - 52 Beaufort Street 3851 76728 6 223 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shaw, Catharine M 1 July 1895 2 years Infant 81 Mann Street 3865 77006 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shaw, Emma 31 December 1895 4 years Infant 62 Dove Street 3910 77920 1 280 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shaw, Mary 26 December 1895 47 years - Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3910 77907 1 280 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shaw, Norman Roy 7 November 1895 8 months Infant 45 Allington Street 3897 77646 Q 652 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shaw, Thomas 17 October 1895 22 months Infant 42 Clive Street 3891 77531 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shaw, William 23 January 1895 64 years - Southern Hospital 3822 76146 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shelmerdine, Thomas   (HS) 30 September 1895 76 years Architect Blundellsands Crosby 3887 77450 K 431/2 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shepherd, George 20 March 1895 79 years - 38 Littledale Rd Seacombe 3842 76549 B Left 17 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sheriden, Eliza Ann 16 July 1895 26 years - 373 Mill Street Toxteth Park 3869 77082 1 9 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shipman, Henry 11 June 1895 61 years - Southern Hospital 3860 76908 E Right 290 352 CEM 9/1/16
Shone, Charles Bradshaw 5 May 1895 49 years - 20 Pengwern Street 3852 76745 S 75 352 CEM 9/1/16
Siddell, Isabella 20 January 1895 33 years - City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3821 76135 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sides, Eleanor Katherine 16 July 1895 10 months Infant 52 Selborne Street 3869 77083 1 30 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sime, Frances 14 December 1895 58 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3907 77847 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Simons, Robert 20 October 1895 1 mth Infant 31 Longville Street 3892 77554 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Simpson, Jane 20 December 1895 57 years Wife 211 Smithdown Lane West Derby Municipal 3908 77875 E right 84 352 CEM 9/1/16
Simpson, Julia 5 March 1895 68 years Wife 37 Gwendoline Street 3835 76410 7 490 352 CEM 9/1/16
Simpson, Thomas James 5 September 1895 34 years - Consumption Hospital Mount Pleasant 3882 77344 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sinclair, Jessie McLeod 3 November 1895 2 years Infant 24 Grierson Street 3895 77618 1 55 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sixsmith, Thomas 6 October 1895 18 days Infant Aigburth Vale Wavertree 3888 77473 C Left 692 352 CEM 9/1/16
Skeaf, Mary Jane 3 July 1895 56 years Widow Hill Side Villa   Overton   Frodsham 3865 77017 P 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Skelton, James 13 March 1895 31 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3840 76519 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Skillicorn, Maria 16 June 1895 59 years - 4 Ritson Street 3861 76933 8 357 352 CEM 9/1/16
Skinner, Frances 19 May 1895 69 years Widow 11 Victoria Terrace 3855 76804 C Left  692 352 CEM 9/1/16
Slack, William James 27 August 1895 19 years - 24 Lucerne Street 3879 77291 1 38 352 CEM 9/1/16
Slatter, Susan Ann 20 May 1895 37 years - 94 Tiber Street 3855 76810 8 376 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sleddon, Sarah 10 January 1895 73 years Widow Sanitoria   Broughton Road   Rhyl  St Asaph 3818 76079 P 786/7 352 CEM 9/1/16
Slee, Edmund Herr 31 May 1895 6 months Infant 34 Wynnstay Street 3857 76858 8 374 352 CEM 9/1/16
Slee, Norman 7 August 1895 2 years Infant 34 Wynnstay Street 3875 77202 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sloan, Horace Seymour 21 July 1895 59 years Law Stationer 133 Falkner Street Mount Pkeasant 3870 77114 C Left 210 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smart, Benjamin 20 July 1895 23 years - No Address Given Toxteth Park 3870 77120 8 379 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Alfred   (HS) 25 February 1895 12 months Infant 44 Fielding Street 3831 76322 A Left 279 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Ann   (HS) 19 March 1895 81 years Widow 116 Vine Street 3842 76543 A Left 442 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Ebenezer 26 June 1895 72 years Clerk  Holy Orders 136 Crown Street 3863 76973 K 113 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Edmund 25 June 1895 38 years - 19 Eden Street 3863 76975 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Edward Percival 23 October 1895 6 months Infant 8 Graham Street 3893 77564 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Eleanor 27 January 1895 68 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3823 76162 8 322 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Elizabeth   (HS) 29 September 1895 47 years Wife 13 Cases Street Islington 3886 77437 A Left 215 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Elizabeth 16 November 1895 30 years - 19 Sandys Street 3900 77713 8 405 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Elsa 8 January 1895 2 months Infant 261 Grafton Street 3818 76072 8 291 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Esther Ann 18 February 1895 17 months Infant 201 Mill Street 3828 76276 8 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Frances 20 July 1895 30 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3871 77124 8 371 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, George 19 June 1895 79 years - 21 Brenton Street 3862 76950 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Gertrude 9 August 1895 4 years Infant 10 Robfer Street West Derby Municipal 3875 77205 H 416 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Harold Egerton Tyson   (HS) 9 February 1895 6 years Scholar 23 Gainsborough Rd 3825 76211 Q 780 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Henry Herbert 8 February 1895 22 years - 1 Beech Villas   Bulls Head Lane   Mansfield 3825 76212 11 49 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Isaac 27 March 1895 16 months Infant 69 North Hill Street 3843 76575 8 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, James 16 April 1895 12 years Scholar City Hospital           3848 76664 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Louisa Spry 29 January 1895 50 years Widow 8 Maitland Street 3823 76167 8 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Mary Hatton 6 March 1895 78 years Widow 109 Chatham Street 3835 76420 F Left 313 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Mary Jane 19 June 1895 52 years Widow 38 Verulam Street 3862 76952 E Left 512 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Mary Jane 2 October 1895 13 months Infant 31 Goring Street Toxteth Park 3888 77462 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Richard 4 April 1895 48 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3845 76610 8 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Roger Griffith 17 September 1895 59 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3884 77384 8 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, Thomas Colerick 28 June 1895 39 years Sailor 90a Salisbury Street 3864 76993 1 4 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, William Henry 31 March 1895 50 years - 5 Alt Street 3844 76596 8 329 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smith, William Henry 2 October 1895 65 years - 4 court Fletcher Street Toxteth Park 3887 77455 8 414 352 CEM 9/1/16
Smyth, Ellen 10 May 1895 13 years Scholar City Hospital           3853 76772 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Southern, Elizabeth 3 January 1895 49 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3817 76053 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Southurst, Samuel 1 July 1895 16 months Infant 1 Rhyl Street 3865 77009 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Southwell, Harriet Jane 8 April 1895 2 years Infant 70 Lamport Street 3846 76629 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Spain, John 5 September 1895 36 years - City Hospital 3882 77349 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sparling, Jane 18 August 1895 61 months Widow 27 Mount Street Mount Pleasant 3877 77249 L 595 352 CEM 9/1/16
Speakman, George 14 April 1895 19 months Infant 63 Copperfield Street 3847 76651 7 90 352 CEM 9/1/16
Spear, Henry Grayson 23 November 1895 25 years - 113 Bedford Street Mount Pleasant 3901 77736 N 10 352 CEM 9/1/16
Spencer, Joseph 27 June 1895 57 years Surgical Instrument Maker 20 Radnor Place 3864 76986 D Right 473 352 CEM 9/1/16
Spencer, William Henry 17 February 1895 2 years Infant 12 Ritson Street 3828 76272 8 318 352 CEM 9/1/16
Spratt, Mary 19 September 1895 61 years Widow 80 Upper Hill Street 3884 77398 S 645 352 CEM 9/1/16
Springmann, Johanna Wilhemina Maria 13 February 1895 72 years Widow Drachenfels 3827 76241 P 438/41 352 CEM 9/1/16
Spruce, Frederick 17 March 1895 20 months Infant 4 Vaughan Street 3841 76522 358 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stabb, Isabella 11 October 1895 70 years - 10 Denton Street 3889 77500 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stables, William 22 January 1895 72 years Porter Providence Hospital    Saint Helens 3821 76137 D Left 78 352 CEM 9/1/16
Staines, Mary Elizabeth 4 October 1895 7 months Infant 186 Wellington Road Toxteth Park 3888 77471 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stamper, Maud Agnes 13 July 1895 9 months Infant 26 Park Road 3868 77081 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stamper, Thomas 11 November 1895 2 years Infant 40 Miles Street 3898 77671 8 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stantan, Elizabeth 21 February 1895 77 years Widow 8 Rankin Street 3830 76306 8 324 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stark, Emily May 21 April 1895 13 years - 1 Wynne Street 3848 76680 F Right 467 352 CEM 9/1/16
Statham, Elizabeth 20 February 1895 72 years Widow 45 Ullet Road 3829 76283 F Right 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stead, Richard 22 September 1895 7 years Scholar 81 High Park Street 3885 77416 E Right 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Steele, Thomas A 29 August 1895 4 months Infant 11 Clevedon Buildings 3879 77298 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Steenstrand, William John Henry 4 April 1895 62 years Merchant 26 Falkner Square 3845 76605 Q 181 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stephens, Harry Ernest 13 August 1895 8 months Infant 2 Thames Street 3876 77231 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stevenson, William 28 March 1895 25 years Publican Southern Hospital 3844 76584 G 126 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stinson, William 9 March 1895 37 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3838 76469 8 325 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stitt, Elizabeth 11 August 1895 49 months - 6 Tupman Street 3876 77227 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stockton, Mary Ann 17 October 1895 2 years Infant 11 Greig Street 3891 77534 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stokes, Elizabeth 7 February 1895 40 years Wife Workhouse 3825 76208 8 334 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stokes, James 1 March 1895 2 months Infant Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3834 76392 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stolterpoht, Cola 5 May 1895 4 years Infant Holly Bank, Mossley Hill 3852 76744 P 456 352 CEM 9/1/16
Strange, Henry 5 April 1895 39 years - Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3846 76621 8 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Strange, William Alfred 21 May 1895 9 months Infant 22 Isaac Street 3855 76816 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Strugnall, Maria 7 September 1895 80 years - 79 Byles Street 3882 77350 4 133 352 CEM 9/1/16
Stubbs, Emma 14 April 1895 4 months Infant 62 Wendell Street 3847 76653 8 333 352 CEM 9/1/16
Styles, Thomas Lloyd 4 June 1895 11 months Infant 112 Mann Street 3859 76888 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Such, Samuel 3 March 1895 30 months Infant 27 Cardogan Street 3834 76391 12 605 352 CEM 9/1/16
Suiter, Charles Leist 15 August 1895 13 days Infant 22 Loundon Grove 3877 77244 G 80 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sullivan, Tamer 18 April 1895 55 years Widow 28 Asbridge Street 3848 76671 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sutton, Florence 7 July 1895 10 weeks Infant 54 Eden Street 3867 77043 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Sweeney, Harriet 21 February 1895 64 years - 9 Jackson Street 3830 76310 8 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Swenson, Alexander Bernard 22 October 1895 45 years - Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3893 77581 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Swettenham, Isabella   (HS) 25 February 1895 28 years Wife 6 Corsewall Street 3831 76331 B Left 218 352 CEM 9/1/16
Swindell, Josiah 10 February 1895 67 years - 35 Hughson Street 3826 76224 8 324 352 CEM 9/1/16
Swindells, Mary 21 December 1895 81 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3908 77878 11 114 352 CEM 9/1/16
Swinnerton, John 2 March 1895 16 months Infant Park Hill Hospital 3835 76402 8 330 352 CEM 9/1/16
Syms, Elizabeth   (HS) 4 March 1895 15 years - 18 Liffey Street 3834 76395 4 742 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tait, Georgina 4 November 1895 56 years - 3 Tiber Street 3896 77627 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tasker, Amelia 24 November 1895 60 years - 46 Greta Street 3902 77747 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, Elizabeth 28 September 1895 3 weeks Infant Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3887 77444 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, Elizabeth H 2 June 1895 10 months Infant 402 Mill Street 3858 76867 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, George William 16 March 1895 7 Months Infant 43 Madryn Street 3841 76531 358 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, John H 28 February 1895 39 years - 79 Granby Street 3833 76368 7 434 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, John Langton 7 April 1895 2 years Infant 40 South Hill Rd 3846 76625 B Right 633 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, Joseph 25 April 1895 75 years - 16 Collins Street 3850 76702 4 883 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, Kathleen 23 December 1895 11 weeks Infant 6 Major Street Kirkdale 3909 77887 12 455 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, Olive Jane 6 March 1895 30 years - 58 Lightwood Street 3836 76426 11 149 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, Rachel Agnes 26 September 1895 7 months Infant 7 Barbara Street 3886 77435 8 406 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, Thomas 7 February 1895 6 years - Workhouse 3825 76209 8 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, Thomas 21 October 1895 65 years - 3 Steble Street 3892 77553 1 49 352 CEM 9/1/16
Taylor, William 1 October 1895 48 years - 19 Stanhope Street Toxteth Park 3887 77452 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Teal, John Arthur Maxwell 3 November 1895 8 months Infant 23 Cockburn Street 3896 77623 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tennant, Cyril James   (HS) 8 November 1895 22 years Engineer 75 Sefton Street Southport North Meols 3897 77655 6 168 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tew, James Lever 3 August 1895 4 months Infant 15 Vandyke Street 3874 77185 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Theobald, Alice Mary 9 August 1895 9 months Infant 21 Melville Street Toxteth Park 3875 77209 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thierey, Robert George 22 October 1895 10 months Infant 51 Oxford Street Mount Pleasant 3892 77559 C Left 536 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomas, Albert Edward 1 July 1895 2 years  Infant 27 Exeter Street 3865 77010 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomas, Ann 12 November 1895 15 years - 15 Toxteth Street 3899 77693 8 403 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomas, Catharine Rebecca 2 June 1895 15 months Infant 6 Dove Street 3858 76861 5 276 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomas, Dennis Croft 4 December 1895 10 years Scholar 44 Parkfield Road 3904 77790 Q 544 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomas, Eliza 6 March 1895 64 years Wife 19 Glynn Street 3835 76418 11 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomas, Ellen Nelly 28 March 1895 38 years - 13 Buckland Street 3844 76582 5 616 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomas, Esther 6 November 1895 55 years Wife 63 Gelling Street 3896 77637 H 461 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomas, Eveline 10 October 1895 34 years Wife 1 Daire Street West Derby Municipal 3889 77483 Q 678 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomas, Jane 14 July 1895 49 years - 61 Dove Street 3868 77073 8 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomas, William 12 March 1895 67 years Engine Driver 19 Glynn Street 3839 76485 11 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thompson, Albert Laurence J 16 July 1895 25 years - 39 Bentley Road 3868 77080 C Left 130 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thompson, Eleanor 25 October 1895 15 months Infant 278 Crown Street Mount Pleasant 3893 77580 B Left 628 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thompson, Elizabeth 23 March 1895 71 years Widow 29 Newstead Road 3842 76551 6 541 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thompson, Elizabeth 16 December 1895 77 years Widow 20 Kemble Street 3907 77844 G 180 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thompson, George 11 February 1895 32 years - - 3825 76214 E Right 77 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thompson, Isabella 13 April 1895 80 years Widow Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3847 76654 8 364 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thompson, James 10 October 1895 70 years Seaman Workhouse Toxteth Park 3889 77501 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thompson, Mary 26 February 1895 61 years - 69 Beaufort Street 3831 76340 8 350 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thompson, William 24 January 1895 60 years - 12 Lamport Street 3822 76154 8 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thompson, William 30 August 1895 16 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3880 77316 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thomson, John Bethune 4 September 1895 69 years Cotton Broker 36 Bentley Road Toxteth Park 3882 77342 J 696 352 CEM 9/1/16
Thorpe, Mary Alice 26 February 1895 33 years - 96 Upper Parliament Street 3832 76349 D Right 613 352 CEM 9/1/16
Threlfall, William John 21 December 1895 5 days Infant Denton Street 3909 77883 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tickle, Robert Henry Ormonde 25 May 1895 29 years Cooper 15 Thames Street 3856 76831 E Right 100 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tiffany, Charles A 16 January 1895 33 years - 70 Jubilee Drive 3819 76099 E Right 268 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tinsley, Jane 19 October 1895 9 months Infant 67 Lime Grove 3891 77529 1 62 352 CEM 9/1/16
Todd, George 5 June 1895 35 years - 7 Pimhill Street 3859 76892 8 353 352 CEM 9/1/16
Todd, James 12 April 1895 51 years - 132 Beresford Rd 3846 76638 C Right 91 352 CEM 9/1/16
Todd, Joseph 9 April 1895 58 years - 3a Portland Place 3846 76632 D Right 173 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tollitt, Barbara Christiana 13 November 1895 88 years Widow 189 Upper Parliament Street 3899 77684 A Left 423 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tootill, Edward Baines 22 October 1895 53 years - 4 Longfellow Street 3893 77568 8 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Toshack, Christina 21 August 1895 50 years Spinster 88 Wendell Street 3878 77269 1 22 352 CEM 9/1/16
Townsend, Mary Ellen   (HS) 26 February 1895 63 years Wife Lowfield House 3832 76345 A Left 508 352 CEM 9/1/16
Trainer, Henry 4 May 1895 17 months Infant 23 Cullen Street 3852 76746 8 337 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tredre, Harriet 2 April 1895 62 years Widow 7 Alfred Street 3844 76600 11 261 352 CEM 9/1/16
Trousdale, Mary Ann 27 October 1895 58 years - 2 Coburg Street 3893 77578 1 53 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tunks, Rose 13 November 1895 6 years Infant City Hospital Toxteth Park 3899 77696 8 399 352 CEM 9/1/16
Turnbull, Mary 9 January 1895 70 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3818 76077 8 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Turner, Catherine 19 December 1895 74 years - Home for Incurables 3908 77869 6 328 352 CEM 9/1/16
Turner, Florence W 12 August 1895 15 months Infant 25 Aiken Street Toxteth Park 3876 77230 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Turner, Jane 12 December 1895 82 years - 76 Moses Street 3906 77838 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Turner, John 10 March 1895 7 months Infant 124 Hill Street 3838 76471 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Twemlow, Lily 23 October 1895 9 months Infant 10 Providence ? Toxteth Park 3893 77575 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Twist, Edward 12 February 1895 7 months Infant 43 Barbara Street 3826 76235 8 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tyler, Ellen 18 June 1895 72 years Widow 39 Cicely Street 3862 76943 A Left 274 352 CEM 9/1/16
Tyson, Mary Ann 23 September 1895 47 years Widow Workhouse Toxteth Park 3885 77421 1 66 352 CEM 9/1/16
Unsworth, Eliza 6 February 1895 19 months Infant 9 William Street 3825 76206 8 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Unwin, Mary Ellen 6 July 1895 6 years Infant 301 Beaufort Street Toxteth Park 3866 77041 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Vaughan, Norah 8 April 1895 4 Months Infant 25 Whalley Street 3846 76626 6 479 352 CEM 9/1/16
Venner, Josiah A E 7 May 1895 12 years Scholar 8 Blantyre Road   Found Drowned 3852 76743 B Left 740 352 CEM 9/1/16
Vento, Mary Jane 11 May 1895 37 years - 216 Beaufort Street 3853 76774 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Vickerstaff, William 4 October 1895 35 years - No Address 3888 77465 E right 38 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wadham, George W 8 December 1895 10 months Infant 45 Hughes Street Everton South 3905 77814 A Right 293 352 CEM 9/1/16
Waine, Henry M 24 October 1895 18 months Infant 9 Mansell Road West Derby Rural 3893 77570 C Left 577 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wainwright, Arthur Max A 26 December 1895 20 months Infant 37 Chester Street 3910 77906 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wainwright, George 4 July 1895 63 years Agent 39 Greta Street 3866 77025 1 1 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wainwright, Harriet 28 September 1895 45 years Spinster Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3887 77445 8 414 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wakefield, James Smith   (HS) 20 December 1895 48 years - 9 Blackburne Street Mount Pleasant 3908 77874 A Left 57 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walford, Sarah 20 January 1895 41 years - 8 Rowland Street 3821 76124 8 314 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walker, Annie 3 June 1895 4 months Infant 60 Beaufort Street 3859 76885 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walker, John 17 March 1895 9 Months Infant 82 Whittier Street 3841 76526 540 6 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walker, John William 7 November 1895 37 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3897 77650 1 107 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walker, Lily Emma 16 June 1895 18 months Infant 40 Tramway Road 3861 76932 Q 658 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wallace, Richard Tiffin 18 October 1895 57 years - 3 Carrington Street Toxteth Park 3892 77543 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wallace, Robert James 19 March 1895 7 Months Infant 224 Windsor Street 3842 76547 8 358 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wallace, William James 28 May 1895 43 years - 2 Carrington Street 3857 76842 8 204 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wallis, Sidney Francis 21 July 1895 3 months Infant 76 Cedar Grove 3870 77121 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walsh, Alice 17 May 1895 14 months - 4 Coburg Street 3855 76802 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walsh, Beatrice 10 July 1895 2 years Infant 4 Coburg Street Toxteth Park 3867 77058 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walsh, Mary Jane 17 January 1895 79 years - 40 Northumberland Street 3820 76111 8 316 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walters, Miriam Kathleen 13 July 1895 3 weeks Infant 128 Park Street 3868 77063 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walters, William 18 April 1895 4 months Infant 17 Tynwald Street 3848 76667 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Walton, Esther 31 December 1895 55 years Wife Workhouse  Toxteth Park 3911 77925 1 325 353 CEM 9/1/15
Walton, Wilfred 31 December 1895 56 years Joiner Workhouse  Toxteth Park 3911 77924 1 325 353 CEM 9/1/15
Warburton, Margaret 16 July 1895 72 years - 5 Toxteth Street 3869 77085 8 379 352 CEM 9/1/16
Ward, James 30 August 1895 46 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3880 77308 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wardle, James Henry   (HS) 2 May 1895 60 years - 8 Dombey Street 3851 76726 8 154 352 CEM 9/1/16
Waters, Mary 25 February 1895 61 years Widow 32 court Mann Street 3832 76346 8 332 352 CEM 9/1/16
Watkinson, Henry 10 February 1895 3 days Infant 52 Albert Road 3825 76215 A Left 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Watson, Ann Maria 18 March 1895 69 years - 1 South Grove 3841 76523 325 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Watson, Jacob 7 July 1895 69 years - 13 Aberdeen Street 3865 77008 8 377 352 CEM 9/1/16
Watson, Sarah Jane 24 October 1895 43 years - 53 Cleopas Street 3893 77569 1 61 352 CEM 9/1/16
Watson, William Charles 18 December1895 2 years Infant 43 Mount Vernon Street West Derby Municipal 3907 77854 H 395 352 CEM 9/1/16
Watson, William Newall 8 June 1895 57 years Merchant 40 Ullet Road 3859 76899 M  88/89 352 CEM 9/1/16
Watterson, Lucy May 29 May 1895 13 days Infant 12 Madelaine Street 3857 76856 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wayne, Alexander 18 June 1895 12 months Infant 5 Devonshire Street 3862 76942 G 281 352 CEM 9/1/16
Weaver, Louisa 5 October 1895 5 years Infant City Hospital Toxteth Park 3888 77466 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Webster, Annie 1 December 1895 12 days Infant 40 Hurry Street 3903 77777 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Webster, Charles Edward 24 January 1895 43 years Victualler 19 West Derby Road   Everton 3822 76143 B Left 679 352 CEM 9/1/16
Webster, Christopher 18 June 1895 29 years - 31 Woodbine Street   Kirkdale 3861 76935 7 56 352 CEM 9/1/16
Webster, Hannah 22 May 1895 46 years - 1 Brassey Street 3855 76820 8 378 352 CEM 9/1/16
Webster, Harriet Ann 1 November 1895 24 years Spinster Eccleston Prescot 3895 77605 S 643 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wellings, Arthur S 12 January 1895 21 years - 6 Rufford Road 3819 76085 C Left 612 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wellings, Elizabeth 16 November 1895 75 years Widow 16 Smollett Street 3900 77707 C Left 612 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wells, Annie E 4 March 1895 29 years - 12 Street James Place 3834 76400 8 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wells, Charlotte Louisa 3 March 1895 39 years Wife 94 High Park Street 3834 76385 7 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wells, Thomas 17 July 1895 58 years - 54 Prince William Street 3869 77099 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
West, Louisa D 24 April 1895 16 years - West Derby Hospital 3849 76696 H 769 352 CEM 9/1/16
Western, Joseph 3 January 1895 19 years - 94 Northumberland Street 3818 76061 8 310 352 CEM 9/1/16
Weston, Elizabeth 27 November 1895 67 years - 22 Eversley Street 3902 77757 11 85 352 CEM 9/1/16
Weston, Matilda 19 December 1895 45 years Spinster 141 London Road Islington 3908 77863 A Left 311 352 CEM 9/1/16
Whalley, Samuel 21 March 1895 11 years - 44 Menzies Street 3842 76555 8 360 352 CEM 9/1/16
Whitby, May 2 June 1895 12 months Infant 3 Corwin Place 3858 76876 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Whitby, William Edgar   (HS) 7 May 1895 43 years - 314 Upper Parliament Street 3852 76748 4 607 352 CEM 9/1/16
White, Bridget 28 June 1895 55 years Wife 42 Upper Warwick Street 3864 76992 1 33 352 CEM 9/1/16
White, Dorothy Lilian 17 July 1895 7 months Infant 4 Northumberland Street 3869 77086 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
White, John 7 November 1895 49 years - 54 Mozart Street 3897 77644 1 54 352 CEM 9/1/16
Whitehook, Catherine 15 October 1895 72 years - 11 Miles Street 3890 77519 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Whitesides, Elizabeth 13 November 1895 46 years - No Address 3899 77695 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Whiteway, Jane 3 January 1895 62 years Wife 206 Smithdown Lane 3817 76059 7 82 352 CEM 9/1/16
Whiteway, Margaret 28 February 1895 45 years - 157 Grafton Street 3833 76373 8 326 352 CEM 9/1/16
Whitfield, William James 18 March 1895 7 days Infant Workhouse 3841 76537 358 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Whitnall, Richard 18 December1895 68 years - 184 Wellington Road 3907 77856 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wiggins, William Cooper 27 May 1895 50 years - 26 Kingsley Road 3856 76835 C Left  489 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wigglesworth, Jane 26 May 1895 83 years - Brownlow Hill Workhouse 3856 76833 D Right 541 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wigley, Job 23 July 1895 72 years - 375 Mill Street 3871 77129 1 21 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wignall, Catherine 6 January 1895 32 years - 8 Parkhill Road 3818 76063 ? 301 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilcock, Nancy 22 December 1895 3 years Infant 25 Hamilton Street Toxteth Park 3908 77881 6 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilcox, Laura Bell 12 November 1895 1 1/2 months Infant 28 Hurry Street 3899 77692 8 413 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilde, James 29 May 1895 10 months Infant 11 Jordan Place 3857 76853 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilde, Jane 18 June 1895 88 years Widow 171 Harrowby Street 3862 76945 S 691 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilding, Elizabeth 3 May 1895 24 years - 218 Beaufort Street 3851 76733 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilkens, William 11 October 1895 28 years - 70 Dorrit Street 3889 77496 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilkinson, Alfred 9 April 1895 20 years - Hahnemann Hospital 3846 76628 7 488 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilkinson, Margaret   (HS) 20 March 1895 42 years - Rock Cottage   St James Road  New Brighton 3842 76542 B Left 884 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams Sarah Ann 1 August 1895 27 years - 58 Grearson Street 3873 77176 1 37 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Ada 15 April 1895 16 years - Liverpool Convalescent Hospital   Much Woolton 3847 76659 8 362 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Ann 20 June 1895 20 years - 40 Rectory Street 3862 76958 8 359 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Edward 6 August 1895 79 years Iron Porter Workhouse, Toxteth Park 3874 77200 8 392 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Elizabeth Jane 2 October 1895 29 years - Royal Southern Hospital Toxteth Park 3887 77457 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Ellen 8 March 1895 60 years - 43 Beaufort Street 3837 76443 8 358 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Ellis 5 March 1895 69 years Stoker Workhouse 3836 76422 8 356 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Frances 2 November 1895 38 years - 3 Lorton Place 3895 77616 8 405 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Georgina 3 November 1895 8 years Scholar 2 Laxay Street 3896 77624 8 397 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Harold 5 April 1895 14 months Infant 28 Essex Street 3846 76622 8 331 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Joseph 18 January 1895 3 months Infant 28 Darnley Street 3820 76120 8 306 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Joseph 27 November 1895 3 months Infant 13 court Hyslop Street 3902 77760 8 409 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Joyce 13 January 1895 35 years - 31 Lemon Street 3819 76093 C Left 541 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Margaret 26 August 1895 73 years - The Workhouse Hospital 3878 77281 8 400 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Maria 18 May 1895 43 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3855 76805 8 374 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Martha 23 October 1895 21 days Infant 28 Amity Street 3893 77573 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Mary 11 June 1895 11 days Infant 55 Vronhill Street 3860 76918 8 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Mary  28 August 1895 3 months Infant 79 Byles Street 3879 77297 8 396 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Mary Alice 23 July 1895 4 years Infant 17 Harold Street Toxteth Park 3871 77122 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Owen 15 February 1895 74 years Ship-wright 3 Isis Street 3827 76249 F Right 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Robert 13 December 1895 7 months Infant 6 Weston Street 3906 77836 1 100 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Sarah 30 January 1895 76 years - 51 Hatherley Street 3823 76178 8 336 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Sarah Ann 20 September 1895 53 years - 89 Bran Street 3885 77403 8 406 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Stanley 5 June 1895 4 days Infant 55 Vronhill Street 3859 76894 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Thomas 28 May 1895 7 weeks Infant 82 Streetanhope Street 3857 76850 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, Walker Bennett 30 March 1895 45 years Book-Keeper Southern Hospital 3844 76587 E Right 358 352 CEM 9/1/16
Williams, William John 29 October 1895 9 days Infant Dingle Lane 3894 77595 8 391 352 CEM 9/1/16
Willis, Eliza Ann 28 September 1895 70 years Wife 102 Upper Stanhope Street 3886 77436 L 789 352 CEM 9/1/16
Willis, Ethel May 17 December 1895 8 months Infant 4 Blackburn Terrace 3907 77859 1 194 352 CEM 9/1/16
Willis, Mary Elizabeth 23 June 1895 14 years Scholar 4 Blackburne Terrace 3863 76967 8 361 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilson, Alice Anne 22 September 1895 43 years Wife 2 Lucknow Street Toxteth Park 3885 77412 8 406 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilson, Charles 29 July 1895 5 months Infant 37 Beloe Street 3873 77167 8 373 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilson, Ellen 28 February 1895 34 years Wife 172 Beresford Rd 3833 76367 D Right 157 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilson, Gordon   (HS) 14 May 1895 5 years Infant 8 Holland Road   Wallasey 3853 76780 B Left 217 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilson, James 4 March 1895 61 years - 11 court 3 house Streetanhope Street 3835 76416 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilson, Rose Ann 6 November 1895 59 years - 281 Grafton Street 3896 77629 8 411 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilson, William  27 May 1895 53 years - Workhouse   Toxteth Park 3856 76836 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wilson, William Edward 23 May 1895 1 months Infant 88 South Chester Road 3856 76829 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Windle, John Patrick 11 August 1895 28 years - 20 St Bride Street Mount Pleasant 3875 77216 D Left 911 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wingate, William J 16 May 1895 4 years Infant 65 Elaine Street 3854 76800 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Winn, Maud 18 October 1895 7 months Infant 187 Beaufort Street 3891 77541 8 389 352 CEM 9/1/16
Winsloe, Maria Louisa 3 October 1895 77 years Widow 7 Gambier Terrace Mount Pleasant 3887 77459 P 489 352 CEM 9/1/16
Winsloe, Richard 29 January 1895 74 years Merchant 7 Gambier Terrace 3823 76170 P 489 352 CEM 9/1/16
Winterson, Lilian Gertrude 17 July 1895 3 years Infant 60 Lime Grove Toxteth Park 3869 77089 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Winton, Sarah 21 June 1895 58 years - 51 Byles Street 3863 76965 8 363 352 CEM 9/1/16
Withens, Sarah 10 December 1895 53 years Widow 141 London Road Islington 3905 77819 A Left 311 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wood, Alexander 7 July 1895 45 years Carter 12 court Maynard Street Toxteth Park 3867 77046 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wood, Ann 22 June 1895 55 years - 15 Toxteth Street 3862 76951 8 361 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wood, James 2 May 1895 32 years - 30 Hyslop Street 3851 76732 8 366 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wood, Maria 28 December 1895 66 years Wife 92 Towson Street Everton North 3910 77909 1 121 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wood, Mary 11 November 1895 3 years Infant 7 Orange Grove 3898 77675 Q 644 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wood, Richard 24 May 1895 34 years Chimney Sweep 24 Hampton Street 3856 76825 8 368 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wooding, Ellen 4 August 1895 18 months Infant 6 Wellington Terrace 3874 77192 8 375 352 CEM 9/1/16
Woodruff, Ethel 4 September 1895 3 years Infant 6 Landsdown Street 3881 77336 8 398 352 CEM 9/1/16
Woodruff, William H 16 May 1895 4 months Infant 6 Lansdown Street 3854 76793 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Woods, Helen 18 July 1895 10 days Infant 1 Chapman Street 3869 77084 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Woods, Thomas B 2 June 1895 7 months Infant 22 Upper Park Street 3858 76878 8 351 352 CEM 9/1/16
Woods, William 13 October 1895 4 months Infant 14 Threlfall Street 3890 77505 8 410 352 CEM 9/1/16
Woods, William Frederick 19 July 1895 1½ years Infant 2 Aitken Street Toxteth Park 3870 77112 12 10 352 CEM 9/1/16
Woolam, Edward 11 September 1895 65 years - 18 Lamport Street 3883 77368 8 412 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wooley, Martha 9 July 1895 9 months Infant 5 Goring Street 3867 77052 8 367 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wooley, Mary 30 November 1895 47 years Wife 24 Miller Street Toxteth Park 3903 77767 6 186 352 CEM 9/1/16
Woolley, Ellen 20 February 1895 70 years - 67 Beaconsfield Street 3829 76286 E Right 533 352 CEM 9/1/16
Woolright, John 4 October 1895 34 years Farmer Claremont Heswall 3888 77468 P 808 352 CEM 9/1/16
Worrall, Ada Sophia 5 July 1895 18 years Spinster 106 Upper Hill Street 3866 77026 1 32 352 CEM 9/1/16
Worrall, Emily Alice 22 December 1895 4 days Infant 75 Alt Street 3909 77890 1 237 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wotton, James 1 December 1895 63 years - 31 Chapman Street 3903 77779 8 415 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, Albert 7 May 1895 23 years Hair Dresser Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3851 76740 8 153 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, Annie 18 January 1895 23 months Infant 17 Corney Street 3820 76108 12 153 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, Annie 26 November 1895 8 months Infant Workhouse Toxteth Park 3902 77756 8 401 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, James Herbert 8 December 1895 3 years Infant 21 Ballington Street Toxteth Park 3905 77816 8 407 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, Louisa Emma 14 December 1895 7 months Infant 21 Ballington Street Toxteth Park 3907 77848 1 150 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, Percy 7 May 1895 1 week Infant 17 Corney Street 3852 76749 12 153 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, Samuel 16 October 1895 38 years - Workhouse Toxteth Park 3891 77538 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, Susan 22 February 1895 85 years Widow 6 Wellington Avenue 3830 76305 Q 702 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, Thomas 17 March 1895 59 years Brush maker Royal Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3841 76530 323 8 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, William 13 January 1895 22 years - Workhouse 3819 76082 12 465 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wright, William 20 May 1895 11 months Infant 29 Liffey Street 3855 76809 8 372 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wrights, Florence 28 September 1895 3 months Infant 5 Grinshill Street 3886 77441 8 402 352 CEM 9/1/16
Wyke, Eliza 6 November 1895 73 years Spinster Workhouse Toxteth Park 3897 77647 8 411 352 CEM 9/1/16
Yackles, Alexander 20 September 1895 4 years Infant 37 Lydiate Street 3885 77408 8 404 352 CEM 9/1/16
Yackles, Louisa 22 July 1895 6 months Infant 37 Lydiate Street 3871 77131 8 369 352 CEM 9/1/16
Yates, Thomas 8 March 1895 75 years - 35 Goring Street 3837 76452 8 358 352 CEM 9/1/16
Yates, William 3 November 1895 8 months Infant 38 Aiken Street 3895 77615 8 393 352 CEM 9/1/16
Youds, John 3 February 1895 51 years - Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3824 76193 8 320 352 CEM 9/1/16
Young, Agnes 29 September 1895 15 years - City Hospital   Toxteth Park 3887 77448 8 408 352 CEM 9/1/16
Young, Edward 24 March 1895 11 months Infant 3 court Maynard Street 3843 76570 8 335 352 CEM 9/1/16
Young, Frederick 8 July 1895 4 years Infant City Hospital 3867 77051 8 365 352 CEM 9/1/16
Young, John A 2 January 1895 35 years - Southern Hospital   Toxteth Park 3817 76054 8 312 352 CEM 9/1/16
Yoxall, Annie 8 March 1895 5 months Infant 337 Park Road 3837 76449 8 352 352 CEM 9/1/16
Yoxall, William Edward 11 June 1895 5 years Infant 337 Park Road 3860 76919 8 355 352 CEM 9/1/16
Approx Number of  Burials 1874                
Adults 1093                
Infants 741                
Scholars 40